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Mixed Complementarity Problems (MCP)

Note that MCP is more general than Linear Complementarity Problems (LCP) and Nonlinear Complementarity Problems (NCP).

The form of MCP is as follows:

F(x) ⟂ lb ≤ x ≤ ub

which means

  • x = lb, then F(x) ≥ 0
  • lb < x < ub, then F(x) = 0
  • x = ub, then F(x) ≤ 0

When there is no upper bound ub, and the lower bound lb=0, then it is a regular Nonlinear Complementarity Problem (NCP) of the form:

0 ≤ F(x) ⟂ x ≥ 0

which means

F(x)' x = 0, F(x) ≥ 0, x ≥ 0

When F(x) is a linear mapping such as F(x) = M x + q with matrix M and vector q, then it is a Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP). All these problems are solved by the PATH Solver which is wrapped by the PATHSolver.jl package.

This package Complementarity.jl extends the modeling language from JuMP.jl to model complementarity problems.

Solution via PATHSolver.jl


Without a license, the PATH Solver can solve problem instances up to with up to 300 variables and 2000 non-zeros. For information regarding license, visit the PATHSolver.jl page and the license page of the PATH Solver.

Example 1

using Complementarity, JuMP

m = MCPModel()

M = [0  0 -1 -1 ;
     0  0  1 -2 ;
     1 -1  2 -2 ;
     1  2 -2  4 ]

q = [2; 2; -2; -6]

lb = zeros(4)
ub = Inf*ones(4)

items = 1:4

# @variable(m, lb[i] <= x[i in items] <= ub[i])
@variable(m, x[i in items] >= 0)
@mapping(m, F[i in items], sum{M[i,j]*x[j], j in items} + q[i])
@complementarity(m, F, x)

PATHSolver.options(convergence_tolerance=1e-8, output=:yes, time_limit=3600)

status = solveMCP(m, solver=:PATHSolver)

z = getvalue(x)

The result should be [2.8, 0.0, 0.8, 1.2].

m = MCPModel()

This line prepares a JuMP Model, just same as in JuMP.jl.

@variable(m, x[i in items] >= 0)

Defining variables is exactly same as in JuMP.jl. Lower and upper bounds on the variables in the MCP model should be provided here.

@mapping(m, F[i in items], sum{M[i,j]*x[j], j in items} + q[i])

This is to define expressions for F in MCP. This is merely an alias of JuMP.@NLexpression.

@complementarity(m, F, x)

This macro matches each element of F and the complementing element of x.

PATHSolver.options(convergence_tolerance=1e-8, output=:yes, time_limit=3600)

This adjusts options of the PATH Solver. See the list of options.


This solves the MCP and stores the solution inside m, which can be accessed by getvalue(x) as in JuMP.

Linear Complementarity Problems

When your problem is an LCP, then you can specify it. All functions defined by @mapping must be linear.

solveMCP(m, linear=true)

This prevents PATHSolver from evaluating the Jacobian matrix at every iteration.

Example 2

This is a translation of transmcp.gms originally written in GAMS.

using Complementarity, JuMP

plants = ["seattle", "san-diego"]
markets = ["new-york", "chicago", "topeka"]

capacity = [350, 600]
a = Dict(zip(plants, capacity))

demand = [325, 300, 275]
b = Dict(zip(markets, demand))

elasticity = [1.5, 1.2, 2.0]
esub = Dict(zip(markets, elasticity))

distance = [ 2.5 1.7 1.8 ;
             2.5 1.8 1.4  ]
d = Dict()
for i in 1:length(plants), j in 1:length(markets)
    d[plants[i], markets[j]] = distance[i,j]

f = 90

m = MCPModel()
@variable(m, w[i in plants] >= 0)
@variable(m, p[j in markets] >= 0)
@variable(m, x[i in plants, j in markets] >= 0)

@NLexpression(m, c[i in plants, j in markets], f * d[i,j] / 1000)

@mapping(m, profit[i in plants, j in markets],    w[i] + c[i,j] - p[j])
@mapping(m, supply[i in plants],                  a[i] - sum(x[i,j] for j in markets))
@mapping(m, fxdemand[j in markets],               sum(x[i,j] for i in plants) - b[j])

@complementarity(m, profit, x)
@complementarity(m, supply, w)
@complementarity(m, fxdemand, p)

PATHSolver.options(convergence_tolerance=1e-8, output=:yes, time_limit=3600)

status = solveMCP(m)

@show getvalue(x)
@show getvalue(w)
@show getvalue(p)

@show status
@assert status == :Solved
@assert getvalue(x["seattle", "chicago"]) == 300.0
@assert getvalue(p["topeka"]) == 0.126

The result is

getvalue(x) = x: 2 dimensions:
[  seattle,:]
  [  seattle,new-york] = 49.99999533220467
  [  seattle, chicago] = 300.0
  [  seattle,  topeka] = 0.0
  [san-diego,new-york] = 275.00000466779534
  [san-diego, chicago] = 0.0
  [san-diego,  topeka] = 275.0

getvalue(w) = w: 1 dimensions:
[  seattle] = 0.0
[san-diego] = 0.0

getvalue(p) = p: 1 dimensions:
[new-york] = 0.22499999999999992
[ chicago] = 0.15299999999999955
[  topeka] = 0.126

status = :Solved


When you need warmstart, you can do either:

x_start = Dict(
@variable(m, x[i in plants, j in markets] >= 0, start=x_start[(i,j)])


@variable(m, x[i in plants, j in markets] >= 0)
setvalue(x["seattle", "chicago"], 200)

Status Symbols

status =
 [  :Solved,                          # 1 - solved
    :StationaryPointFound,            # 2 - stationary point found
    :MajorIterationLimit,             # 3 - major iteration limit
    :CumulativeMinorIterationLimit,   # 4 - cumulative minor iteration limit
    :TimeLimit,                       # 5 - time limit
    :UserInterrupt,                   # 6 - user interrupt
    :BoundError,                      # 7 - bound error (lb is not less than ub)
    :DomainError,                     # 8 - domain error (could not find a starting point)
    :InternalError                    # 9 - internal error

Solution via NLsolve.jl

Example 3

We can specify NLsolve as the solver by providing solver=:NLsolve to solveMCP().

using Complementarity

m = MCPModel()

lb = zeros(4)
ub = Inf*ones(4)
items = 1:4
@variable(m, lb[i] <= x[i in items] <= ub[i])

@mapping(m, F1, 3*x[1]^2 + 2*x[1]*x[2] + 2*x[2]^2 + x[3] + 3*x[4] -6)
@mapping(m, F2, 2*x[1]^2 + x[1] + x[2]^2 + 3*x[3] + 2*x[4] -2)
@mapping(m, F3, 3*x[1]^2 + x[1]*x[2] + 2*x[2]^2 + 2*x[3] + 3*x[4] -1)
@mapping(m, F4, x[1]^2 + 3*x[2]^2 + 2*x[3] + 3*x[4] - 3)

@complementarity(m, F1, x[1])
@complementarity(m, F2, x[2])
@complementarity(m, F3, x[3])
@complementarity(m, F4, x[4])

setvalue(x[1], 1.25)
setvalue(x[2], 0.)
setvalue(x[3], 0.)
setvalue(x[4], 0.5)

status = solveMCP(m, solver=:NLsolve)
@show status

z = getvalue(x)
Fz = [getvalue(F1), getvalue(F2), getvalue(F3), getvalue(F4)]

@show z
@show Fz

Note that initial values are provided using setvalue().

The result should look like

status = Results of Nonlinear Solver Algorithm
 * Algorithm: Trust-region with dogleg and autoscaling
 * Starting Point: [1.25,0.0,0.0,0.5]
 * Zero: [1.22474,0.0,-2.02379e-19,0.5]
 * Inf-norm of residuals: 0.000000
 * Iterations: 3
 * Convergence: true
   * |x - x'| < 0.0e+00: false
   * |f(x)| < 1.0e-08: true
 * Function Calls (f): 4
 * Jacobian Calls (df/dx): 4

z = x: 1 dimensions:
[1] = 1.2247448711263813
[2] = 0.0
[3] = -2.0237901522246342e-19
[4] = 0.5000000002286319

Fz = [-1.26298e-9,3.22474,5.0,3.62723e-11]

You can access the output of NLsolve by the following fieldnames

julia> fieldnames(status)
12-element Array{Symbol,1}:

For example:

julia> status.residual_norm

julia> status.x_converged

julia> status.f_converged