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arrow implementation
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odyssomay committed Jun 24, 2011
1 parent 6dff0c7 commit d05876f
Showing 1 changed file with 38 additions and 33 deletions.
71 changes: 38 additions & 33 deletions src/Hafni/arrow.clj
Expand Up @@ -14,52 +14,57 @@
`(-> ~(first flows) ~@(partition 2 (rest flows))))

(defprotocol Arrow_p
(>>> [this dest] "")
(<<< [this src] "")
(fst [this])
(snd [this])
(*** [this a])
(&&& [this a])
(||| [this arr1 arr2] [this arr1]))
(>>>_int [this dest] "")
(fst_int [this]))

(defrecord Arrow [f]
(invoke [this input] (f input))
(>>> [this dest]
(>>>_int [this dest]
(if (isa? (class this) (class dest))
(assoc this :f #((:f dest) ((:f this) %)))
(error ">>> was called, but dest isn't an arrow.")))

(<<< [this src]
(if (isa? (class this) (class src))
(>>> src this)
(error "<<< was called, but src isn't an arrow.")))
(fst_int [this] (assoc this :f (fn [[x y]] [(this x) y]))))

(fst [this] (assoc this :f (fn [[x y]] [(this x) y])))
(snd [this] (assoc this :f (fn [[x y]] [x (this y)])))
(defn arr [f]
(if (isa? (class f) (class (Arrow. identity)))
(Arrow. f)))

(*** [this a]
(if (isa? (class this) (class a))
(>>> (fst this) (snd a))
(error "*** was called, but a isn't an arrow")))
(extend-type clojure.lang.IFn
(>>>_int [this dest]
(comp dest this))
(fst_int [this]
(fn [[x y]]
[(this x) y])))

(&&& [this a]
(if (isa? (class this) (class a))
(assoc this :f (fn [x] ((*** this a) [x x])))
(error "&&& was called, but a isn't an arrow.")))
(defn >>> [& arrs]
(case (count arrs)
1 (first arrs)
2 (>>>_int (first arrs) (second arrs))
(>>>_int (first arrs) (apply >>> (rest arrs)))))

(||| [this arr1 arr2]
(if (isa? (class this) (class arr1))
(if (isa? (class this) (class arr2))
(>>> (fst this) (iarr this #(if (first %) (arr1 %) (arr2 %))))
(error "||| was called, but arr2 isn't an arrow."))
(error "||| was called, but arr1 isn't an arrow.")))
(defn <<< [& arrs]
(apply >>> (reverse arrs)))

(||| [this arr1] (||| this arr1 (iarr this (fn [_] nil)))))
(defn fst [arr]
(fst_int arr))

(defn arr [f]
(if (isa? (class f) (class (Arrow. identity)))
(Arrow. f)))
(defn snd [arr]
(>>> swap (fst arr) swap))

(defn *** [arr1 arr2]
(>>> (fst arr1) (snd arr2)))

(defn &&& [arr1 arr2]
(>>> clone (*** arr1 arr2)))

(defn |||
([arr1 arr2]
(||| arr1 arr2 (constantly nil)))
([arr1 arr2 arr3]
(>>> (fst arr1) #(if (first %) (arr2 %) (arr3 %)))))

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