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Jade Meskill edited this page Oct 17, 2017 · 1 revision

Problem requires sticky sessions in order to support multiple backends. For Meshblu in large scale settings, we have used haproxy to provide stickiness.

For use with Docker Swarm see: octoblu/swarm-haproxy-socket-io


  stats socket /tmp/haproxy.sock
  maxconn 80000

resolvers dns
  nameserver dns1
  hold valid 2m

  log    global
  mode   http
  timeout client 60s            # Client and server timeout must match the longest
  timeout server 300s           # time we may wait for a response from the server.
  timeout queue  120s           # Don't queue requests too long if saturated.
  timeout connect 10s           # There's no reason to change this one.
  timeout http-request 300s     # A complete request may never take that long.
  timeout tunnel 2h
  retries         3
  option redispatch
  option httplog
  option dontlognull
  option http-server-close      # enable HTTP connection closing on the server side
  option abortonclose           # enable early dropping of aborted requests from pending queue
  option httpchk                # enable HTTP protocol to check on servers health
  stats auth opsworks:opsworks
  stats uri /haproxy?stats

backend meshblu-socket-io
  balance roundrobin
  timeout queue 5000
  timeout server 86400000
  timeout connect 86400000
  timeout check 1s
  option forwardfor
  no option httpclose
  option http-server-close
  option forceclose
  # this must be the partial url
  option httpchk GET /healthcheck
  stick-table type string len 40 size 20M expire 2m
  stick store-response set-cookie(io)
  stick on cookie(io)
  stick on url_param(sid)

  server server1 server1.local:80 resolvers dns resolve-prefer ipv4 check inter 1m
  server server2 server2.local:80 resolvers dns resolve-prefer ipv4 check inter 1m

frontend http-in
  bind :80
  default_backend meshblu-socket-io
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