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File metadata and controls

69 lines (57 loc) · 3.74 KB


FlowerLapse is a fully configurable tool to create timelapses. It depends on just OpenCV for all image related stuff (reading/writing, combining, overlays, etc.) and AP Scheduler to schedule the framegrabber and timelapse generator jobs.

Usage (image generation and daily timelapses)

After installation (see how to install below) navigate to the FlowerLapse directory and run the following command:

This runs FlowerLapse with the following DEFAULT settings. An example with custom settings looks like this:
python cam_id 2 --min_between 2 --path C:/User/Fuchio/Desktop --timelapse_id cool_timelapse

To test your camera use one of the lines below:
python -test_image: Takes a single frame and shows if possible (NOT TESTED ON LINUX SERVER).
python -test_stream: Shows a videostream of the current camera.
Both can be ran by specifying a different camera id with --cam_id. Features

--cam_id: ID of your camera. Should be 0 if only one is connected. Default = 0.
--timelapse_id: ID of the timelapse, used to create directories. Default = randomly generated.
--sec_between: Seconds between each image. Default = 30. Mutually exclusive with min_between
--min_between: Minutes between each image. Default = 0 (not used). Mutually exclusive with sec_between
--start_hour: Hour to start taking pictures Between 0 and 24. Default = 8.
--end_hour: Hour to end taking pictures. Between 0 and 24. Default = 22.
--timezone: Timezone for correct start and end hour settings. Default = CET.
--fps: FPS for the daily timelapse. Default = 30.
--path: Base path to save your timelapse.
--extension: Image extension to save the images. Default = jpg.
-overlay_off: BOOL add -overlay_off to the call to create timelapse without timestamp overlay.
-test_image: BOOL add -test_image to run the single image test instead of timelapse generation.
-test_stream: BOOL add -test_stream to run the video stream test instead of timelapse generation. (extended timelapse generation)

Navigate to the FlowerLapse directory and run the following command:
python --timelapse_id <your_timelapse_id>
The features for work the same as flowerlapse. See possibilities below. Features

--timelapse_id: REQUIRED ID of all the timelapse where all daily timelapses will be taken from.
--path: Required if specified with Base path where your timelapse is saved.
--start_date: TODO
--end_date: TODO
--fps: FPS for the total timelapse. Default = 30.


  • Daily timelapses are created at 23:55 of that day.


Clone this repo with:
git clone
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Navigate to /FlowerLapse/ and you should be able to run the code!

If you get "opencv importerror" run the following: sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev

TODO features list:

  • Possibility to restart an existing timelapse
  • Multiple options for video extension if requested, just .mp4 now
  • Add # of image and length of timelapse calculations to
  • Settable (x, y) resolution
  • Possibility to specify a start and end date for the total timelapse
  • Add TQDM to track progress when running
  • Use default camera resolution instead of 640x480
  • Add overlay with current datetime and flowerlapse


A Commons Clause license is used on top of Apache 2.0. This means you can still do pretty much anything with the code except taking it and selling it as is. If you build a complete application around this you are still free to sell the software.