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190 lines (141 loc) · 4.21 KB

File metadata and controls

190 lines (141 loc) · 4.21 KB

Basic help

Basic blockchain interaction and query: get Read information from the blockchain, like accounts and balances. vote Cast your votes, securely and simply.

Main contracts interfaces: system System operations, like creating an account, setting up permission, etc. token Transfer tokens from account to account

Built-in wallet management: vault Built-in wallet, for in-memory signing, and keosd drop-in replacement.

Other tools: tools Chain-freeze and other more involved tools

General tool layout

eosc vault create eosc vault create --import eosc vault serve eosc vault add

eosc vote producers eosc vote list eosc vote proxy

eosc get account eosc get transaction eosc get transactions eosc get servants eosc get code eosc get abi eosc get table eosc get info eosc get block eosc get actions eosc get balance [account] - better than get currency balance eosio.token [account] darn!

#eosc set code #eosc set abi #eosc set account #eosc set account permission #eosc set action permission

#eosc push action [contract] [action] payload -p permission@active #eosc push transaction #eosc push transactions

eosc tx create [[contract] [action] payload] -p permission@active eosc tx create [path/to/actions.yaml] -p permission@active eosc tx sign eosc tx push (one, many trx, etc..) eosc tx pack eosc tx unpack eosc tx pack-actions eosc tx unpack-actions eosc tx review eosc tx combine [write_to.json] [tx1.json] [tx2.json] [tx3.json] eosc tx combine [write_to.json] [tx1.json] [tx2.json] [tx3.json] eosc tx combine [write_to.json] [tx1.json] [tx2.json] [tx3.json]

eosc system delegatebw eosc system newaccount eosc system sellram eosc system buyram eosc system setcode eosc system setabi eosc system updateauth eosc system linkauth eosc system voteproducers

eosc multisig propose eosc multisig list proposer eosc multisig approvals proposer proposal eosc multisig review // LIST those requested for approval (and their approval state?)

eosc token transfer

eosc compile eosc boot eosc test

eosc build skeleton --advanced forum

  • write a helloworld contract, simple use of a database
  • build make /
  • sample ABI with a struct
  • .eosc-test.yaml
  • .eosc-build.yaml

eosc build skeleton --simple forum

  • simple helloworld cpp, hpp
  • sample test suite under tests ?

eosc build env

Drops you in the build environment in docker

Detect docker install, and gives you a pointer to how to install it or something.

eosc build [now|all]

  • eosc build or eosc build now are equal
  • eosc build all navigates all subdirectories for .eosc-build.yaml


v: 1 wasmsdk: 1.2.3 build: cmake

eosc test [--keep]


nodeos_version: 1.2.2 nodeos_config: verbose-http-error: boot_sequence: mainnet-1.2.2 vault_keys:

  • 5K3434242342342412312313123123 ; Public = EOS234234
  • 5K123123123213123121212121212121 ; Public = EOS123123 data_dir: ./test/data script: ./

  • eosc nodeos run, pick up some ports, pass in some config (from eosc-test.yaml
  • eosc test
    • runs a vault with New Vault, and boots the chain with that PrivKey, belongs to EOSIO
    • vault litsen on :6668, sets
  • run, set ENV: `EOSC_GLOBAL_WALLET_URL=http://localhost:6668

#!/bin/bash -e




if [ $IN_CIRCLE_CI ] { eosc pitreos restore ./nodeos-data -t lastbomb eosc nodeos start } else { eosc nodeos start eosc nodeos bios-boot mainnet.yaml }

eosc tx sign ./fixtures/megatx_test.json

eosc system newaccount eosc system setcontract bob.wasm bob.abi

eosc tx create eosio setprods '{"prods": "eoscanadacom"}' eosc get table eosio eosio producers -L 123 | jq -r

eosc nodeos production pause eosc nodeos production resume eosc nodeos stop

BLOCKNUM=$(eosc get info | jq .block_num) eosc pitreos backup ./nodeos-data -t lastbomb -meta '{"block_id": $BLOCKNUM}'

eosc nodeos run (through docker)

eosc assert table-contents eosio producers ./table_contents.json

Implicit teardown. Shutdown nodeos, you can restart it with eosc nodeos run