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Patterns and Pitfalls


Dealing with greedy matching

In Ohm, like other PEG-based tools, the repetition operators * and + are greedy, meaning they always consume as much input as possible. This is different than the way that * works in regular expressions. For example, the regular expression /^a*a/ will successfully match 'aaa', whereas in Ohm, the equivalent parsing expression "a"* "a" can never match any input.

You can use negative lookahead (~) to prevent a repetition from matching too many characters. E.g., the following rule will match all but the last 'a' in a string:

allButLastA = (~("a" end) "a")*

The expression "a" end means "match an 'a' at the end of the input", and ~("a" end) "a" means "match an 'a' only if it is not the last 'a' at the end of the input".

For a more realistic example, see the next section on delimited strings.

Delimited strings

A common use for negative lookahead is implementing delimited strings and comments. For example, to support JavaScript-style multiline strings delimited by `:

stringDelimiter = "`"
string = stringDelimiter (~stringDelimiter any)* stringDelimiter

The expression ~stringDelimiter any means "match any character not matched by stringDelimiter".

Supporting comments

In most languages, comments are treated as a form of whitespace. Ohm has implicit space skipping (see Syntactic vs. Lexical rules), which is controlled by the space rule. To add comments to your language, you first need to define a comment rule. Here's an example of C-style (/*/*/-delimited) comments:

comment = "/*" (~"*/" any)* "*/"

Then, you need to extend the space rule in your grammar so that Ohm will treat the comments as whitespace:

space += comment

Reserved words / keywords

Many programming languages have the concept of reserved words — identifiers that have a special meaning, and can't be used as the name of a variable, function, etc. In Ohm grammars, it's common to define a separate lexical rule for each reserved word. For example, here's the definition of the keyword rule in our ES5 grammar:

  keyword = break    | do        | instanceof | typeof
          | case     | else      | new        | var
          | catch    | finally   | return     | void
          | continue | for       | switch     | while
          | debugger | function  | this       | with
          | default  | if        | throw
          | delete   | in        | try

🐍 There are a couple of things to watch out for:

  • One reserved word might be a prefix of another, e.g., in and instanceof in JavaScript.
  • Identifiers that begin with a reserved word shouldn't be disallowed, e.g. className.

To prevent both of these potential problems, you can use negative lookahead in the rules for your reserved words. For example:

  in = "in" ~identifierPart

This ensures that (a) the in rule won't accidentally match the wrong keyword (like "instanceof"), and (b) it won't match a valid identifier like "inProgress".

Matching exactly n times

Unlike regular expressions, Ohm does not support quantifier syntax to indicate the number of times an expression should be matched. However, this can be implemented using a normal sequence:

zipCode = digit digit digit digit

Operator precedence

The common way to handle operator precedence in Ohm is to use left-recursive rules which encode the precedence in the grammar structure. For example:

  exp = addExp

  addExp = addExp "+" mulExp  -- plus
         | addExp "-" mulExp  -- minus
         | mulExp

  mulExp = mulExp "*" priExp  -- times
         | mulExp "/" priExp  -- divide
         | priExp

Note that the rule for the lower precedence operators (+ and -) invokes the rule for the higher-precedence operators (*//). This ensures that the higher-precedence operators "bind more tightly". See Ray Toal's Operator Precedence and Associativity Examples for more.

🐍 Ambiguous recursion

Notice that in the arithmetic grammar above, mulExp appears on the right hand side of all of addExp's cases. Be careful that you don't write rules that are "ambiguously recursive", e.g. addExp = addExp "+" addExp. If you write your grammar like this, a reader can't tell whether + is left-associative or right-associative. (In Ohm, you will actually get a right-assiciative parse — see #56 for details.)


Iteration nodes

Iteration nodes are associated with expressions inside a repetition operator (*, +, and ?). E.g., for the grammar G { letters = letter+ }, the single argument to the letters action will be an iteration node. There are two main ways to handle iteration nodes inside semantic actions:

  1. Use array operations (map, filter, etc.) on the node's children attribute. For example, => c.prettyPrint()) would invoke the prettyPrint operation on each child of the iteration node.
  2. Define an _iter action for your operation, which allows you to write something like iterNode.prettyPrint(). If you have not defined an _iter action for the operation, this will result in a "missing semantic action" error.

Optional nodes

An optional node (associated with the ? operator) is just an iteration node with at most one child. In modern JavaScript (EMCAScript 2020+) and TypeScript, the optional chaining operator provides a convenient way to deal with optional nodes:


This evaluates to either (a) undefined, if the node has no child, or (b) the result of calling myOperation() on the child. In older versions of JavaScript, you can achieve the same thing via optNode.child(0) && optNode.child(0).myOperation(). Another way to do the same thing is: => c.myOperation())[0].

Handling the built-in list rules

When using the built-in list rules (listOf, etc.) in your grammar, you usually don't need to write semantic actions for them. Instead, you can use the built-in asIteration operation.