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384 lines (362 loc) · 68.8 KB

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384 lines (362 loc) · 68.8 KB


This repo is part of a multipart guide that shows how to configure and deploy the reference architecture described in Google Cloud security foundations guide (PDF). The following table lists the parts of the guide.

0-bootstrap (this file) Bootstraps a Google Cloud organization, creating all the required resources and permissions to start using the Cloud Foundation Toolkit (CFT). This step also configures a CI/CD pipeline for foundations code in subsequent stages.

For an overview of the architecture and the parts, see the Using the Terraform example.


The purpose of this step is to bootstrap a Google Cloud organization, creating all the required resources & permissions to start using the Cloud Foundation Toolkit (CFT). This step also configures a CI/CD pipeline for foundations code in subsequent stages. The CI/CD pipeline can use either Cloud Build and Cloud Source Repos or Jenkins and your own Git repos (which might live on-premises).

Copyright 2021 Google LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.9
google >= 3.89.0


Name Version
google 4.64.0


Name Source Version
cloudbuild_bootstrap ../modules/cloudbuild 1.0.0
runner-mig ../modules/terraform-google-github-actions-runners/modules/gh-runner-mig-vm 1.0.0
seed_bootstrap ../modules/terraform-google-bootstrap 1.0.0


Name Type
google_billing_account_iam_member.tf_billing_admin resource
google_folder.bootstrap resource
google_folder_iam_member.folder_cb_sa_browser resource
google_folder_iam_member.folder_tf_compute_security_policy_admin resource
google_folder_iam_member.folder_tf_compute_security_resource_admin resource
google_organization_iam_member.cb_sa_org_perms resource
google_organization_iam_member.grp_org_admin_perms resource
google_organization_iam_member.org_cb_sa_browser resource
google_organization_iam_member.org_cb_sa_gke resource
google_organization_iam_member.org_cb_sa_gke2 resource
google_organization_iam_member.org_tf_compute_security_policy_admin resource
google_organization_iam_member.org_tf_compute_security_resource_admin resource
google_project_iam_member.cb_sa_prj_perms resource
google_project_iam_member.project_source_reader resource
google_project_iam_member.rnr_sa_prj_perms resource
google_sourcerepo_repository.gcp_policies resource
google_storage_bucket_iam_member.cb_bucket_cb_sa_perms resource
google_storage_bucket_iam_member.state_bucket_cb_sa_perms resource
google_storage_bucket_iam_member.state_bucket_orgtf_sa_perms resource
google_storage_bucket_iam_member.state_bucket_prj_sa_perms resource
google_project.cloudbuild data source


Name Description Type Default Required
activate_apis List of APIs to enable in the seed project. list(string)
allow-inbound-source-ranges Ingress firewall rule for untrusted network list(string)
allow-mgmt-source-ranges Firewall rule for management network. list(string)
allow-outbound-source-ranges egress firewall rule for untrusted network list(string)
base_vpc_firewall_egress_dest_ranges Used in shared vpc firewall egress destination ranges list(any) n/a yes
base_vpc_firewall_ingress_src_ranges Used in shared vpc firewall ingress source ranges list(any) n/a yes
base_vpc_global_address_private IP address range supplied as an input to reserve a specific address in a network - Internal map(any)
"d": "",
"p": "",
"s": ""
base_vpc_private_subnet_default_region Subnet range for creating subnet for a region, this variable is used in google network module, subnets map(any)
"d": "",
"p": "",
"s": ""
base_vpc_private_subnet_default_region2 Subnet range for creating subnet in default region2, this variable is used in google network module, subnets map(any)
"d": "",
"p": "",
"s": ""
base_vpc_subnet_secondary_ip_range_gke_pod Secondary IP ranges for VM instances contained in the subnetwork. This is used in 3-network, shared vpc, subnets module map(any)
"d": "",
"p": "",
"s": ""
base_vpc_subnet_secondary_ip_range_gke_svc Secondary IP ranges for VM instances contained in the subnetwork. This is used in 3-network, shared vpc, subnets module map(any)
"d": "",
"p": "",
"s": ""
billing_account The ID of the billing account to associate projects with. string n/a yes
billing_data_users Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group that have access to billing data set. string n/a yes
bootstrap_bucket_fw gcp bucket for bootstrap script which will be used to bootstrap the firewall. string "bootstrap-alb" no
bootstrap_env_code Environment code used for bootstrap stage string n/a yes
bootstrap_environment_name Environment name used for bootstrap stage string n/a yes
bucket_prefix Name prefix to use for state bucket created. string "bkt" no
cfo Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group billing data users. string n/a yes
cloud_source_repos List of Cloud Source Repositories created during bootstrap project build stage for use with Cloud Build. list(string)
cto_audit_compliance_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group for audit and compliance users. string n/a yes
cto_build_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group of guild users. string n/a yes
cto_core_networking_build_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group for networking build users. string n/a yes
cto_core_networking_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for network operations. string n/a yes
cto_elevated_security_build_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for elevated security build users. string n/a yes
cto_elevated_security_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations. string n/a yes
cto_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for operations. string n/a yes
cto_security_build_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group for security build group. string n/a yes
cto_security_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations. string n/a yes
cto_user_management_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group for management operations. string n/a yes
custom_labels Customer desigend labels for project map(string) {} no
d_cloud_router_labels A map of suffixes for labelling vlans with four entries like "vlan_1" => "suffix1" with keys from vlan_1 to vlan_4. map(string) {} no
d_enable_dedicated_interconnect Set the value to true if you want to create dedicated interconnect. default, false bool false no
d_peer_asn BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN). string n/a yes
d_region1_interconnect1_candidate_subnets Up to 16 candidate prefixes that can be used to restrict the allocation of cloudRouterIpAddress and customerRouterIpAddress for this attachment. All prefixes must be within link-local address space ( and must be /29 or shorter (/28, /27, etc). list(string) null no
d_region1_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the first location of region1 string n/a yes
d_region1_interconnect1_self_link URL of the underlying Interconnect object that this attachment's traffic will traverse through. string n/a yes
d_region1_interconnect1_vlan_tag8021q The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag for this attachment, in the range 2-4094. string null no
d_region1_interconnect2_candidate_subnets Up to 16 candidate prefixes that can be used to restrict the allocation of cloudRouterIpAddress and customerRouterIpAddress for this attachment. All prefixes must be within link-local address space ( and must be /29 or shorter (/28, /27, etc). list(string) null no
d_region1_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1 string n/a yes
d_region1_interconnect2_self_link URL of the underlying Interconnect object that this attachment's traffic will traverse through. string n/a yes
d_region1_interconnect2_vlan_tag8021q The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag for this attachment, in the range 2-4094. string null no
d_region2_interconnect1_candidate_subnets Up to 16 candidate prefixes that can be used to restrict the allocation of cloudRouterIpAddress and customerRouterIpAddress for this attachment. All prefixes must be within link-local address space ( and must be /29 or shorter (/28, /27, etc). list(string) null no
d_region2_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the first location of region2 string n/a yes
d_region2_interconnect1_self_link URL of the underlying Interconnect object that this attachment's traffic will traverse through. string n/a yes
d_region2_interconnect1_vlan_tag8021q The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag for this attachment, in the range 2-4094. string null no
d_region2_interconnect2_candidate_subnets Up to 16 candidate prefixes that can be used to restrict the allocation of cloudRouterIpAddress and customerRouterIpAddress for this attachment. All prefixes must be within link-local address space ( and must be /29 or shorter (/28, /27, etc). list(string) null no
d_region2_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region2 string n/a yes
d_region2_interconnect2_self_link URL of the underlying Interconnect object that this attachment's traffic will traverse through. string n/a yes
d_region2_interconnect2_vlan_tag8021q The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag for this attachment, in the range 2-4094. string null no
default_region Default region to create resources where applicable. string "us-central1" no
default_region2 Second subnet region for DNS Hub network. string n/a yes
dev_environment_code Environment code used in 2-envs and 3-networks stages string n/a yes
development_folder development environment folder name string n/a yes
domain The DNS name of peering managed zone, for instance ''. Must end with a period. string n/a yes
domains_to_allow The list of domains to allow users from in IAM. Used by Domain Restricted Sharing Organization Policy. Must include the domain of the organization you are deploying the foundation. To add other domains you must also grant access to these domains to the terraform service account used in the deploy. list(any) n/a yes
egress_ranges_firewall Destination IP address range in CIDR format. Required for EGRESS rules. list(any) n/a yes
enable_env_log_sink Enable environment log sink. bool false no
enable_hub_and_spoke Enable Hub-and-Spoke architecture. bool n/a yes
enable_hub_and_spoke_transitivity Enable transitivity via gateway VMs on Hub-and-Spoke architecture. bool false no
enable_interconnect_projects Create interconnect projects bool false no
enable_restricted_network Enable restricted network bool false no
encrypt_gcs_bucket_tfstate Encrypt bucket used for storing terraform state files in seed project. bool false no
firewall_name name of firewall string "firewall" no
folder_id The ID of a folder to host this project string "" no
folder_prefix Name prefix to use for folders created. Should be the same in all steps. string "fldr" no
force_destroy If supplied, the state bucket will be deleted even while containing objects. bool false no
gar_repo_name GCP Artifact Registry Name to store container image for Cloud Build builder. string n/a yes
gh_token Github token that is used for generating Self Hosted Runner Token string "default-runner-token" no
git_pvt_key_scrt_name The name / secret id which holds the private key for the deploy keys added to the Github repo. string "git-gcplz-ssh-pvt" no
grant_billing_user Grant roles/billing.user role to CFT service account bool true no
group_billing_admins Google Group for GCP Billing Administrators string n/a yes
group_org_admins Google Group for GCP Organization Administrators string n/a yes
image_fw image from marketplace to pick for firewall server deployment string "" no
image_web upstream webserver image type for testing, this is optional string "debian-8" no
ingress_ranges_firewall Source IP address range in CIDR format. Required for INGRESS rules. list(any) n/a yes
interconnect-firewall interconnect-firewall bool false no
interface_0_name interface name for management server string "management" no
interface_1_name interface name for untrust server string "untrust" no
interface_2_name interface name for trust server string "trust" no
key_protection_level The protection level to use when creating a version based on this template. string "SOFTWARE" no
key_rotation_period n/a string null no
kms_prevent_destroy Set the prevent_destroy lifecycle attribute on keys. bool true no
log_sink_prefix Add log sink prefix example, snk. string n/a yes
machine_cpu_fw cpu processor type for firewall server deployment string "Intel Skylake" no
machine_type_fw machine size for firewall server deployment string "n1-standard-4" no
machine_type_web upstream webserver type for testing, this is optional. string "f1-micro" no
management-sub-ip_cidr_range IP ranges for management subnet, this subnet will be used for managing state between firewall servers. string "" no
monitoring_workspace_users Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group that have access to Monitoring Workspaces. string n/a yes
num_instances Number of compute instances to be spinned up as Github Self hosted runners. number n/a yes
org_admins_org_iam_permissions List of permissions granted to the group supplied in group_org_admins variable across the GCP organization. list(string) [] no
org_id GCP Organization ID string n/a yes
org_policy_admin_role Additional Org Policy Admin role for admin group. You can use this for testing purposes. bool false no
org_project_creators Additional list of members to have project creator role across the organization. Prefix of group: user: or serviceAccount: is required. list(string) [] no
p_r_cloud_router_labels A map of suffixes for labelling vlans with four entries like "vlan_1" => "suffix1" with keys from vlan_1 to vlan_4. map(string) {} no
p_r_preactivate_partner_interconnect Preactivate Partner Interconnect VLAN attachment in the environment. bool false no
p_r_region1_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1 string n/a yes
p_r_region1_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1 string n/a yes
p_r_region2_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region2 string n/a yes
p_r_region2_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region2 string n/a yes
p_s_cloud_router_labels A map of suffixes for labelling vlans with four entries like "vlan_1" => "suffix1" with keys from vlan_1 to vlan_4. map(string) {} no
p_s_preactivate_partner_interconnect Preactivate Partner Interconnect VLAN attachment in the environment. bool false no
p_s_region1_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1 string n/a yes
p_s_region1_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1 string n/a yes
p_s_region2_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1 string n/a yes
p_s_region2_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1 string n/a yes
parent_folder Optional - for an organization with existing projects or for development/validation. It will place all the example foundation resources under the provided folder instead of the root organization. The value is the numeric folder ID. The folder must already exist. string "" no
primary_contact Email of primary contact string n/a yes
prod_environment_code Environment code used in 2-envs and 3-networks stages string n/a yes
production_folder production environment folder name string n/a yes
project_id Custom project ID to use for project created. If not supplied, the default id is {project_prefix}-seed-{random suffix}. string "" no
project_labels Labels to apply to the project. map(string) {} no
project_name Project Name string "" no
project_prefix Name prefix to use for projects created. Should be the same in all steps. Max size is 3 characters. string "prj" no
random_suffix Appends a 4 character random suffix to project ID and GCS bucket name. bool true no
region_zone region NGFW HA servers to deploy in string "us-west1-a" no
rest_vpc_firewall_egress_dest_ranges Used in shared vpc firewall egress destination ranges list(any) n/a yes
rest_vpc_firewall_ingress_src_ranges Used in shared vpc firewall ingress source ranges list(any) n/a yes
rest_vpc_global_address_private IP address range supplied as an input to reserve a specific address in a network - Internal map(any)
"d": "",
"p": "",
"s": ""
rest_vpc_private_subnet_default_region Subnet range for creating subnet for a region, this variable is used in google network module, subnets map(any)
"d": "",
"p": "",
"s": ""
rest_vpc_private_subnet_default_region2 Subnet range for creating subnet in default region2, this variable is used in google network module, subnets map(any)
"d": "",
"p": "",
"s": ""
rest_vpc_subnet_secondary_ip_range_gke_pod Secondary IP ranges for VM instances contained in the subnetwork. This is used in 3-network, shared vpc, subnets module map(any)
"d": "",
"p": "",
"s": ""
rest_vpc_subnet_secondary_ip_range_gke_svc Secondary IP ranges for VM instances contained in the subnetwork. This is used in 3-network, shared vpc, subnets module map(any)
"d": "",
"p": "",
"s": ""
restricted_enable_partner_interconnect Set the value to true if you want to create restricted partner interconnect. default, false bool false no
runner_machine_type Machine type for Github Self hosted runners. string "n1-standard-1" no
runner_repo_name Name of the repo for the Github Action string n/a yes
runner_repo_owner Owner of the repo for the Github Action string n/a yes
runner_subnet_ip The subnet range in which the runner instances will be built. For e.g. string n/a yes
sa_enable_impersonation Allow org_admins group to impersonate service account & enable APIs required. bool false no
sa_org_cb_iam_permissions List of permissions granted to Cloudbuild service account from CICD project across the organization. list(string)
sa_org_iam_permissions List of permissions granted to Terraform service account across the GCP organization. list(string)
sa_prj_cb_iam_permissions List of permissions granted to Cloudbuild service account from CICD project across the CICD Project. list(string)
sa_prj_rnr_iam_permissions List of permissions granted to Runner service account across the CICD Project. list(string)
scopes_fw scopes attached to server VMS. list(string)
scopes_web scopes attached to web-server VMS, this is optional list(string)
secondary_contact Email of secondary contact string n/a yes
shared_enable_partner_interconnect Set the value to true if you want to create shared partner interconnect. default, false bool false no
shared_env Environment code used in 2-envs and 3-networks stages string n/a yes
shared_environment_code Environment code used in 1-org, 2-envs and 3-networks stages string n/a yes
source_image_family Source Image family of the image from which to initialize the disk. for e.g. ubuntu-2004-lts string "ubuntu-2004-lts" no
source_image_project The Project for Source Image. for e.g. ubuntu-os-cloud string "ubuntu-os-cloud" no
staging_environment_code Environment code used in 2-envs and 3-networks stages string n/a yes
staging_folder staging environment folder name string n/a yes
state_bucket_name Custom state bucket name. If not supplied, the default name is {project_prefix}-tfstate-{random suffix}. string "" no
storage_bucket_labels Labels to apply to the storage bucket. map(string) {} no
subnet_ip_cidr_range_region1 The range of internal addresses that are owned by this subnetwork. Only IPv4 is supported string n/a yes
subnet_ip_cidr_range_region2 The range of internal addresses that are owned by this subnetwork. Only IPv4 is supported string n/a yes
target_name_server_addresses List of IPv4 address of target name servers for the forwarding zone configuration. See for details on target name servers in the context of Cloud DNS forwarding zones. list(string) n/a yes
tf_service_account_id ID of service account for terraform in seed project string "org-terraform" no
tf_service_account_name Display name of service account for terraform in seed project string "CFT Organization Terraform Account" no
trust-dest_range destination firewall rule for trusted network string "" no
trust-sub-ip_cidr_range IP ranges for trusted subnet, this subnet will be used for trusted traffic traffic for upstream services. string "" no
untrust-sub-ip_cidr_range IP ranges for untrusted subnet, this subnet will be used for incoming untrusted traffic. string "" no
vpc_prefix VPC prefix used to create the vpc string n/a yes
web_server_name upstream webserver name for testing, this is optional. string "webserver" no
zone region NGFW HA servers to deploy in string "us-west1-a" no
zone_2 region NGFW HA servers to deploy in string "us-west1-b" no


Name Description
allow-inbound-source-ranges Ingress firewall rule for untrusted network
allow-mgmt-source-ranges Firewall rule for management network.
allow-outbound-source-ranges egress firewall rule for untrusted network
base_vpc_firewall_egress_dest_ranges Used in shared vpc firewall egress destination ranges.
base_vpc_firewall_ingress_src_ranges Used in shared vpc firewall ingress source ranges.
base_vpc_global_address_private IP address range supplied as an input to reserve a specific address in a network - Internal.
base_vpc_private_subnet_default_region Subnet range for creating subnet for a region, this variable is used in google network module, subnets.
base_vpc_private_subnet_default_region2 Subnet range for creating subnet for a region2, this variable is used in google network module, subnets.
base_vpc_subnet_secondary_ip_range_gke_pod Secondary IP ranges for VM instances contained in the subnetwork. This is used in 3-network, shared vpc, subnets module.
base_vpc_subnet_secondary_ip_range_gke_svc Secondary IP ranges for VM instances contained in the subnetwork. This is used in 3-network, shared vpc, subnets module.
billing_account Billing account ID details.
billing_data_users Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group that have access to billing data set.
bootstrap_bucket_fw gcp bucket for bootstrap script which will be used to bootstrap the firewall.
bootstrap_folder Environment name used for bootstrap stage.
bucket_prefix Bucket prefix used by Cloud Storage buckets.
cfo Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
cloudbuild_project_id Project where CloudBuild configuration and terraform container image will reside.
csr_repos List of Cloud Source Repos created by the module, linked to Cloud Build triggers.
cto_audit_compliance_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
cto_build_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
cto_core_networking_build_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
cto_core_networking_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
cto_elevated_security_build_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
cto_elevated_security_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
cto_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
cto_security_build_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
cto_security_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
cto_user_management_operations_group Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
custom_labels Customer desigend labels for project
d_cloud_router_labels A map of suffixes for labelling vlans with four entries like "vlan_1" => "suffix1" with keys from vlan_1 to vlan_4.
d_enable_dedicated_interconnect Set the value to true if you want to create dedicated interconnect. default, false
d_peer_asn BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN).
d_region1_interconnect1_candidate_subnets Up to 16 candidate prefixes that can be used to restrict the allocation of cloudRouterIpAddress and customerRouterIpAddress for this attachment. All prefixes must be within link-local address space ( and must be /29 or shorter (/28, /27, etc).
d_region1_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the first location of region1
d_region1_interconnect1_self_link URL of the underlying Interconnect object that this attachment's traffic will traverse through.
d_region1_interconnect1_vlan_tag8021q The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag for this attachment, in the range 2-4094.
d_region1_interconnect2_candidate_subnets Up to 16 candidate prefixes that can be used to restrict the allocation of cloudRouterIpAddress and customerRouterIpAddress for this attachment. All prefixes must be within link-local address space ( and must be /29 or shorter (/28, /27, etc).
d_region1_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1
d_region1_interconnect2_self_link URL of the underlying Interconnect object that this attachment's traffic will traverse through.
d_region1_interconnect2_vlan_tag8021q The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag for this attachment, in the range 2-4094.
d_region2_interconnect1_candidate_subnets Up to 16 candidate prefixes that can be used to restrict the allocation of cloudRouterIpAddress and customerRouterIpAddress for this attachment. All prefixes must be within link-local address space ( and must be /29 or shorter (/28, /27, etc).
d_region2_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the first location of region2
d_region2_interconnect1_self_link URL of the underlying Interconnect object that this attachment's traffic will traverse through.
d_region2_interconnect1_vlan_tag8021q The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag for this attachment, in the range 2-4094.
d_region2_interconnect2_candidate_subnets Up to 16 candidate prefixes that can be used to restrict the allocation of cloudRouterIpAddress and customerRouterIpAddress for this attachment. All prefixes must be within link-local address space ( and must be /29 or shorter (/28, /27, etc).
d_region2_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region2
d_region2_interconnect2_self_link URL of the underlying Interconnect object that this attachment's traffic will traverse through.
d_region2_interconnect2_vlan_tag8021q The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag for this attachment, in the range 2-4094.
default_region2 Second subnet region for DNS Hub network.
dev_environment_code Development environment code.
development_folder Development environment folder name.
domain The DNS name of peering managed zone, for instance ''. Must end with a period.
domains_to_allow The list of domains to allow users from in IAM. Used by Domain Restricted Sharing Organization Policy. Must include the domain of the organization you are deploying the foundation. To add other domains you must also grant access to these domains to the terraform service account used in the deploy.
egress_ranges_firewall Destination IP address range in CIDR format. Required for EGRESS rules.
enable_env_log_sink Enable environment log sink.
enable_hub_and_spoke Enable Hub-and-Spoke architecture.
enable_hub_and_spoke_transitivity Enable transitivity via gateway VMs on Hub-and-Spoke architecture.
enable_interconnect_projects Create interconnect projects
enable_restricted_network Enable restricted network
firewall_name name of firewall.
folder_prefix Folder prefix used by folders.
gar_repo_name Github Repo name.
gcp_region Default GCP region.
gcs_bucket_cloudbuild_artifacts Bucket used to store Cloud/Build artifacts in CloudBuild project.
gcs_bucket_tfstate Bucket used for storing terraform state for foundations pipelines in seed project.
group_org_admins Google Group for GCP Organization Administrators.
image_fw image from marketplace to pick for firewall server deployment
image_web upstream webserver image type for testing, this is optional
ingress_ranges_firewall Source IP address range in CIDR format. Required for INGRESS rules.
interconnect-firewall interconnect-firewall
interface_0_name interface name for management server
interface_1_name interface name for untrust server
interface_2_name interface name for trust server
kms_crypto_key KMS key created by the module.
kms_keyring KMS Keyring created by the module.
log_sink_prefix Log sink prefix.
machine_cpu_fw cpu processor type for firewall server deployment
machine_type_fw machine size for firewall server deployment
machine_type_web upstream webserver type for testing, this is optional.
management-sub-ip_cidr_range IP ranges for management subnet, this subnet will be used for managing state between firewall servers.
monitoring_workspace_users Google Workspace or Cloud Identity group responsible for security operations.
org_id Organization Id
p_r_cloud_router_labels A map of suffixes for labelling vlans with four entries like "vlan_1" => "suffix1" with keys from vlan_1 to vlan_4.
p_r_preactivate_partner_interconnect Preactivate Partner Interconnect VLAN attachment in the environment.
p_r_region1_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1
p_r_region1_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1
p_r_region2_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1
p_r_region2_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1
p_s_cloud_router_labels A map of suffixes for labelling vlans with four entries like "vlan_1" => "suffix1" with keys from vlan_1 to vlan_4.
p_s_preactivate_partner_interconnect Preactivate Partner Interconnect VLAN attachment in the environment.
p_s_region1_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1
p_s_region1_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1
p_s_region2_interconnect1_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1
p_s_region2_interconnect2_location Name of the interconnect location used in the creation of the Interconnect for the second location of region1
parent_folder The Parent folder ID.
primary_contact Email of primary contact.
prod_environment_code Projection environment code.
production_folder Production environment folder name.
project_name Project name, example: cldcvr.
project_prefix Project prefix used by projects.
region_zone region NGFW HA servers to deploy in
rest_vpc_firewall_egress_dest_ranges Used in shared vpc firewall egress destination ranges.
rest_vpc_firewall_ingress_src_ranges Used in shared vpc firewall ingress source ranges.
rest_vpc_global_address_private IP address range supplied as an input to reserve a specific address in a network - Internal.
rest_vpc_private_subnet_default_region Subnet range for creating subnet for a region, this variable is used in google network module, subnets.
rest_vpc_private_subnet_default_region2 Subnet range for creating subnet in default region2, this variable is used in google network module, subnets.
rest_vpc_subnet_secondary_ip_range_gke_pod Secondary IP ranges for VM instances contained in the subnetwork. This is used in 3-network, shared vpc, subnets module.
rest_vpc_subnet_secondary_ip_range_gke_svc Secondary IP ranges for VM instances contained in the subnetwork. This is used in 3-network, shared vpc, subnets module.
restricted_enable_partner_interconnect Set the value to true if you want to create restricted partner interconnect. default, false
runner_labels Github runner labels.
runner_network_name n/a
runner_repo_name Name of the repo for the Github Action.
runner_repo_owner Owner of the repo for the Github Action.
scopes_fw scopes attached to server VMS.
scopes_web scopes attached to web-server VMS, this is optional
secondary_contact Email of secondary contact.
seed_project_id Project where service accounts and core APIs will be enabled.
shared_enable_partner_interconnect Set the value to true if you want to create shared partner interconnect. default, false
shared_env Environment code used in 2-envs and 3-networks stages.
shared_environment_code Shared environment code.
staging_environment_code Staging environment code.
staging_folder staging environment folder name.
subnet_ip_cidr_range_region1 The range of internal addresses that are owned by this subnetwork. Only IPv4 is supported.
subnet_ip_cidr_range_region2 The range of internal addresses that are owned by this subnetwork. Only IPv4 is supported.
target_name_server_addresses List of IPv4 address of target name servers for the forwarding zone configuration.
terraform_sa_name Fully qualified name for privileged service account for Terraform.
terraform_service_account Email for privileged service account for Terraform.
terraform_validator_policies_repo Cloud Source Repository created for terraform-validator policies.
trust-dest_range destination firewall rule for trusted network
trust-sub-ip_cidr_range IP ranges for trusted subnet, this subnet will be used for trusted traffic traffic for upstream services
untrust-sub-ip_cidr_range IP ranges for untrusted subnet, this subnet will be used for incoming untrusted traffic.
vpc_prefix VPC prefix used to create the vpc.
web_server_name upstream webserver name for testing, this is optional.
zone region NGFW HA servers to deploy in
zone_2 region NGFW HA servers to deploy in