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File metadata and controls

458 lines (323 loc) · 12.2 KB


east - node.js database migration tool for different databases (extensible via adapters).

east connects to the db using particular adapter (mongodb, sqlite, postgres, mysql, couchbase), keeps track of executed migrations by storing their names inside db and makes connect to the db available inside migrate and rollback functions. east encourages you to use for migrations driver/syntax with which you are already familiar with (apparently you use it for work with db at your application) and doesn't provide universal api for working with any kind of database.

Npm version Build Status Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities

Following subjects described below:

Node.js compatibility

east itself requires node.js >= 8 to work.

Please note that particular adapter may have another requirements (see documentation for specific adapter).


npm install east -g

alternatively you could install it locally


All notable changes to this project will be documented in

Cli usage

At your project dir run

east init

after that you can create, migrate, rollback your migrations.

Run east -h to see all commands:

  Usage: east [options] [command]


    init                   initialize migration system
    create <basename>      create new migration based on template
    migrate [options]      run all or selected migrations
    rollback [options]     rollback all or selected migrations
    list [status]          list migration with selected status (`new`, `executed` or `all`), `new` by default


    -h, --help           output usage information
    -V, --version        output the version number
    --adapter <name>     which db adapter to use
    --config <path>      config file to use
    --timeout <timeout>  timeout for migrate/rollback
    --template <path>    path to template for new migrations
    --dir <dir>          dir where migrations stored
    --url <url>          db connect url
    --trace              verbose mode (including error stack trace)

run east <command> -h to see detailed command help.

All options described above can be set via command line or at .eastrc file located at current directory, e.g.:

	"dir": "./dbmigration",
	"template": "./lib/node/utils/customMigrationTemplate.js"

.eastrc also can be a regular nodejs script (instead of json file):

var path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    dir: path.join(__dirname, 'dbmigration'),
    template: './lib/node/utils/customMigrationTemplate.js'


east create doSomething

produces something like this

New migration `1_doSomething` created at migrations/1_doSomething.js

created file will contain

exports.migrate = function(client, done) {

exports.rollback = function(client, done) {
  • client is connect to current db and he determined by adapter (see adapters section)
  • done is function which should be called at the end of migration (if any error occured you can pass it as first argument)
  • instead of using done argument promise can be returned or async function can be used
  • migration also can be synchronous - declare only client at migrate or rollback
  • rollback function is optional and may be omitted

Migration file is regular node.js module and allows migrate any database e.g.

// include your database wrapper which you already use in app
var db = require('./db');

exports.migrate = function(client, done) {
    db.connect(function(err) {
        if (err) done(err);
        db.things.insert({_id: 1, name: 'apple', color: 'red'}, done);

exports.rollback = function(client, done) {
    db.connect(function(err) {
        if (err) done(err);
        db.things.remove({_id: 1}, done);

or you can use special adapter for database (see adapters section)

Migration file number format

The default format for migration file names is to prepend a number to the filename which is incremented with every new file. This creates migration files such as migrations/1_doSomething.js, migrations/2_doSomethingElse.js.

If you prefer your files to be created with a date time instead of sequential numbers, you can set the migrationNumberFormat configuration parameter in your .eastrc to dateTime:

    "migrationNumberFormat": "dateTime"

This will create migration files with date time prefix in YYYYMMDDhhmmss format (e.g. migrations/20190720172730_doSomething.js).

For the default behaviour, you can omit the migrationNumberFormat configuration option or set it to:

    "migrationNumberFormat": "sequentialNumber"


let's create one more migration

east create doSomethingElse

then executes both of them

east migrate

it sequentially executes all new migrations and produces

target migrations:
migrate `1_doSomething`
migration done
migrate `2_doSomethingElse`
migration done

selected migrations can be executed by passing their names (or numbers or basenames or paths) as argument

east migrate 1_doSomething 2

in our case this command will skip all of them

skip `1_doSomething` because it`s already executed
skip `2_doSomethingElse` because it`s already executed
nothing to migrate

you can pass --force option to execute already executed migrations. This is useful while you develop and test your migration.

You also can export tags array from migration and then migrate only migrations that satisfied expression specified by option --tag. Expression consists of tag names and boolean operators &, | and !. For example, following command will migrate all migrations that have tag tag1 and not have tag tag2:

east migrate --tag 'tag1 & !tag2'


rollback has similar to migrate command syntax but executes rollback function from migration file

east rollback

will produce

target migrations:
rollback `2_doSomethingElse`
migration successfully rolled back
rollback `1_doSomething`
migration successfully rolled back


east list

shows new migrations e.g.

new migrations:

target status could be specified as an argument e.g.

east list executed

Library usage

east exposes MigrationManager class (descendant of EventEmitter) which for example can be used to migrate your database from node.js app without using east cli:

const {MigrationManager} = require('east');

const main = async () => {
    const migrationManager = new MigrationManager();

    // log target migrations before execution
    migrationManager.once('beforeMigrateMany', (migrationNames) => {
        console.log('Target migrations: ', migrationNames);

    await migrationManager.configure();

    try {
        await migrationManager.connect();
        // select for migration all not executed migrations
        await migrationManager.migrate({status: 'new'});
    finally {
        await migrationManager.disconnect();

main().catch((err) => {
    console.error('Some error occurred: ', err.stack || err);

MigrationManager methods:

  • configure(params) - configures migration process, accepts object with parameters (dir, adapter, etc) and merges it with loaded config (when loadConfig param is truthy - true by default). Returns Promise. This method should be called before any other methods.

  • getParams() - returns Promise with parameters used by migration process after configuration(configure method).

  • init() - initiates migration process for a project. Should be called once per project. Returns Promise.

  • isInitialized() - checks whether init was made or not. Returns Promise.

  • create(basename) - creates migration, returns Promise with migration object.

  • getMigrationPath(name) - returns absolute path of the migration on disk by name of the migration. Returns Promise.

  • connect() - connects to database management system (if supposed by adapter). Returns Promise.

  • getMigrationNames({migrations, status, tag, reverseOrderResult}) - returns migrations names, following options are provided:

    • migrations - array of target migrations, each migration could be defined by basename, full name, path or number.
    • status - status to filter migrations, supported statuses are: new, executed and all.
    • tag - tag expression to filter migrations e.g. 'tag1 & !tag2'
    • reverseOrderResult - if true then result array will be reversed.

migrations and status are mutually exclusive. If migrations, status not provided then all migrations will be processed (e.g. filtered by tag and returned).

  • migrate({migrations, status, tag, force}) - executes target migrations. Target migration could be defined by migrations, status, tag options (see it's description at getMigrationNames method). By default migrations with status new are chosen. Returns Promise. force flag allows to execute already executed migrations.

  • rollback({migrations, status, tag, force}) - rollbacks target migrations. Target migration could be defined by migrations, status, tag options (see it's description at getMigrationNames method). By default migrations with status executed are chosen. Returns Promise. force flag allows to rollback not executed migrations.

  • disconnect() - disconnects from database management system (if supposed by adapter). Returns Promise.

MigrationManager events:

  • beforeMigrateOne({migration})
  • afterMigrateOne({migration})
  • beforeMigrateMany({migrationNames})
  • afterMigrateMany({migrationNames})
  • beforeRollbackOne({migration})
  • afterRollbackOne({migration})
  • beforeRollbackMany({migrationNames})
  • afterRollbackMany({migrationNames})
  • onSkipMigration({migration, reason})


adapter determines where executed migration names will be stored and what will be passed to migrate and rollback function as client. Default adapter store executed migration names at file .migrations which is located at migrations directory and pass null as client.

Other adapters:


East functionality could be extended by using plugins, for usage instructions see plugin page:

Creating own adapter

For writing your own adapter you should implement methods for connection, mark transaction as executed, etc see details inside built-in adapter and other adapters.

You also can run migrator tests from current repository against your adapter:

  • Clone current repository
  • Create file .eastrc inside test directory with path and parameters for your adapter e.g.
    "adapter": "../../east-mysql/lib/adapter",
    "url": "mysql://user:password@localhost/east_test_db",
    "createDbOnConnect": true
  • Run NODE_EAST_TEST_LOAD_CONFIG=1 npm run testSpecified test/01-migrator at root of the cloned repository.
