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Docker - Symfony VM

⚠️ This repo will be deprecated as soon as Docker for Mac/Windows will be officially released.

Build a local Virtual Machine (Docker aware) which allows you to run a Symfony full stack application in Ubuntu container on any OS (including Windows/Mac)


What's inside?


A really simple script which uses Docker Machine to build a local Docker aware VM without even installing Docker. It's also used to set some useful aliases such as drm-all (which remove all exited containers), drmi-notag (which remove all untagged images) and docker-compose (which run Docker Compose in a container), so go check this script and be free to set your own aliases there.


  • Miscellaneous useful packages (make, vim, nano, curl, wget, git, python-software-properties and software-properties-common to be able to add PPA)
  • Nginx with a default site configuration for Symfony app (including HTTPS support)
  • PHP 5.6 with FPM and Composer (including php.ini file which is used by both FPM and CLI)
  • Ruby 2.2.3 with bundler, sass, less and capistrano
  • NodeJS 4.x with nodemon, pm2, bower, gulp and grunt


This file (using Docker Compose) will help you to build a perfect environment for your Symfony app by running and linking several containers the way you want using a single command. Keep in mind that this could also be done using many long docker commands without the need of docker-compose at all.

How to use?

First time

  1. Clone this repository in a new folder (let's name it docker) at the root of your Symfony application sources, with: git clone docker

  2. Go to the new folder cd docker and launch docker-machine-dev script. After a few seconds you will be given access to the VM where you will be able to run docker commands

  3. Now that you are in your VM, you can "install" docker-compose with: install-docker-compose

  4. Then, again, cd to the new folder in your Symfony project (the VM shared your C:\Users\ (windows) or /Users/ (mac) folder as /c/Users/ or /Users/ --- see complete reference here)

  5. Build and run the whole Symfony environment with: docker-compose-web (this is just an alias for docker-compose run --service-ports web)

  6. If everything worked you should be able to see your Symfony application running in your host browser at (you can check if it is the correct IP by running docker-machine ip dev in your host terminal)

When you want to stop coding, exit your VM then stop it with docker-machine stop dev.

Second time and more

# Host terminal
cd C:\Users\mySymfonyApp\docker
# VM terminal
cd /c/Users/mySymfonyApp/docker

Get a nice terminal and use Git and many useful UNIX commands on Windows

  1. Install Cmder (full version with msysgit)

  2. Configure it to always be ran as an Administrator (right click => Properties, etc.)

  3. You may have to define its default terminal type as {cmd} instead of {PowerShell} (because you may experience issues if you use {PowerShell} terminal)


  • You can set persistent aliases such as alias cd-project=cd "C:\Users\mySymfonyApp\docker" =). To view and manage your aliases, edit the file located at C:\cmder_installation_directory\config\aliases.

  • You can dump executable files (such as docker-machine.exe) in C:\cmder_installation_directory\bin then those executables will be automatically accessible in your terminal (i.e. docker-machine).


npm install fails in my project

This issue comes from your application shared folders, vboxsf seems to be not powerful enough to handle so many files. There are currently 2 workarounds for this kind of issue:

  • (Recommended) In your application container, copy the package.json file to another (not shared) directory. Run npm install there. Then copy back the node_modules directory to the root of you application.


  • Run npm install on your host machine (it requires you to have npm already installed on your host of course).

Starting VM hanging / VirtualBox warning when running docker-machine-dev

This issue comes from the 5.x versions of VirtualBox. First, try to update VirtualBox (I don't have this issue on Windows 10 / Docker Machine 0.5.0 / VirtualBox 5.0.10). If you still have this issue with the latest VirtualBox, there are currently 2 workarounds:

  • (Recommended) Each time you run docker-machine-dev, you'll have to close the VirtualBox warning window.


  • Installed the last 4.x version of VirtualBox. (I used VirtualBox 4.3.26 when I used Windows 8.1 with Docker Machine 0.3.0)


Symfony development environment using Docker







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