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File metadata and controls

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rsync Examples

sync Firefox config with $HOME if it is installed as snap

rsync -aAXv --progress ~/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla ~ --delete

or if it is installed as flatpak

rsync -aAXv --progress ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.FirefoxNightly/.mozilla ~ \
simple home rsync
rsync -aHAXvn --exclude={"debian*",".steam",".local/share/Steam","dev",\
".var",".mysql_history",".cargo",".config/Keybase/Cache","grand-pics*"} \
--progress -e ssh ~ \$(date +%Y-%m-%d) --delete
backing up only root partition:
sudo rsync -aHAXvn --exclude={"/proc/*","/var/log/*","/dev/*","/sys/*",\
"/mnt/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/media/*","/home/*"} \
--progress / /mnt/Backup/root --delete

back up website on remote server to upload via git after that
website.wordpress contains personal data backup (posts)

rsync -aAXvn --exclude={".git",".gitignore","website.wordpress*"} --progress \ --delete

Do not make $HOME backup as root. If some files/folders permissions are denied, this is meant to be, for example some links may lead to root filesystem.

-aHAXv - preserve files ownership, attributes, hard links + verbose
-n - fake, won't do anything - good for testing
--delete - removes old files from backup while syncing, should be the last argument in some cases
--exclude={"PATTERN","PATTERN"} - exclude specific files/folders. when excluding folder do not use "/" in the end, otherwise it will still try to create empty folder
--log-file=$HOME/rsync.log - save log

Router specific instructions

for Keenetic Router opkg package needs to be installed:
prepare hdd: either format without metadata_csum feature: sudo mke2fs /dev/sdX1 -O ^metadata_csum
or disable it for already formatted partition: sudo tune2fs -O ^metadata_csum /dev/sdX1
then mount and unmount the drive on your laptop\desktop
create folder "install", put files mips-installer.tar.gz and mipsel-installer.tar.gz, connect the drive
router will automatically create Linux instance on drive, system log will show "SSH available now". user root, default password 'keenetic', default port 22
connect via ssh, change password: passwd
opkg update && opkg install rsync

using dropbear as ssh client is different from openssh (credits to

  1. generate a key dropbearkey -t rsa -f .ssh/id_rsa
  2. grep openssh pubkey from dropbear key, copy it to hosts dropbearkey -y -f .ssh/id_rsa | grep "^ssh-rsa " > .ssh/
  3. each time you run rsync or ssh you need to provide the key, e.g.
ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa
rsync -aAXvn --delete --exclude={"dev",".gvfs",".cache",".tor-browser",\
".local/share/flatpak/repo/tmp",".local/share/baloo",".nv"} \
--progress -e "ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa" \ /opt/backups/myserver-home