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Themes Documentation

Themes Documentation

This documentation is for creating custom themes in PortfolioDeck. Don't hesitate to drop us a line if you got any questions or comments. Send an email to

We use Liquid as our templating language. If you ever have designed themes in Shopify you've used it. If you're new to Liquid, please take a couple of minutes to read through Liquid for designers. Don't worry, we'll wait. Done? Good, let's proceed.


Templates and assets ## {#templates}

A theme consists of six template files and accompanying assets (stylesheets, javascripts and graphics). There is a template for each page type. There is also a layout template for the framework of the site (header, navigation and footer). Each page template is rendered inside the layout template.

layout.liquid ### {#layout_template}

The layout template is used to set the framework for the site. This is were you'll place all the elements that should be available on every page of your site. E.g. logo, navigation, footer. It is also in this template that you write your <html>, <head> and <body> tags.

Available objects

index.liquid ### {#index_template}

The index template is your sites front-page.

Available objects

collection.liquid ### {#collection_template}

This template renders a collections page. The main purpose of this page would most likely be to show the sets in a collection.

Available objects

set.liquid ### {#set_template}

This template renders a set page. On this page you can, for example, show the first item in the set or an overview of all items in the set.

Available objects

item.liquid ### {#item_template}

This template renders an item page. An item is an image that you have uploaded and placed in a set. On this page you might want to render the image in your preferred size and display title and description.

Available objects

page.liquid ### {#page_template}

The template renders one of your static pages.

Available objects

Global objects ## {#global}

These objects are available in all template files.

  • portfolio
  • contact
  • collections
  • sets
  • page_title


    Returns a string with the name you choose for your portfolio. To change your portfolio name go to Customize and click ”Edit info”.
  • portfolio.description
    Returns a string with your description/tagline. The description can be changed in the same location as the name.
  • portfolio.url
    Returns the full url to your portfolio.


The contact object contains all your contact details supplied under Customize / Your Info.

  • contact.url
    Returns the web address supplied under contact details. This is not the same as portfolio.url.
  • contact.address
  • contact.post_code
  • contact.twitter
    Returns an url to your twitter (if supplied).
  • contact.facebook
    Returns an url to your Facebook profile (if supplied).


The collections object is available in all templates. It contains a list of all collections in the portfolio. You can also retrieve a specific collection with its handle e.g. collections.main, where main is the handle, will return the collection with the handle main. Check out the docs for the collection object.

For example, if you want to create a list of links to all your collections:

For some stupid reason this is necessary so that Jekyll do not parse the following examples as liquid. {{ '{% if collections != empty %}' }}
{% if collections != empty %}
  {% for _collection in collections %}
    <li><a href="{{ _collection | path }}">{{ _collection.title }}</a></li>
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}


The sets object is available in all templates. It contains a list of all sets in the portfolio. You can also retrieve a specific set with its handle (e.g. sets.main, where main is the handle). Check out the docs for the set object.

For example, if you wanted to create a list of links to all your sets:

{% if sets != empty %}
  {% for _set in sets %}
    <li><a href="{{ _set | path }}">{{ _set.title }}</a></li>
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}


The pages object is available in all templates. It contains a list of all pages in the portfolio. You can also retrieve a specific page with its handle (e.g. pages.main, where main is the handle). Check out the docs for the page object.

For example, if you wanted to create a list of links to all your pages:

{% if pages != empty %}
  {% for _page in pages %}
    <li><a href="{{ _page | path }}">{{ _page.title }}</a></li>
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}


page_title returns a string with the title of the current page. If the current page is a set it returns the set.title and so on for page, collection and item.

Template specific objects ## {#template_objects}

  • collection
  • set
  • item
  • page

Collection ### {#collection_object}

The current collection is retrieved with collection. It is available in the collection.liquid template. These variables are available on the collection object:

  • collection.title
    Returns a string with the collections title.
  • collection.description
    Returns a string with the collections description.
  • collection.uri
    Returns a string with the URI for the collection.
  • collection.sets
    Returns an array with the sets in the collecti[.

Set ### {#collection_set}

The current set is retrieved with set. It is available in the set.liquid template. These are the available variables on the set object:

  • set.title
    Returns a string with the sets title.
  • set.description
    Returns a string with the sets description.
  • set.cover
    Returns a object with the sets cover image.
  • set.items
    Returns an array with the items in the set.

Item ### {#item_object}

The current item is retrieved with item. It is available in the item.liquid template. These variables are available on the item object:

  • item.title
    Returns a string with the items title.
  • item.description
    Returns a string with the items description.
  • item.width
    Returns an integer with the width of the original.
  • item.height
    Returns an integer with the height of the original.
  • item.landscape
    Returns TRUE if width > height.
  • item.portrait
    Returns TRUE if width < height.
  • item.next_item
    Returns an object with the next item in the set.
  • item.previous_item
    Returns an object with the previous item in the set.
  • item.set
    Returns an object with the set the item belongs.
  • item.position
    Returns an integer with the items position in relation to the other items in the set[

Page ### {#page_object}

The current page is retrieved with page. It is available in the page.liquid. These are the available objects:

  • page.title
    Returns a string with the page title.
  • page.body
    Returns a string with the pages body content.

Filters ## {#filters}

This is the filters we have set up specifically for PortfolioDeck. Liquid also has its own standard filters.

  • path
  • path_with_collection
  • asset_tag


The path filter is used to get the address for a collection, set, item or page. Example:

<a href="{{ collection | path }}">{{ collection.title }}</a>
<a href="/collection/the-title">The Title</a>


The path_with_collection filter is used to get the address for a set or item with the parent collection added to the address. Example:

<a href="{{ set | path_with_collection: collection }}">{{ set.title }}</a>
<a href="/collection/collection-title/set/set-title">The Title</a>


The asset_tag filter is used to get the HTML for an item. Example:

{{ item | asset_tag: `685` }}
<img src="" alt="Item Title" width="685" height="400">


The image_url filter is used get the url for a item. Example

{{ item | image_url: `w400` }}

{{ set.cover | image_url: `80` }}

Image sizes ## {#sizes}

As you see in the example above we supply 685 to the asset tag. This is the size the asset will be displayed in. There are a couple of different ways to get the desired size.

  • 685
    Renders the image within a 685px square. If the image is in landscape format it will be 685px wide. An image in portrait format will be 685px high.
  • 685x500
    Renders the image within a rectangle with a width of 685px and a height of 500px.
  • w685
    Renders the image with a width of 685px.
  • h685
    Renders the image with a height of 685px.
  • c200x250
    Renders the image cropped to 200px width and 250px height.


{{ item | asset_tag: `w685` }}

{{ item | image_url: `w400` }}