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677 lines (588 loc) · 17.4 KB

Benchmark analysis comparing the implementation of SIR multi-event capture-recapture models in TMB vs. native R

Data simulation

We first build a function to simulate data from a SIR multi-event capture-recapture model:

simul <- function(
n.occasions = 5, # number of occasions
n.states = 4, # number of states: S, I and R plus dead
n.obs = 4, # number of events: 1) detected and diagnosed as S, 2) as I, 3) as R, 4) detected and undiagnosed
phiS = 0.96, # survival susceptible
phiI = 0.53, # survival infected
phiR = 0.84, # survival recovered
betaSI = 0.60, # infection prob 
pS = 0.95, # detection susceptible
pI = 0.95, # detection infected
pR = 0.95, # detection recovered
deltaS = 0.1, # ass susceptible
deltaI = 0.1, # ass infected
deltaR = 0.1, # ass recovered
unobservable = NA){
# number of individuals marked in each state
marked <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.states, nrow = n.occasions) 
marked[,1] <- rep(12, n.occasions) 
marked[,2] <- rep(24, n.occasions) 
marked[,3] <- rep(12, n.occasions) 
marked[,4] <- rep(0, n.occasions) 
tot <- marked[1,1] + marked[1,2] + marked[1,3] + marked[1,4]
parsim <- c(marked[1,1]/tot, marked[1,2]/tot, phiS, phiI, phiR, betaSI, pS, pI, pR, deltaS, deltaI, deltaR) 

# Create the structure of the SIR model  
# Define matrices with survival, transition and recapture probabilities 
# These are 4-dimensional matrices, with 
# Dimension 1: state of departure 
# Dimension 2: state of arrival 
# Dimension 3: individual 
# Dimension 4: time 
# 1. State process matrix SIR transition matrix given survival of individuals
totrel <- sum(marked)*(n.occasions-1) 
PSI.STATE <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.states, totrel, n.occasions-1)) 
    for (i in 1:totrel){ 
      for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ 
        PSI.STATE[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( 
          phiS*(1-betaSI), phiS*(betaSI), 0, 1-phiS, 
          0, 0, phiI, 1-phiI, 
          0, 0, phiR, 1-phiR, 
          0, 0, 0, 1 ), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) 
      } #t 
    } #i 
# 2.Observation process matrix 
PSI.OBS <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.obs, totrel, n.occasions-1)) 
    for (i in 1:totrel){ 
      for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ 
        PSI.OBS[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( 
          pS, 0, 0, 1-pS, 
          0, pI, 0, 1-pI, 
          0, 0, pR, 1-pR, 
          0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) 
      } #t 
    } #i 
# Unobservable: number of state that is unobservable 
n.occasions <- dim(PSI.STATE)[4] + 1 
CH <- CH.TRUE <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.occasions, nrow = sum(marked)) 

# Define a vector with the occasion of marking 
mark.occ <- matrix(0, ncol = dim(PSI.STATE)[1], nrow = sum(marked)) 
g <- colSums(marked) 
for (s in 1:dim(PSI.STATE)[1]){ 
    if (g[s]==0) next # avoid error message if nothing to replace 
    mark.occ[(cumsum(g[1:s])-g[s]+1)[s]:cumsum(g[1:s])[s],s] <- 
      rep(1:n.occasions, marked[1:n.occasions,s]) # repeat the occasion t a certain time i.e the number of observation in state s 
} #s 
for (i in 1:sum(marked)){ 
    for (s in 1:dim(PSI.STATE)[1]){ 
      if (mark.occ[i,s]==0) next 
      first <- mark.occ[i,s] 
      CH[i,first] <- s 
      CH.TRUE[i,first] <- s 
    } #s 
    for (t in (first+1):n.occasions){ 
      # Multinomial trials for state transitions 
      if (first==n.occasions) next 
      state <- which(rmultinom(1, 1, PSI.STATE[CH.TRUE[i,t-1],,i,t-1])==1) 
      CH.TRUE[i,t] <- state 
      # Multinomial trials for observation process 
      event <- which(rmultinom(1, 1, PSI.OBS[CH.TRUE[i,t],,i,t-1])==1) 
      CH[i,t] <- event 
    } #t 
} #i 

# Replace the NA and the highest state number (dead) in the file by 0 
CH[] <- 0 
CH[CH==dim(PSI.STATE)[1]] <- 0 
CH[CH==unobservable] <- 0 
id <- numeric(0) 
for (i in 1:dim(CH)[1]){ 
    z <- min(which(CH[i,]!=0)) 
    ifelse(z==dim(CH)[2], id <- c(id,i), id <- c(id)) 

# capture histories to be used 
CH <- CH[-id,]
# capture histories with perfect observation 
CH.TRUE <- CH.TRUE[-id,] 

# To artificially generate uncertainty on states 
# we alter the raw capture-recapture data from file CH
# nb of capture occasions
ny <- ncol(CH)

# nb of individuals
nind <- nrow(CH)
titi2 <- CH
for (i in 1:nind)
      # deltaS<- max(0.01, deltaS*(1-deltaScor))
      # deltaR<- max(0.01, deltaR*(1-deltaRcor))
      # deltaScor<-0
      # deltaRcor<-0
      for (j in 1:ny){
        # 1 seen and ascertained A (with probability .2)
        # 2 seen and ascertained B (with probability .7)
        # 3 seen but not ascertained (A with probability .8 + B with probability .3)
        # 0 not seen

        if (CH[i,j] == 1)
          temp <- rbinom(1,size=1,prob=deltaS) 
          if (temp == 1) titi2[i,j] <- 1 # if ascertained NB, event = 1
          if (temp == 0) titi2[i,j] <- 4 # if not ascertained, event = 4
        if (CH[i,j] == 2) 
          temp <- rbinom(1,size=1,prob=deltaI)
          if (temp == 1) titi2[i,j] <- 2 # if ascertained B, event = 2
          if (temp == 0) titi2[i,j] <- 4 # if not ascertained, event = 3
        if (CH[i,j] == 3) 
          temp <- rbinom(1,size=1,prob=deltaR)
          if (temp == 1) titi2[i,j] <- 3 # if ascertained B, event = 3
          if (temp == 0) titi2[i,j] <- 4 # if not ascertained, event = 4

Likelihood function in native R

First a short function to protect the log from "exploding"

logprot <- function(v){
  eps <- 2.2204e-016
  u <- log(eps) * (1+vector(length=length(v)))
  index <- (v>eps)
  u[index] <- log(v[index])

Then the likelihood:

devMULTIEVENT <- function(b,data,eff,e,garb,nh,km1){
  # b parameters
  # data encounter histories
  # eff counts
  # e vector of dates of first captures
  # garb vector of initial states
  # nh nb ind
  # km1 nb of recapture occasions (nb of capture occ - 1)
  # logit link for all parameters

  par <- plogis(b) # we could use the multinomial logit link instead
  piS <- par[1]
  piI <- par[2]
  phiS <- par[3]
  phiI <- par[4]
  phiR <- par[5]
  betaSI <- par[6]
  pS <- par[7]
  pI <- par[8]
  pR <- par[9]
  deltaS <- par[10]
  deltaI <- par[11]
  deltaR <- par[12]
  # prob of obs (rows) cond on states (col)
  B1 <- matrix(c(
  B2 = matrix(c(
    0, 0, 0,deltaR, 1-deltaR),nrow=4,ncol=5,byrow=T)
  B = t(B1 %*% B2)

  # first encounter
  BE1 = matrix(c(
  BE2 = matrix(c(
    0, 0, 0,deltaR, 1-deltaR),nrow=4,ncol=5,byrow=T)
  BE = t(BE1 %*% BE2)
  # prob of states at t+1 given states at t
  A1 <- matrix(c(
  A2 <- matrix(c(
  A <- A1 %*% A2

  # init states
  PI <- c(piS,piI,1-piS-piI,0)
  # likelihood
  l <- 0
  for (i in 1:nh) # loop on ind
    ei <- e[i] # date of first det
    oe <- garb[i] + 1 # init obs
    evennt <- data[,i] + 1 # add 1 to obs to avoid 0s in indexing
    ALPHA <- PI*BE[oe,]
    for (j in (ei+1):(km1+1)) # cond on first capture
      if ((ei+1)>(km1+1)) {break} 
      ALPHA <- (ALPHA %*% A)*B[evennt[j],]
    l <- l + logprot(sum(ALPHA)) #*eff[i]
  l <- -l

Likelihood function in TMB

First, create the model template:

tmb_model <- "
// multi-event SIR capture-recapture model
#include <TMB.hpp>

//template<class Type>
//matrix<Type> multmat(array<Type> A, matrix<Type> B) {
//  int nrowa = A.rows();
//  int ncola = A.cols(); 
//  int ncolb = B.cols(); 
//  matrix<Type> C(nrowa,ncolb);
//  for (int i = 0; i < nrowa; i++)
//  {
//    for (int j = 0; j < ncolb; j++)
//    {
//      C(i,j) = Type(0);
//      for (int k = 0; k < ncola; k++)
//        C(i,j) += A(i,k)*B(k,j);
//    }
//  }
//  return C;
/* implement the vector - matrix product */
template<class Type>
vector<Type> multvecmat(array<Type>  A, matrix<Type>  B) {
  int nrowb = B.rows();
  int ncolb = B.cols(); 
  vector<Type> C(ncolb);
  for (int i = 0; i < ncolb; i++)
	    C(i) = Type(0);
      for (int k = 0; k < nrowb; k++){
        C(i) += A(k)*B(k,i);
  return C;

template<class Type>
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() () {
  // b = parameters
  // ch = capture-recapture histories (individual format)
  // fc = date of first capture
  // fs = state at first capture
  // 0 = non-detected
  // 1 = seen and ascertained as non-breeder
  // 2 = seen and ascertained as breeder
  // 3 = not ascertained
  // 1 = alive non-breeder
  // 2 = alive breeder
  // 3 = dead
  // phiNB  survival prob. of non-breeders
  // phiB  survival prob. of breeders
  // pNB  detection prob. of non-breeders
  // pB  detection prob. of breeders
  // psiNBB transition prob. from non-breeder to breeder
  // psiBNB transition prob. from breeder to non-breeder
  // piNB prob. of being in initial state non-breeder
  // deltaNB prob to ascertain the breeding status of an individual encountered as non-breeder
  // deltaB prob to ascertain the breeding status of an individual encountered as breeder
  // logit link for all parameters
  // note: below, we decompose the state and obs process in two steps composed of binomial events, 
  // which makes the use of the logit link appealing; 
  // if not, a multinomial (aka generalised) logit link should be used

  int km = ch.rows();
  int nh = ch.cols();  
  int npar = b.size();
  vector<Type> par(npar);
  for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++) {
    par(i) = Type(1.0) / (Type(1.0) + exp(-b(i)));
  Type piS = par(0); // careful, indexing starts at 0 in Rcpp!
  Type piI = par(1); // careful, indexing starts at 0 in Rcpp!
  Type phiS = par(2);
  Type phiI = par(3);
  Type phiR = par(4);
  Type betaSI = par(5);
  Type pS = par(6);
  Type pI = par(7);
  Type pR = par(8);
  Type deltaS = par(9);
  Type deltaI = par(10);
  Type deltaR = par(11);
  // prob of obs (rows) cond on states (col)
  matrix<Type> B1(4,4);
  B1(0,0) = Type(1.0)-pS;
  B1(0,1) = pS;
  B1(0,2) = Type(0.0);
  B1(0,3) = Type(0.0);
  B1(1,0) = Type(1.0)-pI;
  B1(1,1) = Type(0.0);
  B1(1,2) = pI;
  B1(1,3) = Type(0.0);
  B1(2,0) = Type(1.0)-pR;
  B1(2,1) = Type(0.0);
  B1(2,2) = Type(0.0);
  B1(2,3) = pR;
  B1(3,0) = Type(1.0);
  B1(3,1) = Type(0.0);
  B1(3,2) = Type(0.0);
  B1(3,3) = Type(0.0);
  matrix<Type> B2(4,5);
  B2(0,0) = Type(1.0);
  B2(0,1) = Type(0.0);
  B2(0,2) = Type(0.0);
  B2(0,3) = Type(0.0);
  B2(0,4) = Type(0.0);
  B2(1,0) = Type(0.0);
  B2(1,1) = deltaS;
  B2(1,2) = Type(0.0);
  B2(1,3) = Type(0.0);
  B2(1,4) = 1-deltaS;
  B2(2,0) = Type(0.0);
  B2(2,1) = Type(0.0);
  B2(2,2) = deltaI;
  B2(2,3) = Type(0.0);
  B2(2,4) = Type(1.0)-deltaI;
  B2(3,0) = Type(0.0);
  B2(3,1) = Type(0.0);
  B2(3,2) = Type(0.0);
  B2(3,3) = deltaR;
  B2(3,4) = Type(1.0)-deltaR;

  matrix<Type> BB(4, 5);
  BB = B1 * B2;
  matrix<Type> B(5, 4);
  B = BB.transpose();
  // first encounter
  matrix<Type> BE1(4,4);
  BE1(0,0) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(0,1) = Type(1.0);
  BE1(0,2) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(0,3) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(1,0) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(1,1) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(1,2) = Type(1.0);
  BE1(1,3) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(2,0) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(2,1) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(2,2) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(2,3) = Type(1.0);
  BE1(3,0) = Type(1.0);
  BE1(3,1) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(3,2) = Type(0.0);
  BE1(3,3) = Type(0.0);
  matrix<Type> BE2(4,5);
  BE2(0,0) = Type(1.0);
  BE2(0,1) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(0,2) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(0,3) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(0,4) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(1,0) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(1,1) = deltaS;
  BE2(1,2) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(1,3) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(1,4) = Type(1.0)-deltaS;
  BE2(2,0) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(2,1) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(2,2) = deltaI;
  BE2(2,3) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(2,4) = Type(1.0)-deltaI;
  BE2(3,0) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(3,1) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(3,2) = Type(0.0);
  BE2(3,3) = deltaR;
  BE2(3,4) = Type(1.0)-deltaR;

  matrix<Type> BEE(4,5);
  BEE = BE1 * BE2;
  matrix<Type> BE(5,4);
  BE = BEE.transpose();
  // prob of states at t+1 given states at t
  matrix<Type> A1(4,4);
  A1(0,0) = phiS;
  A1(0,1) = Type(0.0);
  A1(0,2) = Type(0.0);
  A1(0,3) = Type(1.0)-phiS;
  A1(1,0) = Type(0.0);
  A1(1,1) = phiI;
  A1(1,2) = Type(0.0);
  A1(1,3) = Type(1.0)-phiI;
  A1(2,0) = Type(0.0);
  A1(2,1) = Type(0.0);
  A1(2,2) = phiR;
  A1(2,3) = Type(1.0)-phiR;
  A1(3,0) = Type(0.0);
  A1(3,1) = Type(0.0);
  A1(3,2) = Type(0.0);
  A1(3,3) = Type(1.0);

  matrix<Type> A2(4,4);
  A2(0,0) = Type(1.0)-betaSI;
  A2(0,1) = betaSI;
  A2(0,2) = Type(0.0);
  A2(0,3) = Type(0.0);
  A2(1,0) = Type(0.0);
  A2(1,1) = Type(0.0);
  A2(1,2) = Type(1.0);
  A2(1,3) = Type(0.0);
  A2(2,0) = Type(0.0);
  A2(2,1) = Type(0.0);
  A2(2,2) = Type(1.0);
  A2(2,3) = Type(0.0);
  A2(3,0) = Type(0.0);
  A2(3,1) = Type(0.0);
  A2(3,2) = Type(0.0);
  A2(3,3) = Type(1.0);

  matrix<Type> A(4,4);
  A = A1 * A2;
  // init states
  vector<Type> PROP(4);
  PROP(0) = piS;
  PROP(1) = piI;
  PROP(2) = Type(1.0)-piS-piI;
  PROP(3) = Type(0.0);
  // likelihood
  Type ll;
  Type nll;
  array<Type> ALPHA(4);
  for (int i = 0; i < nh; i++) {
    int ei = fc(i)-1;
    vector<int> evennt = ch.col(i);
    ALPHA = PROP * vector<Type>(BE.row(fs(i))); // element-wise vector product
    for (int j = ei+1; j < km; j++) {
      ALPHA = multvecmat(ALPHA,A) * vector<Type>(B.row(evennt(j))); // vector matrix product, then element-wise vector product
    ll += log(sum(ALPHA));
  nll = -ll;
  return nll;
write(tmb_model, file = "sir_tmb.cpp")

Then load the model template:

## [1] 0


We do some benchmarking by hand. Note that we could have used a more formal approach using the microbenchmark package for example. We will repeat the simulation and parameter estimation 5 times to evaluate the time it takes to run these steps in TMB vs. native R. The input parameters are set up by default, see the simul function above. We consider 20 sampling occasions. The results are stored in 3 matrices that have as many rows as the number of simulations:

  • tab_optim contains the parameter estimates from the native R runs;

  • tab_tmb contains the parameter estimates from the native TMB runs;

  • tab_time contains the running times for R in the first column and for TMB in the second column.

MCiter <- 5
tab_optim <- matrix(0,MCiter,12)
tab_tmb <- matrix(0,MCiter,12)
tab_time <- matrix(0,MCiter,2) 

for(z in 1:MCiter){
	data <- simul(n.occasions=20)
	nh <- dim(data)[1]
	k <- dim(data)[2]
	km1 <- k-1
	eff <- rep(1,nh)
    fc <- NULL
    init.state <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nh){
      temp <- 1:k
      fc <- c(fc,min(which(data[i,]!=0)))
      init.state <- c(init.state,data[i,fc[i]])
    binit <- runif(12,-1,0)
    data <- t(data)
    # native R optim-like optimisation
    deb <- Sys.time()
    tmp_optim <- optim(binit,devMULTIEVENT,NULL,hessian=T,data,eff,fc,init.state,nh,km1,method="BFGS")
    fin <- Sys.time()
    res_optim <- fin-deb
    x <- tmp_optim$par
    piS <- plogis(x[1])
    piI <- plogis(x[2])
    # 1-piS-piI = 1 / (1+exp(par[1])+exp(par[2]))
    phiS <- plogis(x[3])
    phiI <- plogis(x[4])
    phiR <- plogis(x[5])
    psiSI <- plogis(x[6])
    pS <- plogis(x[7])
    pI <- plogis(x[8])
    pR <- plogis(x[9])
    deltaS <- plogis(x[10])
    deltaI <- plogis(x[11])
    deltaR <- plogis(x[12])
    par_optim <- c(piS, piI, phiS, phiI, phiR, psiSI, pS, pI, pR, deltaS, deltaI, deltaR) 

    # TMB-like optimisation    
    deb <- Sys.time()
    f <- MakeADFun(data = list(ch = data, fc = fc, fs = init.state),parameters = list(b = binit),DLL = "sir_tmb")
    opt <-"optim", f) # optimisation
    fin <- Sys.time()
    res_tmb <- fin-deb
    x <- opt$par
    piS <- plogis(x[1])
    piI <- plogis(x[2])
    # 1-piS-piI = 1 / (1+exp(par[1])+exp(par[2]))
    phiS <- plogis(x[3])
    phiI <- plogis(x[4])
    phiR <- plogis(x[5])
    psiSI <- plogis(x[6])
    pS <- plogis(x[7])
    pI <- plogis(x[8])
    pR <- plogis(x[9])
    deltaS <- plogis(x[10])
    deltaI <- plogis(x[11])
    deltaR <- plogis(x[12])
    par_tmb <- c(piS, piI, phiS, phiI, phiR, psiSI, pS, pI, pR, deltaS, deltaI, deltaR) 

    tab_optim[z,] <- par_optim
    tab_tmb[z,] <- par_tmb
    tab_time[z,1] <- res_optim
    tab_time[z,2] <- res_tmb

The estimates for $(\phi_S,\phi_I,\phi_R,\beta_{SI},p_S,p_I,p_R,\delta_S,\delta_I,\delta_R)$ we got with R are:

##  [1] 0.96341206 0.52945051 0.84148944 0.57102704 0.95315620 0.91918038
##  [7] 0.94819202 0.07892201 0.09685499 0.10397751

while those obtained with TMB are:

##  [1] 0.96491367 0.52897752 0.84145416 0.57193338 0.95380304 0.91536888
##  [7] 0.94832532 0.07874303 0.09685467 0.10402125

which are to be compared with the values we used to simulate the data:

##  [1] 0.96 0.53 0.84 0.60 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.10 0.10 0.10

The time elapsed for R is 20.6571664 while 0.1811735 for TMB; in other words, TMB is 114.0187173 faster than R.