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File metadata and controls

106 lines (76 loc) · 3.9 KB


dolabra is a Trip Management System, aimed to be help outdoor clubs / organizations organize and plan trips. Unlike a generic meetup service ( for example), dolabra has many features that would be unused for non-outdoor trips.


  • golang. See .go-version for specific version. goenv is recommended for managing go versions.


Photos are stored on gdrive and require 2 accounts minimum

  • One to own the photos and share them with other leaders (through gdrive)
  • One system account created with GCP to manage the photos
    • You will be given the option to download system account credentials during creation, which are used below
    • The system account email must be given Editor permission to the main photos folder.

The photos structure is fairly flexible. We only neeed to know the folder containing trips and the folder containing homephotos

We recommend creating a "main" folder for all photos, then creating 2 folders inside named TRIPS and HOMEPHOTOS. Folders are auto-created inside these folders when photos are uploaded.


The SMTP_FROM_ variables are used to create a system account as the first entry in the database so it's easy to reference when sending emails without additional overhead.

tl;dr we can pass in 0 as the person who's sending the email and it just works(tm).

This system account is -always- put in the From field and should be designed to catch bounced emails. Sometimes the reply-to field is also filled if the email is being sent by a specific person.

Dev Mode

The DEV variable enables the /auth/dev/{sub} path allowing scripts to easily send in a custom sub (auth identifier) without going through a proper idp.


Register a Stripe webhook on the checkout.session.completed event to send events to https://API_URL/noauth/payment/success. The relevant env vars should be self-explanatory.

Environmental Variables

Create dolabra.env (copy dolabra.env.sample) with the following variables defined:

  • COOKIE_DOMAIN: Domain to use for cookies (should be shared between api & frontend)
  • EMAIL_LABEL: Label used in email subjects, ie '[MY CLUB] New notification'
  • FRONTEND_URL: Frontend url (for linking from emails)
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS access key (for SES)
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS secret key (for SES)
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: Client Secret for Google Sign-in
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: Client Id for Google Sign-in
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: Path to json file with GCP system account credentials. Place this file in data/.
  • GDRIVE_TRIPS_FOLDER_ID: Gdrive folder containing trips (for Photos)
  • GDRIVE_HOME_PHOTOS_FOLDER_ID: Gdrive folder containing homephotos (for Photos)
  • SMTP_FROM_NAME_DEFAULT: Name of person in the From field
  • SMTP_FROM_EMAIL_DEFAULT: Email put in the From field
  • STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY: Public key for Stripe payments
  • STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: Secret key for Stripe payments
  • STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET: Webhook secret for Stripe payments
  • DEV: Optionally set to 1 to enable developer mode

Running it

./ up starts a local instance for dev or testing purposes. Take a look at https://github/ocvt/aws for examples running in production.


  • ./launch static-check runs staticcheck and sqlvet
  • ./launch format runs go fmt
  • ./launch full-test builds everything and runs python integration tests from the tests folder
  • See ./launch


  • 403 is returned if the error is related to permissions or user input (ie trying to signup with a pet on a trip that does not allow pets), otherwise 400 is used for generic errors or whenever we don't 100% know the cause of the issue
  • trip signups include a short_notice option indicating if they're ok with changing from waitlist to attend close to when the trip starts. It is not currently used.


  • Get name and email from OIDC if possible