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2016 lines (1395 loc) · 51.4 KB

File metadata and controls

2016 lines (1395 loc) · 51.4 KB


Derived from Solid.

Robot {
  SFString controller      "void"   # any string
  SFString controllerArgs  ""       # any string
  SFString customData      ""       # any string
  SFBool   synchronization TRUE     # {TRUE, FALSE}
  MFFloat  battery         [ ]      # see below
  SFFloat  cpuConsumption  10       # [0, inf)
  SFBool   selfCollision   FALSE    # {TRUE, FALSE}
  SFBool   showWindow      FALSE    # {TRUE, FALSE}
  SFString window          ""       # any string
  SFString remoteControl   ""       # any string

Direct derived nodes: DifferentialWheels, Supervisor.


The Robot node can be used as basis for building a robot, e.g., an articulated robot, a humanoid robot, a wheeled robot. If you would like to build a robot with supervisor capabilities use the Supervisor node instead (Webots PRO license required).

Note: Logically, if the Robot node has one or more Solid (or derived) ancestor nodes, then the physical properties of the ancestor nodes will affect the Robot node's physical behavior.

Field Summary

  • controller: name of the controller program that the simulator must use to control the robot. This program is located in a directory whose name is equal to the field's value. This directory is in turn located in the "controllers" subdirectory of the current project directory. For example, if the field value is "my_controller" then the controller program should be located in "my_project/controllers/my_controller/my_controller[.exe]". The ".exe" extension is added on the Windows platforms only. Setting this field's value to the empty string runs no controller at all. Doing so may lead to better performance than using the void controller.

Note: If the controller is not started the robot window will not work. If the robot window is required it is recommended to assign the void controller instead of an empty string.

  • controllerArgs: string containing the arguments (separated by space characters) to be passed to the main function of the C/C++ controller program or the main method of the Java controller program.

  • customData: this field may contain any user data, for example parameters corresponding to the configuration of the robot. It can be read from the robot controller using the wb_robot_get_custom_data function and can be written using the wb_robot_set_custom_data function. It may also be used as a convenience for communicating between a robot and a supervisor without implementing a Receiver / Emitter system: The supervisor can read and write in this field using the generic supervisor functions for accessing fields.

  • synchronization: if the value is TRUE (default value), the simulator is synchronized with the controller; if the value is FALSE, the simulator runs as fast as possible, without waiting for the controller. The wb_robot_get_synchronization function can be used to read the value of this field from a controller program.

  • battery: this field should contain three values: the first one corresponds to the present energy level of the robot in Joules (J), the second is the maximum energy the robot can hold in Joules, and the third is the energy recharge speed in Watts ([W]=[J]/[s]). The simulator updates the first value, while the other two remain constant. Important: when the current energy value reaches zero, the corresponding controller process terminates and the simulated robot stops all motion.

Note: [J]=[V].[A].[s] and [J]=[V].[A.h]/3600

  • cpuConsumption: power consumption of the CPU (central processing unit) of the robot in Watts.

  • selfCollision: setting this field to TRUE will enable the detection of collisions within the robot and apply the corresponding contact forces, so that the robot limbs cannot cross each other (provided that they have a Physics node). This is useful for complex articulated robots for which the controller doesn't prevent inner collisions. Enabling self collision is, however, likely to decrease the simulation speed, as more collisions will be generated during the simulation. Note that only collisions between non-consecutive solids will be detected. For consecutive solids, e.g., two solids attached to each other with a joint, no collision detection is performed, even if the self collision is enabled. The reason is that this type of collision detection is usually not wanted by the user, because a very accurate design of the bounding objects of the solids would be required. To prevent two consecutive solid nodes from penetrating each other, the minStop and maxStop fields of the corresponding joint node should be adjusted accordingly. Here is an example of a robot leg with self collision enabled:

      Thigh (solid)
      Knee (joint)
      Leg (solid)
      Ankle (joint)
      Foot (solid)

    In this example, no collision is detected between the "Thigh" and the "Leg" solids because they are consecutive, e.g., directly joined by the "Knee". In the same way no collision detection takes place between the "Leg" and the "Foot" solids because they are also consecutive, e.g., directly joined by the "Ankle". However, collisions may be detected between the "Thigh" and the "Foot" solids, because they are non-consecutive, e.g., they are attached to each other through an intermediate solid ("Leg"). In such an example, it is probably a good idea to set minStop and maxStop values for the "Knee" and "Ankle" joints.

  • showWindow: defines whether the robot window should be shown at the startup of the controller. If yes, the related entry point function of the robot window controller plugin (i.e. the wbw_show function) is called as soon as the controller is initialized.

  • window: defines the path of the robot window controller plugin used to display the robot window. If the window field is empty, the default generic robot window is loaded. The search algorithm works as following: Let $(VALUE) be the value of the window field, let $(EXT) be the shared library file extension of the OS (".so", ".dll" or ".dylib"), let $(PREFIX) be the shared library file prefix of the OS ("" on windows and "lib" on other OS), let $(PROJECT) be the current project path, let $(WEBOTS) be the webots installation path, and let $(...) be a recursive search, then the first existing file will be used as absolute path:



  • remoteControl: defines the path of the remote-control controller plugin used to remote control the real robot. The search algorithm is identical to the one used for the window field, except that the subdirectory of plugins is remote_controls rather than robot_windows.

Synchronous versus Asynchronous Controllers

The synchronization field specifies if a robot controller must be synchronized with the simulator or not.

If synchronization is TRUE (the default), the simulator will wait for the controller's wb_robot_step function call whenever necessary to keep the simulation and the controller synchronized. So for example if the simulation step (WorldInfo.basicTimeStep) is 16 ms and the control step is 64 ms, then Webots will always execute precisely 4 simulation steps during one control step. After the 4th simulation step, Webots will wait for the controller's next control step (call to wb_robot_step(64)).

If synchronization is FALSE, the simulator will run as fast a possible without waiting for the control step. So for example, with the same simulation step (16 ms) and control step (64 ms) as before, if the simulator has finished the 4th simulation step but the controller has not yet reached the call to wb_robot_step(64), then Webots will not wait; instead it will continue the simulation using the latest actuation commands. Hence, if synchronization is FALSE, the number of simulation steps that are executed during a control step may vary; this will depend on the current simulator and controller speeds and on the current CPU load, and hence the outcome of the simulation may also vary. Note that if the number of simulation steps per control step varies, this will appear as a variations of the "speed of the physics" in the controller's point of view, and this will appear as a variation of the robot's reaction speed in the user's point of view.

So generally the synchronization field should be set to TRUE when robust control is required. For example if a motion (or ".motion file") was designed in synchronous mode then it may appear completely different in asynchronous mode. The asynchronous mode is currently used only for the robot competitions, because in this case it is necessary to limit the CPU time allocated to each participating controller. Note that it is also possible to combine synchronous and asynchronous controllers, e.g., for the robot competitions generally the Supervisor controller is synchronous while the contestants controllers are asynchronous. Asynchronous controllers may also be recommended for networked simulations involving several robots distributed over a computer network with an unpredictable delay (like the Internet).

Robot Functions






%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

int wb_robot_step(int duration);
void wb_robot_init();
void wb_robot_cleanup();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    virtual ~Robot();
    virtual int step(int duration);
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def __init__(self):
    def __del__(self):
    def step(self, duration):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public Robot();
  protected void finalize();
  public int step(int duration);
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

period = wb_robot_step(duration)


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/time_step service webots_ros::set_int




controller step, initialization and cleanup functions

The wb_robot_step function is crucial and must be used in every controller. This function synchronizes the sensor and actuator data between Webots and the controllers. If the wb_robot_step function is not called then there will be no actuation in Webots and no update of the sensors in the controller.

The duration parameter specifies the amount of time, expressed in milliseconds, that must be simulated until the wb_robot_step function returns. Note that this is not real time but virtual (simulation) time, so this is not like calling the system's sleep function. Depending on the complexity of the simulation and execution mode, the function may return quickly. When it returns, the requested duration of simulation time is elapsed. In other words the physics runs for the specified duration: objects may move, the motors may run, the sensor values may change, etc. Note that the duration parameter must be a multiple of the WorldInfo.basicTimeStep.

If this function returns -1, this indicates that Webots is about to terminate the controller. This happens when the user hits the Reload button or quits Webots. So if your code needs to do some cleanup, e.g., flushing or closing data files, etc., it is necessary to test this return value and take proper action. The controller termination cannot be vetoed: one second later the controller is killed by Webots. So only one second is available to do the cleanup.

If the synchronization field is TRUE, this function always returns 0 (or -1 to indicate termination). If the synchronization field is FALSE, the return value can be different from 0: Let controller_time be the current time of the controller and let dt be the return value. Then dt may be interpreted as follows:

  • if dt = 0, then the asynchronous behavior was equivalent to the synchronous behavior.
  • if 0 <= dt <= duration, then the actuator values were set at controller_time + dt, and the sensor values were measured at controller_time + duration, as requested. It means that the step actually lasted the requested number of milliseconds, but the actuator commands could not be executed on time.
  • if dt > duration, then the actuators values were set at controller_time + dt, and the sensor values were also measured at controller_time + dt. It means that the requested step duration could not be respected.

The C API has two additional functions: wb_robot_init and wb_robot_cleanup. There is no equivalent of the wb_robot_init and wb_robot_cleanup functions in the Java, Python, C++ and MATLAB APIs. In these languages the necessary initialization and cleanup of the controller library is done automatically.

The wb_robot_init function is used to initialize the Webots controller library and enable the communication with the Webots simulator. Note that the wb_robot_init function must be called before any other Webots API function.

Calling the wb_robot_cleanup function is the clean way to terminate a C controller. This function frees the various resources allocated by Webots on the controller side. In addition the wb_robot_cleanup function signals the termination of the controller to the simulator. As a consequence, Webots removes the controller from the simulation which can continue normally with the execution of the other controllers (if any). If a C controller exits without calling the wb_robot_cleanup function, then its termination will not be signaled to Webots. In this case the simulation will remain blocked (sleeping) on the current step (but only if this Robot's synchronization field is TRUE). Note that the call to the wb_robot_cleanup function must be the last API function call in a C controller. Any subsequent Webots API function call will give unpredictable results.

Simple C controller Example

#include <webots/robot.h>

#define TIME_STEP 32

static WbDeviceTag my_sensor, my_led;

int main() {
  /* initialize the webots controller library */

  // get device tags
  my_sensor = wb_robot_get_device("my_distance_sensor");
  my_led = wb_robot_get_device("my_led");

  /* enable sensors to read data from them */
  wb_distance_sensor_enable(my_sensor, TIME_STEP);

  /* main control loop: perform simulation steps of 32 milliseconds */
  /* and leave the loop when the simulation is over */
  while (wb_robot_step(TIME_STEP) != -1) {

    /* Read and process sensor data */
    double val = wb_distance_sensor_get_value(my_sensor);

    /* Send actuator commands */
    wb_led_set(my_led, 1);

  /* Add here your own exit cleanup code */


  return 0;



























%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

WbDeviceTag wb_robot_get_device(const char *name);


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    Accelerometer *getAccelerometer(const std::string &name);
    Brake *getBrake(const std::string &name);
    Camera *getCamera(const std::string &name);
    Compass *getCompass(const std::string &name);
    Connector *getConnector(const std::string &name);
    Display *getDisplay(const std::string &name);
    DistanceSensor *getDistanceSensor(const std::string &name);
    Emitter *getEmitter(const std::string &name);
    GPS *getGPS(const std::string &name);
    Gyro *getGyro(const std::string &name);
    InertialUnit *getInertialUnit(const std::string &name);
    Joystick *getJoystick();
    Keyboard *getKeyboard();
    LED *getLED(const std::string &name);
    Lidar *getLidar(const std::string &name);
    LightSensor *getLightSensor(const std::string &name);
    Motor *getMotor(const std::string &name);
    Mouse *getMouse();
    Pen *getPen(const std::string &name);
    PositionSensor *getPositionSensor(const std::string &name);
    Radar *getRadar(const std::string &name);
    RangeFinder *getRangeFinder(const std::string &name);
    Receiver *getReceiver(const std::string &name);
    Speaker *getSpeaker(const std::string &name);
    TouchSensor *getTouchSensor(const std::string &name);
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getAccelerometer(self, name):
    def getBrake(self, name):
    def getCamera(self, name):
    def getCompass(self, name):
    def getConnector(self, name):
    def getDisplay(self, name):
    def getDistanceSensor(self, name):
    def getEmitter(self, name):
    def getGPS(self, name):
    def getGyro(self, name):
    def getInertialUnit(self, name):
    def getJoystick(self):
    def getKeyboard(self):
    def getLED(self, name):
    def getLidar(self, name):
    def getLightSensor(self, name):
    def getMotor(self, name):
    def getMouse(self):
    def getPen(self, name):
    def getPositionSensor(self, name):
    def getRadar(self, name):
    def getRangeFinder(self, name):
    def getReceiver(self, name):
    def getSpeaker(self, name):
    def getTouchSensor(self, name):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public Accelerometer getAccelerometer(String name);
  public Brake getBrake(String name);
  public Camera getCamera(String name);
  public Compass getCompass(String name);
  public Connector getConnector(String name);
  public Display getDisplay(String name);
  public DistanceSensor getDistanceSensor(String name);
  public Emitter getEmitter(String name);
  public GPS getGPS(String name);
  public Gyro getGyro(String name);
  public InertialUnit getInertialUnit(String name);
  public Joystick getJoystick();
  public Keyboard getKeyboard();
  public LED getLED(String name);
  public Lidar getLidar(String name);
  public LightSensor getLightSensor(String name);
  public Motor getMotor(String name);
  public Motor getMouse();
  public Pen getPen(String name);
  public PositionSensor getPositionSensor(String name);
  public Radar getRadar(String name);
  public RangeFinder getRangeFinder(String name);
  public Receiver getReceiver(String name);
  public Speaker getSpeaker(String name);
  public TouchSensor getTouchSensor(String name);
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

tag = wb_robot_get_device('name')


%tab "ROS"

Note: this function has no equivalent for ROS. Devices are available through their services.




get a unique identifier to a device

The wb_robot_get_device function (available in C and MATLAB) returns a unique identifier for a device corresponding to a specified name. For example, if a robot contains a DistanceSensor node whose name field is "ds1", the function will return the unique identifier of that device. This WbDeviceTag identifier will be used subsequently for enabling, sending commands to, or reading data from this device. If the specified device is not found, the function returns 0.

In C++, Java or Python, users should use the device specific typed methods, for example getDistanceSensor. These functions return a reference to an object corresponding to a specified name. Depending on the called function, this object can be an instance of a Device subclass. For example, if a robot contains a DistanceSensor node whose name field is "ds1", the function getDistanceSensor will return a reference to a DistanceSensor object. If the specified device is not found, the function returns NULL in C++, null in Java or the none in Python.



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

WbDeviceTag wb_robot_get_device_by_index(int index);
int wb_robot_get_number_of_devices();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    int getNumberOfDevices() const;
    Device *getDeviceByIndex(int index);
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getNumberOfDevices(self):
    def getDeviceByIndex(self, index):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public int getNumberOfDevices();
  public Device getDeviceByIndex(int index);
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

size = wb_robot_get_number_of_devices()
tag = wb_robot_get_device_by_index(index)


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_number_of_devices service webots_ros::get_int
/robot/get_device_list service webots_ros::robot_get_device_list uint8 ask
string[] list




get the devices by introspection

These functions allows to get the robot devices by introspection. Indeed they allow to get the devices from an internal flat list storing the devices. The size of this list matches with the number of devices. The order of this list matches with their declaration in the scene tree.

If index is out of the bounds of the list index (from 0 to wb_robot_get_number_of_devices() - 1) then the returned WbDeviceTag is equal to 0.

The following example shows a typical example of introspection. It is used with the device API allowing to retrieve some information from a WbDeviceTag.

int n_devices = wb_robot_get_number_of_devices();
int i;
for(i=0; i<n_devices; i++) {
  WbDeviceTag tag = wb_robot_get_device_by_index(i);

  const char *name = wb_device_get_name(tag);
  WbNodeType type = wb_device_get_node_type(tag);

  // do something with the device
  printf("Device #%d name = %s\n", i, name);

  if (type == WB_NODE_CAMERA) {
    // do something with the camera
    printf("Device #%d is a camera\n", i);



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

typedef enum {
} WbUserInputEvent;

WbUserInputEvent wb_robot_wait_for_user_input_event(WbUserInputEvent event_type, int timeout);


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    typedef enum {
    } UserInputEvent;

    UserInputEvent waitForUserInputEvent(UserInputEvent event_type, int timeout);
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:

    def waitForUserInputEvent(self, event_type, timeout):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public final static int EVENT_QUIT, EVENT_NO_EVENT, EVENT_MOUSE_CLICK,

  public int waitForUserInputEvent(int event_type, int timeout);
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"


event_type = wb_robot_wait_for_user_input_event(event_type, timeout)


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/wait_for_user_input_event service webots_ros::robot_wait_for_user_input_event int32 eventType
int32 timeout
int32 event




wait for a Joystick, Keyboard or Mouse input event

This function can be used to get Joystick, Keyboard and Mouse input without calling the wb_robot_step function, this is useful to prevent the simulation from running until a specific user input event occurs. This function blocks the simulation and will return:

  • as soon as an event which type is defined by the event_type argument occurs (the list of available types is defined in this table).
  • when the amount of milliseconds specified by the timeout argument has passed. This timeout is expressed in real time and not in simulation time.
  • when Webots is about to terminate the controller (in that case WB_EVENT_QUIT is returned).

It is possible to combine event types in order to return as soon as one of the event occurs:

WbUserInputEvent returned_event = wb_robot_wait_for_user_input_event(WB_EVENT_KEYBOARD | WB_EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON, 1000);

note: The corresponding input devices should be enabled before calling the wb_robot_wait_for_user_input_event function. In case of mouse move and joystick axis events, the sampling period is used to avoid producing too many events (at least one sampling period is required before returning). In that case, the sampling period is expressed in real time and not in simulation time.

%figure "Helper enumeration to interpret the event_type argument and return value of the wb_robot_wait_for_user_input_event function"

Event Purpose
WB_EVENT_QUIT returned when Webots is about to terminate the controller
WB_EVENT_NO_EVENT no event occurred or no event should cause a return
WB_EVENT_MOUSE_CLICK used to detect a mouse click in the 3D window
WB_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE used to detect the motion of the mouse in the 3D window
WB_EVENT_KEYBOARD used to detect a keyboard key press/release
WB_EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON used to detect a joystick button press/release
WB_EVENT_JOYSTICK_AXIS used to detect the motion of a joystick axis
WB_EVENT_JOYSTICK_POV used to detect state change of a joystick pov


note: Calling the wb_robot_wait_for_user_input_event function with WB_EVENT_NO_EVENT as the event_type argument causes the controller process to sleep for the specified timeout duration. If the controller is synchronous, this will also pause the simulation for the same duration.






%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

void wb_robot_battery_sensor_enable(int sampling_period);
void wb_robot_battery_sensor_disable();
double wb_robot_battery_sensor_get_value();
int wb_robot_get_battery_sampling_period(WbDeviceTag tag);


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    virtual void batterySensorEnable(int sampling_period);
    virtual void batterySensorDisable();
    int batterySensorGetSamplingPeriod() const;
    double batterySensorGetValue() const;
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def batterySensorEnable(self, sampling_period):
    def batterySensorDisable(self):
    def batterySensorGetSamplingPeriod(self):
    def batterySensorGetValue(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public void batterySensorEnable(int sampling_period);
  public void batterySensorDisable();
  public int batterySensorGetSamplingPeriod();
  public double batterySensorGetValue();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

period = wb_robot_battery_sensor_get_sampling_period()
value = wb_robot_battery_sensor_get_value()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/battery_sensor/value topic webots_ros::Float64Stamped Header header
float64 data
/battery_sensor/enable service webots_ros::set_int
/battery_sensor/get_sampling_period service webots_ros::get_int




battery sensor function

These functions allow you to measure the present energy level of the robot battery. First, it is necessary to enable battery sensor measurements by calling the wb_robot_battery_sensor_enable function. The sampling_period parameter is expressed in milliseconds and defines how frequently measurements are performed. After the battery sensor is enabled a value can be read from it by calling the wb_robot_battery_sensor_get_value function. The returned value corresponds to the present energy level of the battery expressed in Joules (J).

The wb_robot_battery_sensor_disable function should be used to stop battery sensor measurements.

The wb_robot_get_battery_sampling_period function returns the period given into the wb_robot_battery_sensor_enable function, or 0 if the device is disabled.



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

double wb_robot_get_basic_time_step();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    double getBasicTimeStep() const;
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getBasicTimeStep(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public double getBasicTimeStep();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

step = wb_robot_get_basic_time_step()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_basic_time_step service webots_ros::get_float




returns the value of the basicTimeStep field of the WorldInfo node

This function returns the value of the basicTimeStep field of the WorldInfo node.



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

typedef enum {
} WbRobotMode;

WbRobotMode wb_robot_get_mode();
void wb_robot_set_mode(WbRobotMode mode, void *arg);


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    enum {
    } RobotMode;

    RobotMode getMode() const;
    void setMode(RobotMode mode, void *arg);
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:

    def getMode(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {

  public int getMode();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"


mode = wb_robot_get_mode()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_mode service webots_ros::get_int
/robot/set_mode service webots_ros::robot_set_mode char[] arg
int32 mode
int8 success




get operating mode, simulation versus real robot

The wb_robot_get_mode function returns an integer value indicating the current operating mode for the controller.

The wb_robot_set_mode function allows the user to switch between the simulation and the remote control mode. When switching to the remote-control mode, the wbr_start function of the remote control plugin is called. The argument arg is passed directly to the wbr_start function (more information in the user guide).

The WbRobotMode can be compared to the following enumeration items:

%figure "Helper enumeration to interpret the WbRobotMode argument and return value of the wb_robot_[gs]et_mode functions"

Mode Purpose
WB_MODE_SIMULATION simulation mode
WB_MODE_CROSS_COMPILATION cross compilation mode
WB_MODE_REMOTE_CONTROL remote control mode




%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

const char *wb_robot_get_name();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    std::string getName() const;
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getName(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public String getName();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

name = wb_robot_get_name()




return the name defined in the robot node

This function returns the name as it is defined in the name field of the robot node (Robot, DifferentialWheels, Supervisor, etc.) in the current world file. The string returned should not be deallocated, as it was allocated by the "libController" shared library and will be deallocated when the controller terminates. This function is very useful to pass some arbitrary parameter from a world file to a controller program. For example, you can have the same controller code behave differently depending on the name of the robot. This is illustrated in the "soccer.wbt" sample demo, where the goal keeper robot runs the same control code as the other soccer players, but its behavior is different because its name was tested to determine its behavior (in this sample world, names are "b3" for the blue goal keeper and "y3" for the yellow goal keeper, whereas the other players are named "b1", "b2", "y1" and "y2"). This sample world is located in the "projects/samples/demos/worlds" directory of Webots.



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

const char *wb_robot_get_model();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    std::string getModel() const;
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getModel(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public String getModel();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

model = wb_robot_get_model()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_model service webots_ros::get_string




return the model defined in the robot node

This function returns the model string as it is defined in the model field of the robot node (Robot, DifferentialWheels, Supervisor, etc.) in the current world file. The string returned should not be deallocated, as it was allocated by the "libController" shared library and will be deallocated when the controller terminates.



  • set the data defined in the robot node


%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

const char *wb_robot_get_custom_data();
void wb_robot_set_custom_data(const char *data);


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    std::string getCustomData() const;
    void setCustomData(const std::string &data);
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getCustomData(self):
    def setCustomData(self, data):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public String getCustomData();
  public setCustomData(String data);
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

data = wb_robot_get_custom_data()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_custom_data service webots_ros::get_string
/robot/set_custom_data service webots_ros::set_string




return the custom data defined in the robot node

The wb_robot_get_custom_data function returns the string contained in the customData field of the robot node.

The wb_robot_set_custom_data function set the string contained in the customData field of the robot node.



%tab "C"

#include <webots/nodes.h>
#include <webots/robot.h>

WbNodeType wb_robot_get_type();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    int getType() const;
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getType(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public int getType();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

type = wb_robot_get_type()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_type service webots_ros::get_int




return the type of the robot node

This function returns the type of the current mode (WB_NODE_ROBOT, WB_NODE_SUPERVISOR or WB_NODE_DIFFERENTIAL_WHEELS).



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

const char *wb_robot_get_project_path();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    std::string getProjectPath() const;
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getProjectPath(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public String getProjectPath();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

path = wb_robot_get_project_path()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_project_path service webots_ros::get_string




return the full path of the current project

This function returns the full path of the current project, that is the directory which contains the worlds and controllers subdirectories (among others) of the current simulation world. It doesn't include the final directory separator char (slash or anti-slash). The returned pointer is a UTF-8 encoded char string. It should not be deallocated.



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

const char *wb_robot_get_world_path();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    std::string getWorldPath() const;
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getWorldPath(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public String getWorldPath();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

path = wb_robot_get_world_path()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_world_path service webots_ros::get_string




return the full path of the current opened world file

This function returns the full path of the current opened world. The returned pointer is a UTF-8 encoded char string which does include the final ".wbt". It should not be deallocated.




%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

const char *wb_robot_get_controller_name();
const char *wb_robot_get_controller_arguments();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    std::string getControllerName() const;
    std::string getControllerArguments() const;
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getControllerName(self):
    def getControllerArguments(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public String getControllerName();
  public String getControllerArguments();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

name = wb_robot_get_controller_name()
name = wb_robot_get_controller_arguments()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_controller_name service webots_ros::get_string
/robot/get_controller_arguments service webots_ros::get_string




return the content of the Robot::controller and Robot::controllerArgs fields

These functions return the content of respectively the Robot::controller and the Robot::controllerArgs fields.



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

bool wb_robot_get_synchronization();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    bool getSynchronization() const;
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getSynchronization(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public boolean getSynchronization();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

sync = wb_robot_get_synchronization()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_synchronization service webots_ros::get_bool




return the value of the synchronization field of the Robot node

This function returns the boolean value corresponding to the synchronization field of the Robot node.



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

double wb_robot_get_time();


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    double getTime() const;
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def getTime(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public double getTime();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

time = wb_robot_get_time()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/get_time service webots_ros::get_float




return the current simulation time in seconds

This function returns the current simulation time in seconds. This correspond to the simulation time displayed in the speedometer located in the main toolbar. It does not matter whether the controller is synchronized or not.



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

void wb_robot_task_new(void (*task, void *param);




start a new thread of execution

This function creates and starts a new thread of execution for the robot controller. The task function is immediately called using the param parameter. It will end only when the task function returns. The Webots controller API is thread safe, however, some API functions use or return pointers to data structures which are not protected outside the function against asynchronous access from a different thread. Hence you should use mutexes (see below) to ensure that such data is not accessed by a different thread.






%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot.h>

WbMutexRef wb_robot_mutex_new();
void wb_robot_mutex_delete(WbMutexRef mutex);
void wb_robot_mutex_lock(WbMutexRef mutex);
void wb_robot_mutex_unlock(WBMutexRef mutex);




mutex functions

The wb_robot_mutex_new function creates a new mutex and returns a reference to that mutex to be used with other mutex functions. A newly created mutex is always initially unlocked. Mutexes (mutual excluders) are useful with multi-threaded controllers to protect some resources (typically variables or memory chunks) from being used simultaneously by different threads.

The wb_robot_mutex_delete function deletes the specified mutex. This function should be used when a mutex is no longer in use.

The wb_robot_mutex_lock function attempts to lock the specified mutex. If the mutex is already locked by another thread, this function waits until the other thread unlocks the mutex, and then locks it. This function returns only after it has locked the specified mutex.

The wb_robot_mutex_unlock function unlocks the specified mutex, allowing other threads to lock it.

Users unfamiliar with the mutex concept may wish to consult a reference on multi-threaded programming techniques for further information.






%tab "C"

#include <webots/utils/default_robot_window.h>

const char *wb_robot_wwi_receive(int *size);
const char *wb_robot_wwi_receive_text();
void wb_robot_wwi_send(const char *data, int size);
void wb_robot_wwi_send_text(const char *text);


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    const char *wwiReceive();
    std::string wwiReceiveText();
    void wwiSend(const char *data, int size);
    void wwiSendText(const std::string &text);
    // ...


%tab "Python"

from controller import Robot

class Robot:
    def wwiSendText(self, text):
    def wwiReceiveText(self):
    # ...


%tab "Java"

import com.cyberbotics.webots.controller.Robot;

public class Robot {
  public void wwiSendText(String text);
  public String wwiReceiveText();
  // ...


%tab "MATLAB"

text = wb_robot_wwi_receive_text()


%tab "ROS"

name service/topic data type data type definition
/robot/wwi_receive_text service webots_ros::get_string
/robot/wwi_send_text service webots_ros::set_string




communication with a HTML robot window

These functions allow the robot controller to communicate with a HTML robot window. Such a window is embedded as a dockable sub-window in the Webots user interface. The content of the window is written in HTML and Javascript functions are used to communicate with the robot controller.

The wb_robot_wwi_receive and wb_robot_wwi_receive_text functions allow a robot controller to receive a message sent from a Javascript function running in the HTML robot window. The message is sent using the webots.window("<robot window name>").send method of the Webots Javascript API.

The wb_robot_window_send and wb_robot_wwi_send_text functions allow a robot controller to send a message to a Javascript function running in the HTML robot window. The message is received using the webots.window("<robot window name>").receive method of the Webots Javascript API.

note [Java, Python, MATLAB, ROS]: wb_robot_wwi_receive and wb_robot_window_send functions are not available in the Java, Python, MATLAB, or ROS API.



%tab "C"

#include <webots/robot_window.h>

void *wb_robot_window_custom_function(void *arg);


%tab "C++"

#include <webots/Robot.hpp>

namespace webots {
  class Robot {
    void *windowCustomFunction(void *arg);
    // ...




communication with the native C/C++ robot window [deprecated]

The wb_robot_window_custom_function function allows a robot controller to communicate with the native C/C++ robot window plugin. Native robot windows are deprecated and instead it is recommended to use the HTML robot windows and their API functions: wb_robot_wwi_receive_text and wb_robot_wwi_send_text.

When this function is called, the robot window corresponding wbw_robot_window_custom_function function is executed. This robot window entry point has to be explicitly defined in the plugin. Please also note that it can correctly be executed only if the robot window has already been initialized, i.e. if it has already been open at least once. You can find more information about robot window plugin in the user guide.

No particular format on the argument is imposed but any user chosen format is suitable as long as the controller and robot window codes agree. The following example shows how to send and receive data from the robot window plugin:

char message[128];
sprintf(message, "hello");
int *count = (int *)wb_robot_window_custom_function(message);
if (count != NULL)
  printf("Robot window plugin received %d \"hello\" messages\n", count[0]);

And here is the corresponding robot window function definition:

void *wbw_robot_window_custom_function(void *arg) {
  static int *count = NULL;
  if (count == NULL)  {
    count = new int[1];
    count[0] = 0;
  if (strcmp((const char *)arg, "hello") == 0)
  return count;

Note [Java, Python, MATLAB]: Given that the native robot window can only be implemented for C/C++ controllers, wb_robot_window_custom_function is not available in Java, Python or MATLAB API.