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File metadata and controls

123 lines (90 loc) · 3.91 KB


Viceroy expects you to have a view in your app that loads your Javascript testing framework, the Viceroy Javascript library and your testing code. For both Django and Flask it will provide a flag for when your code is in Viceroy testing, so you can load those files conditionally if you wish to re-use a template used in your app.

No matter what you're using on the Javascript or Python side, your main entry point into Viceroy is :pyviceroy.api.build_test_case, which will build a test case class for you (and return it). It takes the following arguments:

  • class_name: The name of the class you want to build.
  • source_file: Full path to the source file.
  • scanner_class: Class that scans your source_file for test methods, this will depend on your Javascript framework of choice.
  • base_class: Base class for the test case, this will depend on your Python framework of choice.
  • All other keyword arguments will be set as class attributes on the class being built. A common keyword argument is viceroy_url which is the URL at which your test view is served.


Viceroy will set settings.VICEROY_TESTING to True when running Viceroy tests.


Include viceroy.contrib.django.urls in your urls. This will allow you to serve the Viceroy Javascript libraries from that URL. This view will only work if settings.VICEROY_TESTING is True and otherwise will always return a 404 response.

You may optionally install the viceroy.contrib.django.context_processor.viceroy context processor, which will set the template context variable VICEROY_TESTING to True if the template is being rendered in a Viceroy test.


To use QUnit, build a view and template that load the following Javascript files. Order matters:

  • QUnit itself.
  • viceroy.js which can be served from the urls you included above.
  • qunit-bridge.js which can also be served from the urls you included above.
  • Your test file.

Assuming your test file is located at /path/to/tests.js on your filesystem, and the url to the view that loads the tests at /test-url/ you would build the test class as follows:

from viceroy.api import build_test_case
from viceroy.contrib.django import ViceroyDjangoTestCase
from viceroy.contrib.qunit import QUnitScanner

MyTestCase = build_test_case(


Jasmine works mostly the same as django-qunit, however you need to load the following Javascript files, again order matters:

  • Jasmine itself.
  • viceroy.js from the included urls.
  • jasmine-bridge.js from the included urls.
  • Your test file.

Build the test case as described in django-qunit, but replace the QUnitScanner with JasmineScanner, which you can import from viceroy.contrib.jasmine.


With Flask, you're responsible to serve the Viceroy Javascript files yourself. For your convenience, you may use viceroy.constants.VICEROY_STATIC_ROOT which is the path to the directory holding viceroy.js, qunit-bridge.js and jasmine-bridge.js.

VICEROY_TESTING in your app.config will be set to True during Viceroy testing.

Testing in Flask works pretty much the same as django, but substitute the ViceroyDjangoTestCase with ViceroyFlaskTestCase and make sure to pass your Flask app as the viceroy_flask_app keyword argument to build_test_case.


Besides the required viceroy_flask_app extra keyword argument to build_test_case there are the following optional configuration values:

  • viceroy_flask_port: Port to use, default 5000.
  • viceroy_flask_silent: Whether to hide the Werkzeug log, default True.