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Google Play

akarimova edited this page Nov 7, 2014 · 12 revisions

#How To add

  1. Add the corresponding billing permission

    <uses-permission android:name="" />
  2. Provide your public key

    OpenIabHelper.Options.Builder builder = new OpenIabHelper.Options.Builder();
    builder.addStoreKey(OpenIabHelper.NAME_GOOGLE, googlePlayPublicKey);
    mHelper = new OpenIabHelper(this,;

    otherwise verify purchases on your server side.

  3. Map the SKUs if they are different for the supported stores

    OpenIabHelper.mapSku(SKU_PREMIUM, OpenIabHelper.NAME_GOOGLE, "");
    OpenIabHelper.mapSku(SKU_GAS, OpenIabHelper.NAME_GOOGLE, "");
    OpenIabHelper.mapSku(SKU_INFINITE_GAS, OpenIabHelper.NAME_GOOGLE, "");
  4. In the proguard configuration file add

     -keep class**

Receipt Verification on Server

  1. Create OpenIabHelper with "Skip signature verification" option and no public keys. If you specify no public keys and forget VERIFY_SKIP option, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown

    OpenIabHelper.Options.Builder builder = new OpenIabHelper.Options.Builder();
    mHelper = new OpenIabHelper(context,;
  2. Get receipt data and signature from Purchase object and send it to your server

    new IabHelper.OnIabPurchaseFinishedListener() {
        public void onIabPurchaseFinished(IabResult result, Purchase purchase) {
            // … different result checks ...
            String receiptData = purchase.getOriginalJson();
            String receiptSignature = purchase.getSignature();
            String storeName = purchase.getAppstoreName();
            String urlToContent  = yourRequestReceiptVerificationOnServer(receiptData, receiptSignature, storeName);
            // … further code ...

or use the following methods

How To test

To test .apk, please ensure

- your .apk is submitted to Google Play Developer Console
- your .apk is signed by the production key
- versionCode in AndroidManifest.xml of your .apk is equal to versionCode of .apk submitted to Developer Console