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File metadata and controls

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HTTPServer - module

The HTTPServer module contains functions for serving olojs documents over HTTP.

HTTPServer.createServer: Store -> http.Server

Creates a HTTP Server that mounts a store middleware at /.

server = HTTPServer.createServer(store);

HTTPServer.createMiddleware: Store -> express.Router

Creates an express middleware that exposes a RESTFul API to interact with an olojs store via HTTP.

middleware = HTTPServer.createMiddleware(store);
expressApp.use(mountPath, middleware);
  • On GET /paht/to/doc requests accepting text/*, it will respond with the source of the document loaded via"/path/to/doc").

  • On GET /paht/to/doc requests accepting other than text/* it will respond with a 415 error code.

  • The GET handler, on store's ReadPermissionDeniedError will respond with the status code 403.

  • The GET handler, on store's ReadOperationNotAllowedError will respond with the status code 405.

  • The GET handler, on any other error will respond with the status code 500.

  • On PUT /paht/to/doc it will modify the document via store.write("/path/to/doc", body).

  • The PUT handler, on store's WritePermissionDeniedError will respond with the status code 403.

  • The PUT handler, on store's WriteOperationNotAllowedError will respond with the status code 405.

  • The PUT handler, on any other error will respond with the status code 500.

  • On DELETE /paht/to/doc it will remove the document via store.delete("/path/to/doc").

  • The DELETE handler, on store's WritePermissionDeniedError will respond with the status code 403.

  • The DELETE handler, on store's WriteOperationNotAllowedError will respond with the status code 405.

  • The DELETE handler, on any other error will respond with the status code 500.