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OneLogin Node.js SDK

This SDK will let you execute all the API methods, version/2, described at

The SDK also covers common use cases with OneLogin including PKCE and Smart MFA integration with React, Angular and Vue.

Development Status

This module is under development and accepting PRs from the community.

Getting started

You'll need a OneLogin account and a set of API credentials before you get started.

If you don't have an account you can sign up for a free developer account here.

From the admin panel of your OneLogin account, select Developers > API Credentials and click New Credential to create an API credential.

Value Description
client_id Required unless using for frontend (see PKCE): A valid OneLogin API client_id
client_secret Required unless using for frontend (see PKCE): A valid OneLogin API client_secret
region Optional if not using baseURL: 'us' or 'eu'.
baseURL Optional if not using a region: Should look like https://api.<region>

CRUD Resources

Currently this SDK supports the following resources:

Resource Description Docs
Apps The OneLogin App Resource (e.g. an OIDC or SAML application)
Users Representation of a User in OneLogin
import Client from "@onelogin/sdk";

const onelogin = new Client({
  clientID: abc-123-def-456,
  clientSecret: 654-fed-321-cba,
  region: "us"

let newApp = onelogin.apps.Create({
  name: "new app",
  connector_id: 123
})                                                       // creates a new SAML app "updated app"
onelogin.apps.Update(newApp)                             // updates the app in OneLogin

let apps = onelogin.apps.Query()                         // list all apps
let samlApps = onelogin.apps.Query({connector_id: 123})  // list SAML apps (connector_id = 123)
let awsApp = onelogin.apps.FindByID(newApp.ID)           // aws app with id = 123
onelogin.apps.Destroy(newApp.ID)                         // destroys the app in OneLogin

Use Cases

PKCE (OAuth Login) For SPA (React, Vue, Angular) and Mobile Apps

This SDK supports integrating OneLogin as the IdP for PKCE

PKCE is a useful auth flow for apps that don't have a secure means for storing client secret and prevents auth_code intercept attacks

For this flow, you'll need to create a OIDC App in OneLogin and configure it to use PKCE in the SSO setting by setting the Token Endpoint value to None (PKCE)

Then, note down the Client ID for the app (different from the OneLogin API credential Client ID)

Finally under Configuration, specify one or more redirect urls to be allowed. http://localhost:3000 is also allowed for local development.

import Client from "@onelogin/sdk";

const onelogin = new Client({region: "us"}); // client id and secret are not required here

let pkceClient = onelogin.pkce.Configure({
  redirectURL: "http://localhost:3000",
  clientID: oidc-123-client-3456

let loginLink = document.getElementById("loginLink")         // some <a> tag
pkceClient.CreateAuthURL().then(url => loginLink.href = url) // establish link for user to click to go to login page

let accessToken = ""
let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
let code = urlParams['code']; // code returned after successful login
pkceClient.GetAccessTokenAsync(code).then(token => accessToken = token)

let me = null
pkceClient.GetUserInfoAsync(accessToken).then(user => me = user)

Smart MFA for Deno / NodeJS Backend

This SDK comes with the methods required to support the Smart MFA scenario. This scenario checks a User's behavior analytics with Vigilance A.I. to determine if an additional factor such as Email or SMS is required.

Generally one of 2 things should happen:

  1. User is checked against Vigilance and no action required
  2. User is checked but requires additional factor. In this case you'll get a MFA token in the response of the CheckMFARequired function to validate later.
  • Finally as shown in /otp we combine the MFA token with the supplied OTP collected from the client and use that to determine if a user has rightful access
const onelogin = new Client({
  clientID: abc-123-def-456,
  clientSecret: 654-fed-321-cba,
  region: "us"

// implement these routes'/signup', signupRoute)'/login', loginRoute)'/otp', otpRoute)

signupRoute = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  try {
    let existingUser = this.userDB.Read(
    if( existingUser ) {
      return res.status(400).json({
        error: `User with id ${} exists!`

    let { email: user_identifier, phone, password } = req.body
    let context = {
      user_agent: req.headers["user-agent"],
      ip: req.connection.remoteAddress

    let { data, error } = await onelogin.smartMFA.CheckMFARequired({
      user_identifier, phone, context

    if( error ) return res.status(error.httpStatusCode).json(

      id: user_identifier,
      email: user_identifier

    console.log(`Completed Risk Assessment for ${user_identifier}`)
    return res.status(200).json(data.mfa)

  } catch( err ) {
    console.log("An unknown error occurred", err)
    return res.status(500).send(err.message)

loginRoute = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  try {
    let user = this.userDB.Read(
    if( !user ) {
      return res.status(400).json({
        error: `User with id ${} not found!`

    if( !user.validated(req.body.password) ) {
      return res.status(400).json({ error: `Wrong password` })

    let { email: user_identifier, phone } = user
    let context = {
      user_agent: req.headers["user-agent"],
      ip: req.connection.remoteAddress

    let { data, error } = await onelogin.smartMFA.CheckMFARequired({
      user_identifier, phone, context

    if( error ) return res.status(error.httpStatusCode).json(
    console.log(`Completed Risk Assessment for ${user_identifier}`)
    return res.status(200).json(data.mfa)

  } catch( err ) {
    console.log("An unknown error occurred", err)
    return res.status(500).send(err.message)

otpRoute = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  try {
    let data = await onelogin.smartMFA.ValidateOTP( { ...req.body } )
    console.log("OTP Validation Done!")
    return res.status(200).json(data)

  } catch( err ) {
    console.log("An unknown error occurred", err)
    return res.status(500).send(err.message)