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# Blog App

Welcome to the Blog App project! This is a simple web application built with Express.js, Sequelize, and other technologies. The app allows users to register, log in, create, edit, and delete posts, as well as manage their user profile.

## Features

- User registration and authentication
- Create, edit, and delete posts
- User profile management

## Installation

1. Clone the repository: `git clone`
2. Navigate to the project directory: `cd blog-app`
3. Install dependencies: `npm install`

## Configuration

1. Copy the `.env.example` file and rename it to `.env`.
2. Configure the environment variables in the `.env` file, including the database connection settings and secret keys.

## Usage

1. Start the development server: `npm run dev`
2. Access the app in your browser at `http://localhost:3000`

## Endpoints

- **GET /api/users**: Get a list of all users.
- **POST /api/users/register**: Register a new user.
- **POST /api/users/login**: Log in as an existing user.
- **GET /api/users/profile**: Get the authenticated user's profile.
- **PUT /api/users/profile**: Update the authenticated user's profile.
- **GET /api/posts**: Get a list of all posts.
- **GET /api/posts/{id}**: Get a specific post by ID.
- **POST /api/posts**: Create a new post.
- **PUT /api/posts/{id}**: Edit a post by ID.
- **DELETE /api/posts/{id}**: Delete a post by ID.

## Technologies Used

- Express.js: Web application framework
- Sequelize: Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for database interactions
- bcrypt: Password hashing and authentication
- jsonwebtoken: JWT authentication
- Joi: Data validation
- Swagger: API documentation

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

## License


No description, website, or topics provided.






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