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File metadata and controls

328 lines (216 loc) · 9.62 KB


This codebook or data dictionary describes the columns of the dataframes this package handles.


Per-step data of both left and right footpod.

Name: t, dtype: datetime64[ns]
    Timestamp [s] of sensor event, not the exact step timestamp

Name: foot, dtype: object
    Foot for pod 'left' or 'right'

Name: pronation, dtype: float64
    Maximum foot pronation [deg]. Is expected to be a negative value.

Name: braking, dtype: float64
    Braking force on foot on impact [G]

Name: impact, dtype: float64
    Downward maximal foot impact [G]

Name: contact_time, dtype: int64
    Time between initial contact and final contact of foot [ms]

Name: flight_ratio, dtype: float64
    Ratio between time that foot is in the air to the total stride duration.

Name: strike, dtype: int64
    Initial strike contact of the foot, 1=heel, 15=toe

Name: power, dtype: int64
    Power of the step [W]


Speed-cadence sensor data of (RunScribe) footpods per foot. The data is not per-step but with a sampling frequency of about 1Hz.

Name: t, dtype: datetime64[ns]
    Timestamp [s] of sensor event

Name: foot, dtype: object
    Foot for pod 'left' or 'right'

Name: cadence, dtype: int64
    Strides per minute [/min]. This is about half the step frequency

Name: speed, dtype: float64
    Average speed of the foot [m/s] based on estimated user height (may not be set properly)


Real-time motion data of the IMU sensor of the (i)Phone. For the iPhone the data is sampled at 100Hz.

Name: t, dtype: datetime64[ns]
    Timestamp [s] of sensor event

Name: ax, dtype: float64
    Acceleration (including gravity) in the x-direction [G]

Name: ay, dtype: float64
    Acceleration (including gravity) in the y-direction [G]

Name: az, dtype: float64
    Acceleration (including gravity) in the z-direction [G]

Name: gx, dtype: float64
    Gravity acceleration in the x-direction [G]

Name: gy, dtype: float64
    Gravity acceleration in the y-direction [G]

Name: gz, dtype: float64
    Gravity acceleration in the z-direction [G]

Name: a_vert, dtype: float64
    Acceleration in vertical direction [G], this is inner product of a and g

Name: rx, dtype: float64
    Rotation velocity [deg/s] in x-direction

Name: ry, dtype: float64
    Rotation velocity [deg/s] in y-direction

Name: rz, dtype: float64
    Rotation velocity [deg/s] in z-direction


(GPS) location data of the phone. Update frequency may vary.

Name: t, dtype: datetime64[ns]
    Timestamp [s] of sensor event

Name: lon, dtype: float64
    Longitude [deg]

Name: lat, dtype: float64
    Latitude [deg]

Name: lonlat_acc, dtype: float64
    Estimated horizontal accuracy of longitude and latitude [deg]

Name: alt, dtype: float64
    Altitude [m]

Name: alt_acc, dtype: float64
    Estimated vertical accuracy of altitude [deg]

Name: course, dtype: float64
    Heading course in horizontal plane [deg]

Name: alt_acc, dtype: float64
    Estimated course accuracy [deg]

Name: speed, dtype: float64
    Speed of sensor [m/s]

Name: speed_acc, dtype: float64
    Estimated accuracy of speed [m/s]


Data from the phone activity center and pedometer.

Name: t, dtype: datetime64[ns]
    Timestamp [s] of sensor event

Name: activity, dtype: object
    Detected activity 'stationary', 'walking', 'running'

Name: speed, dtype: float64
    Speed of phone motion [m/s]

Name: step, dtype: float64
    Number of steps taken since starting session

Name: cadence, dtype: int64
    Step frequency [/min]

Name: floors_ascended, dtype: int64
    Number of floors ascended since starting session

Name: floors_descended, dtype: int64
    Number of floors descended since starting session


Information about the state of the (Spotify) music player during a run.

Name: t, dtype: datetime64[ns]
    Timestamp [s] of sensor event

Name: track_uri, dtype: object
    URI of the track being played

Name: paused, dtype: bool
    Whether the player is playing or on pause

Name: artist, dtype: object
    String of the artist name

Name: track, dtype: object
    String of the track title

Name: context_uri, dtype: object
    URI of the track context, usually a playlist

Name: context, dtype: object
    String of the track context, usually a playlist

Name: position, dtype: int64
    Position [s] of the playhead in the track

Name: repeat_mode, dtype: object
    State of the repeat mode, 'off', 'track', 'context'

Name: shuffle, dtype: bool
    State of the shuffle option

Name: crossfade, dtype: bool
    State indicating whether crossfade is turned on


Name: track_uri, dtype: object
    URI of the track being played

Name: duration_ms, dtype: int
    Duration of the music track [ms]

Name: pitches_mean, dtype: float64
    Average value of all the pitches

Name: pitches_std, dtype: float64
    Standard deviation of the pitches

Name: timbre_mean, dtype: float64
    Average value of all the timbre values 

Name: timbre_std, dtype: float64
    Standard deviation of the timbre values

Name: tempo, dtype: float64
    Average tempo of the track [bpm]

Name: key, dtype: int
    Musical key [0 = C, 1 = C#, 2 = D, etc]

Name: mode, dtype: int
    Musical modality, or scale [0 = Minor, 1 = Major]

Name: time_signature, dtype: int
    The time signtature given in beats per measure

Name: danceability, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the amount of danceability, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: speechiness, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the confidence of being a speech work instead of music, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: acousticness, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the amount of acousticness, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: instrumentalness, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the confidence of being an instrumental track, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: liveness, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the confidence of being a live performance, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: energy, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the amount of emotional energy, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: valence, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the amount of musical positivity, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: loudness, dtype: float64
    Average loudness [dB]


Name: track_uri, dtype: object
    URI of the track being played

Name: start, dtype: float64
    Start of the music section [s]

Name: section, dtype: int
    Index of the section within a song (0-based)

Name: duration, dtype: float64
    Duration of the section [s]

Name: duration_confidence, dtype: float64
    Confidence indication of the section duration

Name: duration_track_ms, dtype: int
    Duration of the music track [ms]

Name: pitches_mean, dtype: float64
    Average value of all the pitches within a section

Name: pitches_std, dtype: float64
    Standard deviation of the pitches within a section

Name: timbre_mean, dtype: float64
    Average value of all the timbre values within a section

Name: timbre_std, dtype: float64
    Standard deviation of the timbre values within a section

Name: tempo, dtype: float64
    Tempo of the section [bpm]

Name: tempo_confidence, dtype: float64
    Confidence indication for the tempo

Name: tempo_track, dtype: float64
    Tempo for the entire track [bpm]

Name: key, dtype: int
    Musical key for the section [0 = C, 1 = C#, 2 = D, etc]

Name: key_confidence, dtype: float64
    Confidence indicator for the key per section

Name: key_track, dtype: int
    Musical key for the track [0 = C, 1 = C#, 2 = D, etc]

Name: mode, dtype: int
    Musical modality, or scale, for the section [0 = Minor, 1 = Major]

Name: mode_confidence, dtype: float64
    Confidence indicator for the mode per section

Name: time_signature, dtype: int
    The time signtature of the section given in beats per measure

Name: time_signature_confidence, dtype: float64
    Confidence indicator for the time signature

Name: time_signature_track, dtype: int
    The time signtature of the track given in beats per measure

Name: danceability, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the amount of danceability of the track, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: speechiness, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the confidence of being a speech work instead of music of the track, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: acousticness, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the amount of acousticness of the track, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: instrumentalness, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the confidence of being an instrumental track of the track, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: liveness, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the confidence of being a live performance of the track, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: energy, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the amount of emotional energy of the track, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: valence, dtype: float64
    Value indicating the amount of musical positivity of the track, between 0.0 - 1.0

Name: loudness, dtype: float64
    Average loudness of the section [dB]

Name: loudness_track, dtype: float64
    Average loudness of the track [dB]