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dashboard authorizations FIXMEs amended otherwise non-issue
  • Loading branch information
tobes committed Nov 21, 2012
2 parents 2940296 + 9ed808b commit a1f8c1c
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Showing 22 changed files with 1,520 additions and 1,796 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions ckan/lib/
Expand Up @@ -130,6 +130,15 @@ def command(self):
if self.verbose:
print 'Initialising DB: SUCCESS'
elif cmd == 'clean' or cmd == 'drop':

# remove any *.pyc version files to prevent conflicts
v_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'..', 'migration', 'versions', '*.pyc')
import glob
filelist = glob.glob(v_path)
for f in filelist:

if self.verbose:
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions ckan/logic/action/
Expand Up @@ -1917,8 +1917,11 @@ def group_activity_list(context, data_dict):

# Get the group's activities.
query = model.Session.query(model.Activity)
query = query.filter(_or_(model.Activity.object_id == group_id,
if dataset_ids:
query = query.filter(_or_(model.Activity.object_id == group_id,
query = query.filter(model.Activity.object_id == group_id)
query = query.order_by(_desc(model.Activity.timestamp))
query = query.limit(15)
activity_objects = query.all()
Expand Down
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion ckan/logic/auth/
Expand Up @@ -202,18 +202,26 @@ def member_roles_list(context, data_dict):

def dashboard_activity_list(context, data_dict):
if 'user' in context:
# FIXME: context['user'] could be an IP address but that case is not
# handled here. Maybe add an auth helper function like is_logged_in().
if context.get('user'):
return {'success': True}
return {'success': False,
'msg': _("You must be logged in to access your dashboard.")}

def dashboard_new_activities_count(context, data_dict):
# FIXME: This should go through check_access() not call is_authorized()
# directly, but wait until 2939-orgs is merged before fixing this.
# This is so a better not authourized message can be sent.
return new_authz.is_authorized('dashboard_activity_list',
context, data_dict)

def dashboard_mark_all_new_activities_as_old(context, data_dict):
# FIXME: This should go through check_access() not call is_authorized()
# directly, but wait until 2939-orgs is merged before fixing this.
# This is so a better not authourized message can be sent.
return new_authz.is_authorized('dashboard_activity_list',
context, data_dict)
55 changes: 33 additions & 22 deletions ckan/tests/functional/api/
Expand Up @@ -46,27 +46,32 @@ def setup_class(cls):
def teardown_class(cls):

def post(self, action, params=None, apikey=None, status=200):
'''Post to the CKAN API and return the result.'''
if params is None:
params = {}
params = json.dumps(params)
response ='/api/action/{0}'.format(action),
extra_environ={'Authorization': str(apikey)},
if status in (200,):
assert response.json['success'] is True
return response.json['result']
assert response.json['success'] is False
return response.json['error']

def dashboard_new_activities_count(self, user):
'''Return the given user's new activities count from the CKAN API.'''
params = json.dumps({})
response ='/api/action/dashboard_new_activities_count',
extra_environ={'Authorization': str(user['apikey'])})
assert response.json['success'] is True
new_activities_count = response.json['result']
return new_activities_count

def dashboard_activity_list(self, user):
'''Return the given user's dashboard activity list from the CKAN API.
params = json.dumps({})
response ='/api/action/dashboard_activity_list',
extra_environ={'Authorization': str(user['apikey'])})
assert response.json['success'] is True
activity_list = response.json['result']
return activity_list
return'dashboard_activity_list', apikey=user['apikey'])

def dashboard_new_activities(self, user):
'''Return the activities from the user's dashboard activity stream
Expand All @@ -75,12 +80,17 @@ def dashboard_new_activities(self, user):
return [activity for activity in activity_list if activity['is_new']]

def dashboard_mark_all_new_activities_as_old(self, user):
params = json.dumps({})
response =
extra_environ={'Authorization': str(user['apikey'])})
assert response.json['success'] is True'dashboard_mark_all_new_activities_as_old',

def test_00_dashboard_activity_list_not_logged_in(self):'dashboard_activity_list', status=403)

def test_00_dashboard_new_activities_count_not_logged_in(self):'dashboard_new_activities_count', status=403)

def test_00_dashboard_mark_new_activities_not_logged_in(self):'dashboard_mark_all_new_activities_as_old', status=403)

def test_01_new_activities_count_for_new_user(self):
'''Test that a newly registered user's new activities count is 0.'''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,10 +206,11 @@ def test_06_mark_new_activities_as_read(self):
def test_07_maximum_number_of_new_activities(self):
'''Test that the new activities count does not go higher than 15, even
if there are more than 15 new activities from the user's followers.'''
for n in range(0,20):
for n in range(0, 20):
notes = "Updated {n} times".format(n=n)
params = json.dumps({'name': 'warandpeace', 'notes': notes})
response ='/api/action/package_update', params=params,
response ='/api/action/package_update',
extra_environ={'Authorization': str(self.joeadmin['apikey'])})
assert response.json['success'] is True
assert self.dashboard_new_activities_count(self.new_user) == 15
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ckan_deb/usr/lib/ckan/
Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ ckan_ensure_db_exists () {
COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -c "select datname from pg_database where datname='$INSTANCE'"`
if ! [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ ${INSTANCE} ]] ; then
echo "Creating the database ..."
sudo -u postgres createdb -O ${INSTANCE} ${INSTANCE}
sudo -u postgres createdb -O ${INSTANCE} ${INSTANCE} -E utf-8
paster --plugin=ckan db init --config=/etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
Expand Down
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions doc/architecture.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
CKAN Code Architecture

This section tries to give some guidelines for writing code that is consistent
with the intended, overall design and architecture of CKAN.

Encapsulate SQLAlchemy in ``ckan.model``

Ideally SQLAlchemy should only be used within ``ckan.model`` and not from other
packages such as ``ckan.logic``. For example instead of using an SQLAlchemy
query from the logic package to retrieve a particular user from the database,
we add a ``get()`` method to ``ckan.model.user.User``::

def get(cls, user_id):
query = ...
return query.first()

Now we can call this method from the logic package.

Database Migrations

When changes are made to the model classes in ``ckan.model`` that alter CKAN's
database schema, a migration script has to be added to migrate old CKAN
databases to the new database schema when they upgrade their copies of CKAN.
See :doc:`migration`.

Always go through the Action Functions

Whenever some code, for example in ``ckan.lib`` or ``ckan.controllers``, wants
to get, create, update or delete an object from CKAN's model it should do so by
calling a function from the ``ckan.logic.action`` package, and *not* by
accessing ``ckan.model`` directly.

Action Functions are Exposed in the API

The functions in ``ckan.logic.action`` are exposed to the world as the
:doc:`apiv3`. The API URL for an action function is automatically generated
from the function name, for example
``ckan.logic.action.create.package_create()`` is exposed at
``/api/action/package_create``. See `Steve Yegge's Google platforms rant
<>`_ for some
interesting discussion about APIs.

**All** publicly visible functions in the
``ckan.logic.action.{create,delete,get,update}`` namespaces will be exposed
through the :doc:`apiv3`. **This includes functions imported** by those
modules, **as well as any helper functions** defined within those modules. To
prevent inadvertent exposure of non-action functions through the action api,
care should be taken to:

1. Import modules correctly (see `Imports`_). For example: ::

import as search


2. Hide any locally defined helper functions: ::

def _a_useful_helper_function(x, y, z):
'''This function is not exposed because it is marked as private```
return x+y+z

3. Bring imported convenience functions into the module namespace as private
members: ::

_get_or_bust = logic.get_or_bust

Use ``get_action()``

Don't call ``logic.action`` functions directly, instead use ``get_action()``.
This allows plugins to override action functions using the ``IActions`` plugin
interface. For example::


Instead of ::


Auth Functions and ``check_access()``

Each action function defined in ``ckan.logic.action`` should use its own
corresponding auth function defined in ``ckan.logic.auth``. Instead of calling
its auth function directly, an action function should go through
``ckan.logic.check_access`` (which is aliased ``_check_access`` in the action
modules) because this allows plugins to override auth functions using the
``IAuthFunctions`` plugin interface. For example::

def package_show(context, data_dict):
_check_access('package_show', context, data_dict)

``check_access`` will raise an exception if the user is not authorized, which
the action function should not catch. When this happens the user will be shown
an authorization error in their browser (or will receive one in their response
from the API).


The ``data_dict`` parameter of logic action functions may be user provided, so
required files may be invalid or absent. Naive Code like::

id = data_dict['id']

may raise a ``KeyError`` and cause CKAN to crash with a 500 Server Error
and no message to explain what went wrong. Instead do::

id = _get_or_bust(data_dict, "id")

which will raise ``ValidationError`` if ``"id"`` is not in ``data_dict``. The
``ValidationError`` will be caught and the user will get a 400 Bad Request
response and an error message explaining the problem.

Validation and ``ckan.logic.schema``

Logic action functions can use schema defined in ``ckan.logic.schema`` to
validate the contents of the ``data_dict`` parameters that users pass to them.

An action function should first check for a custom schema provided in the
context, and failing that should retrieve its default schema directly, and
then call ``_validate()`` to validate and convert the data. For example, here
is the validation code from the ``user_create()`` action function::

schema = context.get('schema') or ckan.logic.schema.default_user_schema()
session = context['session']
validated_data_dict, errors = _validate(data_dict, schema, context)
if errors:
raise ValidationError(errors)

Controller & Template Helper Functions

``ckan.lib.helpers`` contains helper functions that can be used from
``ckan.controllers`` or from templates. When developing for ckan core, only use
the helper functions found in ``ckan.lib.helpers.__allowed_functions__``.

.. _Testing:


- Functional tests which test the behaviour of the web user interface, and the
APIs should be placed within ``ckan/tests/functional``. These tests can be a
lot slower to run that unit tests which don't access the database or solr. So
try to bear that in mind, and attempt to cover just what is neccessary, leaving
what can be tested via unit-testing in unit-tests.

- ```` and ```` are only available
in Python>=2.7. So import them from ``ckan.tests``, which will provide
alternatives if they're not available.

- the `mock`_ library can be used to create and interrogate mock objects.

See :doc:`test` for further information on testing in CKAN.

.. _mock:

Writing Extensions

Please see :doc:`writing-extensions` for information about writing ckan
extensions, including details on the API available to extensions.


- Anything that may be used by extensions (see :doc:`writing-extensions`) needs
to maintain backward compatibility at call-site. ie - template helper
functions and functions defined in the plugins toolkit.

- The length of time of deprecation is evaluated on a function-by-function
basis. At minimum, a function should be marked as deprecated during a point

- To mark a helper function, use the ``deprecated`` decorator found in
``ckan.lib.maintain`` eg: ::

def facet_items(*args, **kwargs):
DEPRECATED: Use the new facet data structure, and `unselected_facet_items()`
# rest of function definition.

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