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File metadata and controls

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Accessing an API using a different API version

There actually two ways:

  • create a client with an api_version argument
  • provide the api version with the subdomain of the api when creating the path to the ressource

Create a client with a custom api version

# creds being a dict with your api_keys
# notice the use of the `suffix` argument to change the default
# extension ('.json')
client = PeonyClient(**creds, api_version='1', suffix='')

# params being the parameters of the request
req = client['ads-api'].accounts[id].reach_estimate.get(**params)

Add a version when creating the request

# notice the use of the `_suffix` argument to change the default
# extension for a request

# using a tuple as key
req = client['ads-api', '1'].accounts[id].reach_estimate.get(_suffix='',

# using a dict as key
ads = client[dict(api='ads-api', version='1')]
req = ads.accounts[id].reach_estimate.get(**kwargs, _suffix='')

You can also add more arguments to the tuple or dictionnary:

# with a dictionnary
adsapi = dict(

req = client[adsapi].accounts[id].reach_estimate.get(**kwargs,)

# with a tuple
ads = client['ads-api', '1', '', 'https://{api}{version}']
req = ads.accounts[id].reach_estimate.get(**kwargs)


Actually I never tried the ads API but this should work fine. And this seemed easier to grasp to me than using a fake api.