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Tutorial: Periodic Data and Legendre Multipoles

We present a basic example of the use of the RascalC code on a periodic dataset, such as the output of an N-body simulation. Here we'll restrict to a single-field analysis (using only a single set of tracer galaxies), but the multiple field case proceeds similarly. Our goal is to compute the covariance matrix of the monopole and quadrupole correlation functions ξ0(r) and ξ2(r), as described in Philcox & Eisenstein 2019. For this we will use the code in LEGENDRE mode. Detailed documentation for all functions is given in associated pages, as overviewed in the getting-started pages. Note that we here run the main code in the JACKKNIFE mode, and work in the RascalC installation directory for simplicity.

An additional tutorial (tutorial) shows the usage of RascalC for an aperiodic dataset (e.g. a galaxy survey) in (r, μ) co-ordinates. This also includes descriptions of the shot-noise rescaling procedure used to incorporate non-Gaussianity in our covariances. In this tutorial, we will assume full Gaussianity, setting the shot-noise rescaling parameter to α = 1. To include non-Gaussianity, we simply need to run RascalC in JACKKNIFE mode first to estimate α (as in tutorial), then run it in LEGENDRE mode, using the measured value of α in post-processing.

1) Pre-Processing


  • nbody_simulation.txt: Galaxy positions and weights for the periodic mock dataset in (x,y,z,weight) format (in Mpc/h). We assume this to have a cubic-box geometry.

First, we will create a set of random particles in a box of the same shape as our simulation data-set. These will be used as sampling points for our covariance matrix estimator. The simulation had boxsize L = 1000 h − 1Mpc with Ngal = 156800 galaxies, so we'll create a random set with the same boxsize and Nrand = 10Ngal particles. This can be done with the simple Python script

import numpy as np
boxsize = 1000 # boxsize in Mpc/h
N_rand = 1568000 # number of random particles

# Define random positions and (uniform) weights
rand_position = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=1,size=(N_rand,3))*boxsize
rand_weight = np.ones_like(rand_position[:,0]).reshape(-1,1)

# Concatenate data:
rand_data = np.hstack([rand_position,rand_weight])

# Save to file

This is particularly easy here since N-body simulations have uniform selection functions and simple geometries.

Let's create the radial binning files next. We'll create two binning files; one for the correlation functions and one for the covariance matrix.

For the covariance matrix, we'll use a linear binning file with Δr = 5 for r ∈ [25, 150] and for the correlation function we'll use a linear binning file with Δr = 1 for r ∈ [0, 200]. NB: The correlation function binning file must extend down to r = 0:

python python/ 25 25 150 radial_binning_cov.csv
python python/ 200 0 200 radial_binning_corr.csv

(See write-binning-file).

Here we're using 25 radial bins for the covariance matrix. Let's have a look at the covariance binning file:

25.00000000     30.00000000
30.00000000     35.00000000
35.00000000     40.00000000
40.00000000     45.00000000
45.00000000     50.00000000
50.00000000     55.00000000
55.00000000     60.00000000

This all looks as expected.

2) Correlation Functions and Geometry Correction

Using the galaxy position file, we can obtain estimates of the 2-point correlation function. This is needed to compute the theoretical covariance matrices. Even though our desired output is a covariance matrix of the 2PCF in Legendre multipoles, the main C++ code uses an input 2PCF in (r, μ) space for speed. Here, let's use 20 μ bins in [0, 1] and the correlation function binning specified above. Since we have periodic data, we must use the script to compute this. (This is much faster than for the aperiodic case since we can compute the random particle counts analytically.):

python python/ nbody_simulation.txt radial_binning_corr.csv 1000 1. 20 10 xi/

(See full-correlations).

This uses Corrfunc to perform pair counting and computes ξa for each bin, a, via the standard DD/RR − 1 estimator. Here we're running on 10 cores, assuming a box-size of L = 1000 h − 1Mpc, and the output is saved as xi/xi_n200_m20_periodic_11.dat in the format specified in file-inputs. We'll use this full correlation function to compute the theoretical covariance matrix later on.

The main C++ code requires an input survey correction function to account for non-trivial survey geometries. For a periodic box, the correction function Φ(ra, μ) is constant, but the normalization carries important information including the survey volume and number density. This is simply computed via:

python python/ nbody_simulation.txt radial_binning_cov.csv ./ 1

(See geometry-correction)

The 1 specifies a periodic survey, and the code produces the output file BinCorrectionFactor_n25_periodic_11.txt in the working directory that can be fed into the C++ code. Note that we use the covariance matrix binning file here.

3) Computing the Covariance Matrix

(See main-code).

Now that the necessary inputs have been computed, we can run the main C++ code to compute the theoretical covariance matrix terms.

There's two ways to run the code here; firstly we could edit parameters in the modules/parameters.h file, to tell the code where to find the relevant inputs. Here are the important lines


//---------- ESSENTIAL PARAMETERS -----------------

// The name of the input random particle files (first set)
char *fname = NULL;
const char default_fname[500] = "nbody_randoms_10x.txt";

// Name of the radial binning .csv file
char *radial_bin_file = NULL;
const char default_radial_bin_file[500] = "radial_binning_cov.csv";

// The name of the correlation function file for the first set of particles
char *corname = NULL;
const char default_corname[500] = "xi/xi_n200_m20_periodic_11.dat";

// Name of the correlation function radial binning .csv file
char *radial_bin_file_cf = NULL;
const char default_radial_bin_file_cf[500] = "radial_binning_corr.csv";

// Number of galaxies in first dataset
Float nofznorm=156800;

// Output directory
char *out_file = NULL;
const char default_out_file[500] = "./";

// The number of mu bins in the correlation function
int mbin_cf = 20;

// The number of threads to run on
int nthread=10;

// The grid size, which should be tuned to match boxsize and rmax.
// This uses the maximum width of the cuboidal box.
int nside = 151;

// Whether or not we are using a periodic box
bool perbox = true;


//-------- LEGENDRE PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------

int max_l = 2; // max Legendre moment (must be even unless computing 3PCF)

char *phi_file = NULL; // Survey correction function coefficient file
const char default_phi_file[500] = "BinCorrectionFactor_n25_periodic_11.txt";


//---------- PRECISION PARAMETERS ---------------------------------------

// Maximum number of iterations to compute the C_ab integrals over
int max_loops=10;

// Number of random cells to draw at each stage
int N2 = 10; // number of j cells per i cell
int N3 = 10; // number of k cells per j cell
int N4 = 10; // number of l cells per k cell


Here we're using 10 loops (to get 10 independent estimates of the covariance matrix), and setting N2-N4 such that we'll get good precision in a few hours of runtime. Now, we'll compile the code;:

bash clean

The first line simply cleans the pre-existing ./cov file, if present and the second compiles grid_covariance.cpp using the Makefile (using the g++ compiler by default). We have edited the Makefile to add the -DPERIODIC flag and -DLEGENDRE flags to ensure we compute covariances of 2PCF Legendre moments in a periodic geometry. Note that we can also remove the -DOPENMP flag to run single threaded. The code is then run with the default parameters;

./cov -def

Alternatively, we could simply pass these arguments on the command line (after the code is compiled). (NB: We can get a summary of the inputs by simply running ./cov with no parameters)

./cov -in nbody_randoms_10x.txt -binfile radial_binning_cov.csv -cor xi/xi_n200_m20_periodic_11.dat -binfile_cf radial_binning_corr.csv -norm 156800 -output ./ -mbin_cf 20 -nthread 10 -perbox -max_l 2 -phi_file BinCorrectionFactor_n25_periodic_11.txt -maxloops 10 -N2 10 -N3 20 -N4 40 -cf_loops 0

It's often just easier to edit the modules/parameter.h file, but the latter approach allows us to change parameters without recompiling the code.

This runs in under an hour on 10 cores here, giving output matrix components saved in the CovMatricesFull directory as .txt files. We'll now reconstruct these.

4) Post-Processing

Although the C++ code computes all the relevant parts of the covariance matrices, it doesn't perform any reconstruction, since this is much more easily performed in Python. Post-processing is used to add together the relevant matrix outputs, constructing the full covariance and precision matrices.

For a single field analysis, this is run as follows, specifying the jackknife correlation functions, output covariance term directory and weights:

python python/ ./ 25 2 10 ./ 1.

(See post-processing-general).

Here the first parameter gives the directory where the RascalC products are stored (i.e. the location of the `CovMatricesFull directory), whilst the remained specify number of radial bins, maximum Legendre multipole, number of matrix estimates computed (equal to the -maxloops parameter in the C++ code) and the output directory. The optional last parameter is the shot-noise rescaling parameter. This cannot be computed from Legendre multipole binned data; to include it we must run the code in JACKKNIFE mode first then use the derived shot-noise rescaling parameter in the LEGENDRE mode post-processing (see tutorial for a tutorial on JACKKNIFE mode computations.)

If the covariance matrix terms have not converged sufficiently well (leading to a non-invertable covariance matrix) the Python code will exit prematurely and not give a reconstructed output file. This indicates that the main C++ code should be run for longer or with a larger number of random particles.

The output is a single compressed Python .npz file named Rescaled_Covariance_Matrices_Legendre_n25_l2.npz which contains the following analysis products:

  • Full theory covariance matrix Cab(α*)
  • Utilized shot-noise rescaling parameter α* (either user-input or set to unity)
  • Effective number of mocks Neff
  • Full quadratic bias ab matrix
  • Individual full covariance matrix estimates Cab(i)(α*)

Each matrix is stored as a two-dimensional array, with each index specifying both the radial bin and Legendre multipole. The elements are ordered first by Legendre multipole then by radial bin, such that the first elements is the ℓ = 0 element in the first radial bin, the second is the ℓ = 2 element in the first radial bin, etc.

This completes the analysis!