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This section describes the differences in schematics between the PAL PPU version (RP2C07) and the reference NTSC PPU (RP2C02).


Found differences from NTSC PPU.

Significantly different EVEN/ODD circuitry (located to the right of the V PLA). The EvenOddOut signal goes into sprite logic instead of controlling the H/V counters:



Slightly different logic for clearing H/V counters:


Bit V0 for the phase generator comes out of the VCounter (see VideoOut schematic):


BLACK and /PICTURE signals are processed in a special way for PAL (with slight differences):


Regarding BLACK, see below.

H/V Decoders are also different.

All other parts (Horizontal and vertical FSM logic, register selection circuit, H/V counters) are the same as NTSC PPU.

H Decoder


HPLA output Pixel numbers of the line Bitmask VB Tran BLNK Tran Involved
0 277 01101010011001100100 FPorch FF
1 256 01101010101010101000 FPorch FF
2 65 10100110101010100101 yes S/EV
3 0-7, 256-263 00101010101000000000 CLIP_O / CLIP_B
4 0-255 10000000000000000010 yes CLIP_O / CLIP_B
5 339 01100110011010010101 yes 0/HPOS
6 63 10101001010101010101 yes /EVAL
7 255 00010101010101010101 yes E/EV
8 0-63 10101000000000000001 yes I/OAM2
9 256-319 01101000000000000001 yes PAR/O
10 0-255 10000000000000000011 yes yes /VIS
11 Each 0..1 00000000000010100001 yes #F/NT
12 Each 6..7 00000000000001010000 F/TB
13 Each 4..5 00000000000001100000 F/TA
14 320-335 01000110100000000001 yes /FO
15 0-255 10000000000000000001 yes F/AT
16 Each 2..3 00000000000010010000 F/AT
17 256 01101010101010101000 BPorch FF
18 4 10101010101001101000 BPorch FF
19 277 01101010011001100100 HBlank FF
20 302 01101001100101011000 HBlank FF
21 321 01100110101010100100 BURST FF
22 306 01101001011010011000 BURST FF
23 340 01100110011001101000 HCounter clear / VCounter step

V Decoder


VPLA output Line number Bitmask Involved
0 272 011010100110101010 VSYNC FF
1 269 011010101001011001 VSYNC FF
2 1 101010101010101001 PICTURE FF
3 240 000101010110101010 PICTURE FF
4 241 000101010110101001 /VSET
5 0 101010101010101010 VB FF
6 240 000101010110101010 VB FF, BLNK FF
7 311 011010010110010101 BLNK FF
8 311 011010010110010101 VCLR
9 265 011010101001101001 Even/Odd

Video Out






The color decoder is twice as big (due to the peculiarity of the PAL phase alteration). The V0 bit from the VCounter comes on the decoder to determine the parity of the current line (for phase alteration). The phase shifter is matched to a doubled decoder:



Output Bitmask
0 1001100110
1 0110100101
2 1010100101
3 0101100110
4 1001010110
5 0110011001
6 1010011010
7 0101011010
8 1001101001
9 0110101001
10 0010101010
11 1010100110
12 0101101010
13 1001011001
14 0110010110
15 1010010110
16 0101011001
17 1001101010
18 0110100110
19 1010101001
20 0101101001
21 1001011010
22 0110011010
23 1010011001
24 0101010110

(The numbering of the outputs is topological from left to right. The bit order is top-down. 1 means there is a transistor. 0 means no transistor)

The /PICTURE signal undergoes additional processing (DLATCH delay):



The /PICTURE signal comes to the Color Buffer Control circuit in unmodified form (as in NTSC PPU).

Also, the connection in the signal circuitry of /PR and /PG is mixed up, as a result of which the phase adjustment for the red and green channel works vice versa:


DAC, Emphasis and Luma Decoder circuits are the same as NTSC.


The /SLAVE signal goes through 2 additional inverters for amplification:


The B/W signal goes by roundabout ways through the multiplexer, for this purpose it is amplified by two inverters (which do not reverse the polarity of the signal):


The two signals O8/16 and I1/32 are output in inverse logic (there are additional inverters for them in the Data Reader):


The BLACK signal processing logic is screwed on:


The /BLACK signal comes out of the register block. The FET that acts as a DLatch is in the FSM block. It produces the original BLACK signal.


The output of the VBL control signal is slightly different (an additional cutoff transistor is used which is not present in the NTSC PPU):


Sprite Logic

In general, the differences are minimal, but there are nuances. All differences are marked with an exclamation mark.

No changes were found in the comparator logic.

There is only one small change in the comparison control circuit (the lowest one), related to the fact that the signal O8/16 in PAL PPU is already in inverse logic, so an inverter is not required for it:


The counter digit circuits (OAM Counter and OAM2 Counter) are modified so that there is no inverter on the output. Therefore, the outputs (index to access the OAM memory) are in forward logic (OAM0-7) and not in inverse logic as in the NTSC PPU (/OAM0-7):


The BLNK signal processing circuit (located just above the OAM2 Counter) is different:

eval_blnk eval_blnk_analysis

Most likely this DLatch is used to deal with the unaligned interaction between the CPU/PPU and register $2004. In simple words: Disabling PPU rendering in 2C07 has the effect of addressing the OAM only to the beginning of the next pixel if it was done to the "second half" of the current pixel.

The control circuit of OAM Counter for the control signal OMSTEP is additionally modified by the signal EvenOddOut, which comes from the EVEN/ODD circuit (this circuit is to the right of V PLA):


And the main difference: instead of the usual W3 Enabler, which is used in the NTSC PPU, a whole big circuit is used, which is at the very top, to the left of the RW Decoder. It generates the W3' signal similar to the NTSC PPU, but in the PAL PPU it goes through the delay line from the DLatch.



Since the OAM address (OAM0-7) is issued in direct logic, the outputs of rows 2 and 6 are rearranged for bits 2-4 of the OAM Buffer.



(NTSC PPU to the left)


(NTSC PPU to the left)

Data Reader

For the inverse signals #O8/16 and #I1/32, 2 inverters have been added where these signals enter the circuit.

o816_inv o816_orig
ppu_locator_dataread ppu_locator_dataread

Thus the inverse propagation of these signals from the register block does not introduce any significant impact compared to the NTSC PPU.


See Interconnections

Impact for emulation/simulation

This section is especially for authors of NES emulators.

It is hard to tell how to transfer these changes to your emulator sources, but here are some thoughts:

  • You need to tweak the PPU rendering logic in terms of H/V timings, according to the H/V decoder of the PPU. Its output values are in the table, you just need to relate them to what you have for the NTSC PPU
  • The PAL PPU has no NTSC Crawl logic and the Even/Odd circuit does completely different things. Its EvenOddOut signal goes into the control logic of the OAM Counter ($2003) and affects its recalculation (OMSTEP signal). You have to figure out by yourself how OMSTEP logic in NTSC PPU differs from PAL PPU, taking into account EvenOddOut signal.
  • You also need to consider the write delay in register $2003, which is implemented by the W3 Enabler circuit.

Everything else is probably irrelevant to software emulation.

As for the video output, based on the Phase Shifter circuit and Chroma decoder values, it is now possible to make a filter/shader like the NTSC Filter by blargg. An experienced NES hacker can easily do it here.