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og2t edited this page Sep 9, 2011 · 2 revisions

Filter Panel is automagically generated for each Filter. It contains 4 main elements:

  1. UI window (build upon an array of objects describing each Parameter)
  2. Debug Variables Panel
  3. Preview window
  4. Histogram window

Each of the windows can be turned on or off by using the Panel interface.

  • Vars (V key) – toggles visibility of Debug Variables Panel
  • On/Off (O key) – toggles filter on/off
  • Prv (P key) – toggles filter preview window
  • Hst (H key) – toggles preview histogram windon

When Panel is active (its background is slightly lighter) you can also use keyboard keys. To show open the Panel's UI press the triangle or use left/right cursor keys.

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