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[#1117] Add unit tests for user_name_validator()
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Sean Hammond committed Jul 26, 2013
1 parent f234745 commit a3485a1
Showing 1 changed file with 142 additions and 0 deletions.
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions ckan/new_tests/logic/
Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,27 @@
'''Unit tests for ckan/logic/
import copy


import ckan.new_tests.helpers as helpers
import as test_data

class TestValidators(object):

def setup_class(cls):
# Initialize the test db (if it isn't already) and clean out any data
# left in it.

def setup(self):
import ckan.model as model
# Reset the db before each test method.

def test_name_validator_with_invalid_value(self):
'''If given an invalid value name_validator() should do raise Invalid.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,3 +102,129 @@ def test_name_validator_with_valid_value(self):
result = validators.name_validator(valid_name, context={})
assert result == valid_name, ('If given a valid string '
'name_validator() should return the string unmodified.')

def test_user_name_validator_with_non_string_value(self):
'''user_name_validator() should raise Invalid if given a non-string
import ckan.logic.validators as validators
import ckan.model as model
import ckan.lib.navl.dictization_functions as df

non_string_values = [
('a', 2, False),
[13, None, True],
{'foo': 'bar'},
lambda x: x**2,

key = ('name',)
context = {
'model': model,
'session': model.Session,
'user': '',

for non_string_value in non_string_values:
data = test_data.validator_data_dict()
data[key] = non_string_value
errors = test_data.validator_errors_dict()
errors[key] = []

# Make copies of the data and errors dicts for asserting later.
original_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
original_errors = copy.deepcopy(errors)

validators.user_name_validator(key, data, errors, context)

assert data == original_data, ("user_name_validator shouldn't "
'modify the data dict')

assert errors == original_errors, ("user_name_validator shouldn't "
'modify the errors dict')

def test_user_name_validator_with_a_name_that_already_exists(self):
'''user_name_validator() should add to the errors dict if given a
user name that already exists.
import ckan.logic.validators as validators
import ckan.model as model

existing_user = helpers.call_action('user_create',

# Try to create another user with the same name as the existing user.
data = test_data.validator_data_dict()
key = ('name',)
data[key] = existing_user['name']
errors = test_data.validator_errors_dict()
errors[key] = []
context = {
'model': model,
'session': model.Session,
'user': '',

# Make copies of the data and errors dicts for asserting later.
original_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
original_errors = copy.deepcopy(errors)

result = validators.user_name_validator(key, data, errors, context)

assert result is None, ("user_name_validator() shouldn't return "

msg = 'That login name is not available.'
assert errors[key] == [msg], ('user_name_validator() should add to '
'the errors dict when given the name of '
'a user that already exists')

errors[key] = []
assert errors == original_errors, ('user_name_validator() should not '
'modify other parts of the errors '

assert data == original_data, ('user_name_validator() should not '
'modify the data dict')

def test_user_name_validator_successful(self):
'''user_name_validator() should do nothing if given a valid name.'''

import ckan.logic.validators as validators
import ckan.model as model

data = test_data.validator_data_dict()
key = ('name',)
data[key] = 'new_user_name'
errors = test_data.validator_errors_dict()
errors[key] = []
context = {
'model': model,
'session': model.Session,
'user': '',

# Make copies of the data and errors dicts for asserting later.
original_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
original_errors = copy.deepcopy(errors)

result = validators.user_name_validator(key, data, errors, context)

assert result is None, ("user_name_validator() shouldn't return "

assert data == original_data, ("user_name_validator shouldn't modify "
'the data dict')

assert errors == original_errors, ("user_name_validator shouldn't "
'modify the errors dict')

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