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  • Add social_auth to PYTHONPATH and installed applications:

  • Add desired authentication backends to Django's AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting:


    Take into account that backends must be defined in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS or Django won't pick them when trying to authenticate the user.

    Don't miss django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend if using django.auth user model or users won't be able to login.

  • Setup needed OAuth keys (see OAuth section for details):

    TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY         = ''
    FACEBOOK_APP_ID              = ''
    FACEBOOK_API_SECRET          = ''
    ORKUT_CONSUMER_KEY           = ''
    GOOGLE_CONSUMER_KEY          = ''
    VK_APP_ID                    = ''
    VK_API_SECRET                = ''
  • Setup login URLs:

    LOGIN_URL          = '/login-form/'
    LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/logged-in/'
    LOGIN_ERROR_URL    = '/login-error/'

    Check Django documentation at Login URL and Login redirect URL

    If a custom redirect URL is needed that must be different to LOGIN_URL, define the setting:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/another-login-url/'

    A different URL could be defined for newly registered users:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_NEW_USER_REDIRECT_URL = '/new-users-redirect-url/'

    or for newly associated accounts:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_NEW_ASSOCIATION_REDIRECT_URL = '/new-association-redirect-url/'

    or for account disconnections:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_DISCONNECT_REDIRECT_URL = '/account-disconnected-redirect-url/'

    Users will be redirected to LOGIN_ERROR_URL in case of error or user cancellation on some backends. This URL can be override by this setting:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_BACKEND_ERROR_URL = '/new-error-url/'
  • Configure authentication and association complete URL names to avoid possible clashes:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_COMPLETE_URL_NAME  = 'socialauth_complete'
    SOCIAL_AUTH_ASSOCIATE_URL_NAME = 'socialauth_associate_complete'
  • Add URLs entries:

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        url(r'', include('social_auth.urls')),

    All django-social-auth URLs names have socialauth_ prefix.

  • Define context processors if needed:

    • social_auth_by_name_backends: Adds a social_auth dict where each key is a provider name and its value is a UserSocialAuth instance if user has associated an account with that provider, otherwise None.
    • social_auth_backends: Adds a social_auth dict with keys are associated, not_associated and backends. associated key is a list of UserSocialAuth instances associated with current user. not_associated is a list of providers names that the current user doesn't have any association yet. backends holds the list of backend names supported.
    • social_auth_by_type_backends: Simiar to social_auth_backends but each value is grouped by backend type openid, oauth2 and oauth.

    Check social_auth.context_processors for details.

    Note: social_auth_backends and social_auth_by_type_backends don't play nice together.

  • Sync database to create needed models:

    ./ syncdb
  • Not mandatory, but recommended:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_DEFAULT_USERNAME = 'new_social_auth_user'


    import random
    SOCIAL_AUTH_DEFAULT_USERNAME = lambda: random.choice(['Darth Vader', 'Obi-Wan Kenobi', 'R2-D2', 'C-3PO', 'Yoda'])

    in case your user layout needs to purify username on some weird way.

    Final user name will have a random UUID-generated suffix in case it's already taken. The UUID token max length can be changed with the setting:

  • Backends will store extra values from response by default, set this to False to avoid such behavior:


    Also more extra values will be stored if defined, details about this setting are listed below on OpenId and OAuth sections.

    Session expiration time is an special value, it's recommended to define:


    and use such setting name where expiration times are returned. View that completes login process will set session expiration time using this name if it's present or expires by default. Expiration configuration can be disabled with setting:

  • It's possible to override the used User model if needed:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'myapp.CustomUser'

    This class must have a custom Model Manager with a create_user method that resembles the one on auth.UserManager.

    Also, it's highly recommended that this class define the following fields:

    username   = CharField(...)
    last_login = DateTimeField(blank=True)
    is_active  = BooleanField(...)

    and the method:


    These are needed to ensure a better django-auth integration, in other case login_required won't be usable. A warning is displayed if any of these are missing. By default auth.User is used.

    Check example application for implementation details, but first, please take a look to User Profiles, it might be what you were looking for.

    It's possible to disable user creations by django-social-auth with:


    It is also possible to associate multiple user accounts with a single email address, set value as True to enable, otherwise set as False to disable. This behavior is enabled by default (True) unless specifically set:

  • You can send extra parameters on auth process by defining settings per provider, example to request Facebook to show Mobile authorization page, define:

    FACEBOOK_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {'display': 'touch'}

    For other providers, just define settings in the form:

    <uppercase backend name>_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {...}
  • Also, you can send extra parameters on request token process by defining settings per provider in the same way explained above but with this other suffix:

    <uppercase backend name>_REQUEST_TOKEN_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {...}
  • By default the application doesn't make redirects to different domains, to disable this behavior:

  • Inactive users can be redirected to a different page if this setting is defined:


    Defaults to LOGIN_ERROR_URL.

  • The application catches any exception and logs errors to logger or django.contrib.messagess application by default. But it's possible to override the default behavior by defining a function to process the exceptions using this setting:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS = 'social_auth.utils.process_exceptions'

    The function parameters will request holding the current request object, backend with the current backend and err which is the exception instance.

    Recently this set of exceptions were introduce to describe the situations a bit more than the old ValueError usually raised:

    AuthException           - Base exception class
    AuthFailed              - Authentication failed for some reason
    AuthCanceled            - Authentication was canceled by the user
    AuthUnknownError        - An unknown error stoped the authentication
    AuthTokenError          - Unauthorized or access token error, it was
                              invalid, impossible to authenticate or user
                              removed permissions to it.
    AuthMissingParameter    - A needed parameter to continue the process was
                              missing, usually raised by the services that
                              need some POST data like myOpenID

    These are a subclass of ValueError to keep backward compatibility.

    Having tracebacks is really useful when debugging, for that purpose this setting was defined:


    It's default value is DEBUG, so you need to set it to False to avoid tracebacks when DEBUG = True.

  • When your project is behind a reverse proxy that uses HTTPS the redirect URIs can became with the wrong schema (http:// instead of https://), and might cause errors with the auth process, to force HTTPS in the final URIs define this setting:


Some settings can be tweak by backend by adding the backend name prefix (all uppercase and replace - with _), here's the supported settings so far: