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Kai Jiang edited this page May 21, 2016 · 26 revisions


First, let me show some examples for you:

# Stop mob spawning on trees except for spiders
woodlogs & !mob:spider

# Greatly reduce the chance of spawning Enderman in "The End" dimension
dim:TheEnd & chance:0.95

# Hostile mobs will not spawn in your wooden house anymore
material:wood & mobtype:monster

# Peaceful plains. Enjoy!
biome: plains

# Hellish desert. Becareful!
@biometype:SANDY, mob:Ghast, mob:PigZombie, weight:300

Available Tags in "blacklistRules"

"block" ":" modID ":" blockName [ ":" damageValue ]
"position" ":" range "," range "," range
"material" ":" blockMaterialName
"mob" ":" mobName | mobFullName | mobClassName
"mobtype" ":" ("monster" | "animal" | "ambient" | "water")
"dim" ":" (dimensionID | dimensionName)
"chance" ":" probability
"biome" ":" (biomeID | biomeName)
"biometype" ":" biometypeName

Detailed Definition

modID = string

blockName = string

# The damage of ItemBlock, not the block metadata/state.
# That means you can use "minecraft:log:1" to specify any spruce logs,
# but you can not use "minecraft:log:5" to specify horizontal spruce logs
damageValue = range

range = "*" | integer | integer "-" integer

blockMaterialName = string

# Case insensitive & remove space character
mobName = string

# The full name of vanilla's mobs are simply their names, no prefix.
mobFullName = modID "." mobName

# The name of Java class file. Example: EntityCreeper
mobClassName = string

mobType = "monster" | "animal" | "ambient" | "water"

dimensionID = integer

# Case insensitive & remove space character.
# Example: To match "The End" dimension, you can use "TheEnd", "theend" or "tHeENd"
dimensionName = string

probability = float

biomeID = integer

# Case insensitive & remove space character
biomeName = string

# Case insensitive
biometypeName = string


and = "&" | "&&"
or = "|" | "||"
not = "~" | "!"
parentheses = "(" | ")"

Adding/Overriding Spawning Entries

If the first character of any rule is "@", the rule will be treated as a spawning entry. The format is:

@tag1, tag2, ..., tagN

You can use "biome", "biometype", "mob", "weight", "count" tags in spawning entry. The format of "biome", "biometype", "mob" have been explained before, the others are:

# The chance of this spawning entry being selected.
# The weights of zombies / skeletons / creepers / spiders in vanilla are both 100
weight = integer

# The size of spawning group. In vanilla it is 4-4
count = range

Using Whitelist

If the first character of any rule is "-", the rule will be treated as a whitelist.

For example, if you put "-block:minecraft:log:0" after "woodlogs", then mobs can spawn on oak logs.


The rules are applied line by line, if there is conflict between blacklist and whitelist, the latter rule will override the former rule.

Something You May Need (To be done)

List of biome types

List of vanilla biome ID and names

List of vanilla mob names

List of vanilla dimension ID and names

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