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Hypervisors is where oneinfra will run the control plane components for all managed clusters.

An Hypervisor has different attributes that you can specify:

  • A way for oneinfra to run processes on hypervisors

    • LocalCRIEndpoint: A CRI socket is exposed in the local filesystem.
      • When using a local CRI endpoint, requests are unauthenticated and use the UNIX socket directly.
    • RemoteCRIEndpoint: A CRI socket is exposed in the network, reachable by oneinfra.
      • When using a remote CRI endpoint, requests are authenticated with a client certificate and private key. They also require a CA certificate to validate the server presented certificate in the client side.
  • Public and private hypervisors

    • Public hypervisors is where the control plane ingress components will be placed (e.g. haproxy and a VPN terminator). Managed cluster users will connect to public hypervisors.
  • IPAddress is the IP address of the hypervisor

    • For Public hypervisors, this must be a reachable IP address for managed clusters users.
    • For Private hypervisors, this must be a reachable IP address for other Private hypervisors, and Public hypervisors, so components scheduled on different Private hypervisors can talk to each other, and Public hypervisors can route traffic to Private ones.
  • Port ranges

    • Every service, either public or private is going to be allocated a port on the scheduled hypervisor, so oneinfra needs to know what port range is safe to use.

Setting up an hypervisor

For setting an hypervisor up, you will need a service that implements the Container Runtime Interface set up (e.g. containerd, cri-o...).

The hypervisor spec looks as follows:

type HypervisorSpec struct {
	// LocalCRIEndpoint is the unix socket where this hypervisor is
	// reachable. This is only intended for development and testing
	// purposes. On production environments RemoteCRIEndpoint should be
	// used. Either a LocalCRIEndpoint or a RemoteCRIEndpoint has to be
	// provided.
	// +optional
	LocalCRIEndpoint *LocalHypervisorCRIEndpoint `json:"localCRIEndpoint,omitempty"`

	// RemoteCRIEndpoint is the TCP address where this hypervisor is
	// reachable. Either a LocalCRIEndpoint or a RemoteCRIEndpoint has
	// to be provided.
	// +optional
	RemoteCRIEndpoint *RemoteHypervisorCRIEndpoint `json:"remoteCRIEndpoint,omitempty"`

	// Public hypervisors will be scheduled cluster ingress components,
	// whereas private hypervisors will be scheduled the control plane
	// components themselves.
	Public bool `json:"public"`

	// IPAddress of this hypervisor. Public hypervisors must have a
	// publicly reachable IP address.
	IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`

	// PortRange is the port range to be used for allocating exposed
	// components.
	PortRange HypervisorPortRange `json:"portRange,omitempty"`

Ideally, for production targeted hypervisors, you will use the RemoteCRIEndpoint, whose specification looks like the following:

type RemoteHypervisorCRIEndpoint struct {
	// CRIEndpoint is the address where this CRI endpoint is listening
	CRIEndpoint string `json:"criEndpointURI,omitempty"`

	// CACertificate is the CA certificate to validate the connection
	// against
	CACertificate string `json:"caCertificate,omitempty"`

	// ClientCertificate is the client certificate that will be used to
	// authenticate requests
	ClientCertificate *commonv1alpha1.Certificate `json:"clientCertificate,omitempty"`

And so, when oneinfra connects to this hypervisor using a remote CRI endpoint, it will validate the server presented certificate with the CACertificate and will present the server the client certificate and key provided in ClientCertificate.

Note: in the near future oneinfra will allow you to set up hypervisors in an easier way.

You will need to set up an authentication proxy on the hypervisor. The test environment uses haproxy, so it is listening in a TCP port, performing client certificate authentication, and forwarding those requests to a local UNIX socket (where containerd, or cri-o are listening).

An example of an haproxy configuration is as follows:

  chroot /var/lib/haproxy
  log global
  mode tcp
  timeout connect 10s
  timeout client  60s
  timeout server  60s
frontend cri_frontend
  bind *:<HAProxy port> ssl crt <HAProxy cert bundle path> ca-file <HAProxy CA client cert path> verify required
  default_backend cri_backend
backend cri_backend
  server cri unix@containerd.sock

In this example, the containerd.sock is placed inside the chrooted environment /var/lib/haproxy.

You can inspect the testing environment oneinfra creates in this setup by executing oi-local-hypervisor-set create --tcp.

Also, since oneinfra will authenticate against the hypervisor using a client certificate, you will need several certificates:

  • HAProxy cert bundle path: refers to the bundle of the endpoint certificate and private key, this is the server certificate of this CRI endpoint. It will be used by oneinfra client to validate the server connection. The CA used to create this certificate will be placed in the RemoteHypervisorCRIEndpoint CACertificate field, PEM encoded.

  • HAProxy CA client cert path: is the CA used by haproxy to validate the oneinfra client certificate, authenticating requests. The client certificate used by oneinfra to authenticate against the CRI endpoint will be placed in the RemoteHypervisorCRIEndpoint ClientCertificate field, which consists in a Certificate and PrivateKey, both PEM encoded.

You can read the document for a broad overview.