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Git Aliases

Common Aliases

git config --global checkout
git config --global branch
git config --global commit
git config --global status
git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'
  • git co: Short for git checkout.
  • git br: Short for git branch.
  • git ci: Short for git commit.
  • git st: Short for git status.
  • git last: Show the last commit.

Shortcuts for Log

git config --global alias.lg "log --graph --oneline --all --decorate"
git config --global alias.ll "log --pretty=format:'%C(auto)%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph --date=short"
  • git lg: Compact log with a graph.
  • git ll: Detailed log with a formatted output.

Diff Aliases

git config --global alias.dif "diff"
git config --global alias.difc "diff --cached"
git config --global alias.difs "diff --stat"
  • git dif: Show file changes.
  • git difc: Show staged changes.
  • git difs: Show a summary of changes.

Alias for Pull with Rebase

git config --global alias.pullr "pull --rebase"
  • git pullr: Pull with rebase.

Alias for Amend

git config --global alias.amend "commit --amend"
  • git amend: Amend the last commit.

Alias for Tagging

git config --global alias.tagm "tag -a -m"
git config --global alias.tagl "tag -l -n1"
git config --global alias.tagd "!f() { git tag -d $1; git push origin --delete $1; }; f"
git config --global alias.tagp "push --tags"
git config --global alias.tagv "tag -v"
  • git tagm:"Version 1.0.0": Create an annotated tag with a message.
  • git tagl: List tags with details.
  • git tagd: tagName: Delete local and remote tag.
  • git tagp: Push all tags to remote.
  • git tagv: tagName: Verify tag signature.

Remote and Upstream Operations

git config --global alias.upstream "branch --set-upstream-to"
git config --global alias.fetchall "fetch --all --prune"
git config --global alias.remotes "remote -v"
git config --global alias.addremote "remote add"
git config --global alias.upinfo "rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}"
git config --global alias.pruneremote "remote prune origin"
  • git upstream: origin/main: Set upstream branch.
  • git fetchall: Fetch all branches from all remotes and prune.
  • git remotes: Show remote URLs.
  • git addremote: upstream <upstream_repo_url>: Add a remote.
  • git upinfo: Show upstream information.
  • git pruneremote: Prune stale remote tracking branches.

Creating README and .gitignore

git config --global alias.addreadme "add"
git config --global alias.newreadme "!touch && git add"
git config --global alias.gitignore "!echo 'node_modules\n.vscode\n.env' > .gitignore && git add .gitignore"
  • git addreadme: Add to staging area.
  • git newreadme: Create an empty and add it to staging.
  • git gitignore: Create .gitignore with specified content and add to staging.

Git Clone

git config --global alias.cloneit "clone"