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Automated Operating System is a mod that lets you program your own flight computers and automate your SFS creations.

Installation Steps

Download from the latest release and extract in the SFS Mods folder, place your scripts in the scripts folder inside the AOL folder, install UITools and you are good to go.

Creating Scripts

The mod injects the following variables to the lua file:

throttle - 0-100 precentage of throttle
angle - angle of the rocket in degrees
altitude - current altitude above terrain in meters
velocity - velocity vector of the rocket
angular_velocity - angular velocity of the rocket
mass - mass of the rocket
turn - turning force from -1 to 1
SAS - boolean deciding if SAS should be enabled

and it injects the following functions

stage() - seperates the first stage

All code placed in the update(delta) function will be run on a loop with delta being the time since last frame.

Running Scripts

In the world scene there is a minimized window, open it, choose your script, and click run to start.