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[ARCHIVED] Excel-Add-in-JS-BabylonJS

Note: This repo is archived and no longer actively maintained. Security vulnerabilities may exist in the project, or its dependencies. If you plan to reuse or run any code from this repo, be sure to perform appropriate security checks on the code or dependencies first. Do not use this project as the starting point of a production Office Add-in. Always start your production code by using the Office/SharePoint development workload in Visual Studio, or the Yeoman generator for Office Add-ins, and follow security best practices as you develop the add-in.

This is an Excel add-in that show how to deliver a great experience within a 3D scene for viewing Excel datas.

Excel sheet showing the data rendered as a 3d scene

It is using, a full JavaScript 3D engine.

In a Nutshell

This add-in takes all the datas from the current worksheet and inject them in the 3D BabylonJS Scene.

Every rows contains a position, and the associated position date & time.

The 3D scene produce a cool and smoothy pathfinding animation for each element, showing you how the people are moving into the Microsoft France lobby.

The sample is constructed with :

  • Visual Studio 2015
  • TypeScript
  • Office.js SDK for add-in
  • BabylonJS SDK

Try it out

Get the sample

Clone or download the sample, open it with Visual Studio 2015.

Please check in add in project if the start object is "Accueil.xls".
This Excel file contains pre-populated datas, mandatory for the demo :

Visual Studio project properties dialog to set the Start Document

Hit F5 and try it !


You will find the useful code in App/Welcome/Tracker.ts file :

  • Function playDatas : get the rows from the Excel worksheet and create every animations.
  • Function _setTableBinding : Create a binding using the addFromNamedItemAsync method.
  • Function _createScene : Create the BabylonJS scene importing models, textures dans visuals assets.
  • Function launchScene : Launch and render the scene. This method is called from the welcome.html page.
  • Function resetDatas : Stop the animations, reset all positions and clean the scene.

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