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Battlerite API telemetry parser.


The "telemetry" is a per-match file served over HTTP by Stunlock Studios. It contains detailed events about what occurs in each round of a match--much more detail than is exposed via the Battlerite API.

To get a match telemetry file, you will need a URL located in the "match details" response body. You can interact with the API using a library like furrycorn.

Once you obtain the URL for the match telemetry, use this library to parse it.

The parsed result is a structured object model of telemetry data, rendering it much easier to find the data you need.


We're using the wiki to document warhound. Feel free to make contributions.


pip install warhound should do it for your projects.


Requirement setup should be a breeze using pipenv.

If you're using nixos, simply boot a nix-shell in the project directory to get a development shell.

For the rest of the world:

  1. Clone the directory and navigate to your local repo in a command line.
  2. pipenv install --three
  3. pipenv shell

For development, make sure PYTHONPATH includes the project root. Run tests with py.test.

Please submit changes by pull request on an aptly named topic branch.

Code Style

The author of this library prefers a functional style of coding which centers on "types". It's a lot easier to reason about types than logical steps, and given the highly structured nature of jsonapi, it felt like a good fit.

Feel free to message with any questions you have. I'm happy to help and explain.


This project is Copyright © 2018 and licensed under the MIT license. View the license for details.