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85 lines (60 loc) · 2.84 KB

File metadata and controls

85 lines (60 loc) · 2.84 KB

By default, octo-cli outputs formatted json results with line-breaks and indenting. That may be all you need. If you are so inclined, you can pipe the output to something like jq and ignore the rest of this page. That's a perfectly valid approach, especially if you are already familiar with jq.


There are three flags that control the output.

--format <template>

The --format flag allows you to format output using go templates. For example, you can output just the title of an issue with --format '{{.title}}'. To see the login of the issue submitter use --format '{{.user.login}}'

There are quite a few template functions available to use. See them in Template Functions

--output-each <path>

Instead of outputting the response body as one entity, iterate over an array found at <path>.

If you are making a request that returns a list, you may want to use --output-each ..

On a command that returns a pull request, if you are only interested in its labels, you may want to use --output-each .labels

--output-each is primarily useful in conjunction with --format.


Don't do any formatting. Just output the response body exactly as-is. When --raw-output is set, --format and --output-each are ignored.


  • List numbers for open issues
$ octo issues list-for-repo --repo golang/go --per_page 3 \
    --output-each . \
    --format '{{.number | newLine}}'


--output-each . causes it to iterate over each item in the result, .number outputs the issue number and | newLine appends "\n".

  • Output tsv
octo pulls get --repo octo-cli/octo-cli --pull_number 5 \
    --format '{{ toTsv .user.login .title }}'

WillAbides	Add MIT license

You can use this in bash to set multiple environment variables from one response:

$ read -r PR_AUTHOR PR_TITLE <<< "$(octo pulls get \
    --repo octo-cli/octo-cli --pull_number 5 \
    --format '{{ toTsv .user.login .title }}')"
$ echo $PR_AUTHOR
$ echo $PR_TITLE
Add MIT license

Use toTsv with column -ts $'\t' to output a human-readable table:

$ octo issues list-for-repo --repo golang/go --direction asc --per_page 5  \
    --output-each . \
    --format '{{toTsv .number .title .user.login}}' \
    | column -ts $'\t'

101  doc: manual pages for Go tools                                                       gopherbot
377  proposal: spec: various changes to :=                                                agl
395  proposal: spec: use (*[4]int)(x) to convert slice x into array pointer               rogpeppe
449  cmd/vet: warn about unused struct or array, ignoring assignment to field or element  gopherbot
463  gccgo: compilation fails on Darwin                                                   gopherbot