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Use and share snippets the easy way


I found Mattt Xcode snippets arsenal very useful and I want to easily import them into Xcode. Here I use Mattt raw snippets as an example, but we can create our own raw snippets, convert them and share them easily

How I do it

  • Download Xcode-Snippets
  • Use NameChanger to change the file extension from .m to .rs (for raw snippets :D )
  • I saw that Mattt has a very good convention in his files. But unfortunately, some files don't follow this, so I have to modify some .rs files. I think other raw snippet should follow this convention, too. Here it is, for example
// dispatch_async Pattern for Background Processing
// Dispatch to do work in the background, and then to the main queue with the results
// Platform: All
// Language: Objective-C
// Completion Scope: Function or Method

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(<#dispatch_queue_priority_t priority#>, <#unsigned long flags#>), ^(void) {
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
  • Write code to convert .rs files to .codesnippet file that Xcode can understand. Remember to name the files using UUID, so that Xcode can recognize. You can take a look at my code to see how I do it. Basically, it is
- (void)performParsing
    // Read files from bundle
    FTGSnippetReader *reader = [[FTGSnippetReader alloc] init];
    NSArray *rawSnippetFilePaths = [reader rawSnippetFilePaths];

    // Parse to Snippet
    FTGSnippetsParser *parser = [[FTGSnippetsParser alloc] init];
    NSMutableArray *snippets = [@[] mutableCopy];
    for (NSString *rawSnippetFilePath in rawSnippetFilePaths) {
        FTGSnippet *snippet = [parser snippetFromRawSnippetFilePath:rawSnippetFilePath];
        [snippets addObject:snippet];

    // Save to document directory
    FTGSnippetSaver *saver = [[FTGSnippetSaver alloc] init];
    [snippets enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(FTGSnippet *snippet, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
        [saver saveSnippet:snippet];
  • Use xcodesnippets to convert all theses UUID named codesnippets to friendly names. Read How xcodesnippets works to understand how it works
  • The output is Default.snippetbundle folder, which you can share it to your friends. I ship Default.snippetbundle (which is the result of my code) as well, you can see it in the Output folder.

How to use it

  • Now when you receive Default.snippetbundle, all you have to do is to run this
xcodesnippets install-bundle [path-to-snippet-bundle]

then restart Xcode and see all those snippets appeared in your Code Snippet Library


This project is released under the MIT license. See


  1. Code Snippets
  2. Xcode-Snippets
  3. xcodesnippets


There must be some better way to do it, if you know, please tell me onmyway133