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124 lines (98 loc) · 3.36 KB

title: 07-Node & Commonjs modules date: 2018-04-27

Rollup only knows about your code by default, it has no idea about node_modules code or how to resolve it. As such we must configure it to know how to resolve node modules you might import.

yarn add --dev rollup-plugin-node-resolve@^3.4.0 rollup-plugin-commonjs@^9.1.8

Now update your Brocfile.js:

// Brocfile.js
const funnel = require('broccoli-funnel');
const merge = require('broccoli-merge-trees');
const compileSass = require('broccoli-sass-source-maps')(require('sass'));
const Rollup = require("broccoli-rollup");
const babel = require("rollup-plugin-babel");
const nodeResolve = require('rollup-plugin-node-resolve');
const commonjs = require('rollup-plugin-commonjs');

const appRoot = "app";

// Copy HTML file from app root to destination
const html = funnel(appRoot, {
  files: ["index.html"],
  annotation: "Index file",

// Compile JS through rollup
let js = new Rollup(appRoot, {
  inputFiles: ["**/*.js"],
  annotation: "JS Transformation",
  rollup: {
    input: "app.js",
    output: {
      file: "assets/app.js",
      format: "iife",
      sourcemap: true,
    plugins: [
        jsnext: true,
        browser: true,
        include: 'node_modules/**',
        exclude: "node_modules/**",

// Copy CSS file into assets
const css = compileSass(
    sourceMap: true,
    sourceMapContents: true,
    annotation: "Sass files"

// Copy public files into destination
const public = funnel('public', {
  annotation: "Public files",

module.exports = merge([html, js, css, public], {annotation: "Final output"});

And update app/app.js with:

"use strict";

import foo from './foo';
import { fooNamed } from './foo';
import magic from 'magic-string';
import { Bundle } from 'magic-string';
import diff from 'arr-diff';

console.log(foo, magic, Bundle, diff([1,2,3], [3,4,5]));

This will now allow Rollup to import the native ES6 module magic-string (that just happens to be a a dependency of rollup-plugin-commonjs) with a default and a named import of Bundle, and the Commonjs module arr-diff which uses the module.exports syntax for both a default export. The commonjs plugin also also supports custom named exports from CJS npm modules if the default export is a plain old javascrit object (POJO), see the CommonJs plugin docs for details.

Go ahead and run this with yarn serve and check the console, you should get:

foo ƒ MagicString$1( string, options ) {
	if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};

	var chunk = new Chunk( 0, string.length, string );

	Object.defineProperties( this, {
		original:              { writable… ƒ Bundle( options ) {
	if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};

	this.intro = options.intro || '';
	this.separator = options.separator !== undefined ? options.separator : '\n';

	this.sources = [];

	t… (2) [1, 2]

If you check the built output, by running yarn build, and look at assets/app.js, it should contain the inlined versions of those modules

Completed Branch: 07-node-modules

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