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TurnkeyML Models

This directory contains the TurnkeyML models, which is a large collection of models that can be evaluated using the turnkey CLI tool.

Table of Contents

Benchmark Organization

The TurnkeyML collection is made up of several corpora of models (corpora is the plural of corpus... we had to look it up too). Each corpus is named after the online repository that the models were sourced from. Each corpus gets its own subdirectory in the models directory.

The corpora are:

  • graph_convolutions: Graph Neural Network (GNN) models from a variety of publications. See the docstring on each .py file for the source.
  • selftest: a small corpus with small models that can be used for testing out the tools.
  • torch_hub: a variety of models, including many image classification models, from the Torch Hub repository.
  • torchvision: image recognition models from the torchvision library.
    • Note: the torchvision library also includes many image classification models, but we excluded them to avoid overlap between our torch_hub and torchvision corpora.
  • transformers: Transformer models from the Huggingface transformers library.
  • timm: A collection of SOTA computer vision models from the timm library.

Running the Benchmark


Before running the benchmark we suggest you:

  1. Install the turnkey package by following the install instructions.
  2. Go through the turnkey CLI tutorials.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the turnkey CLI tool documentation.

You must also run the following command to install all of the models' dependencies into your Python environment.

pip install -r models/requirements.txt

Benchmarking Commands

Once you have fulfilled the prerequisites, you can evaluate one model from the benchmark with a command like this:

cd REPO_ROOT/models # REPO_ROOT is where you cloned turnkeyml
turnkey selftest/

You can also run all models in one shot with:

cd REPO_ROOT/models # REPO_ROOT is where you cloned turnkeyml
turnkey */*.py

Note: Benchmarking the entire corpora of models might take a very long time.

You can aggregate all of the benchmarking results from your turnkey cache into a CSV file with:

turnkey report

If you want to only report on a subset of models, we recommend saving the benchmarking results into a specific cache directory:

# Save benchmark results into a specific cache directory
turnkey models/selftest/*.py -d selftest_results

# Report the results from the `selftest_results` cache
turnkey report -d selftest_results

If you have multiple cache directories, you may also aggregate all information into a single report:

turnkey report -d x86_results_cache_dir nvidia_results_cache_dir

Model Template

Each model follows a template to keep things consistent. This template is meant to be as simple as possible. The models themselves should also be instantiated and called in a completely vendor-neutral manner.

Input Scripts

Each model in the is hosted in a Python script (.py file). This script must meet the following requirements:

  1. Instantiate at least one model and invoke it against some inputs. The size and shape of the inputs will be used for benchmarking.
  • Note: turnkey supports multiple models per script, and will benchmark all models within the script.
  1. Provide a docstring that provides information about where the model was sourced from.

Each script can optionally include a set of labels and parameters. See Example Script for an example of a well-formed script that instantiates one model.

Note: All of the scripts in models/ are also functional on their own, without the turnkey command. For example, if you run the command:

python models/transformers_pytorch/

this will run the PyTorch version of the Huggingface transformers BERT model on your local CPU device.


The models use labels to help organize the results data. Labels must be in the first line of the Python file and start with # labels:

Each label must have the format key::value1,value2,...


# labels: author::google test_group::daily,monthly

Labels are saved in your cache directory in the turnkey_stats.yaml file under the "labels" key.


The tools support parameterizing models so that you can sweep over interesting properties such as batch size, sequence length, image size, etc. The turnkey.parser.parse() method parses a set of standardized parameters that we have defined and provides them to the model as it is instantiated.

For example, this code would retrieve user-defined batch_size and max_seq_length (maximum sequence length) parameters.

from turnkeyml.parser import parse
parse(["batch_size", "max_seq_length"])

You can pass parameters into a benchmarking run with the --script-args argument to turnkey. For example, the command:

turnkey models/transformers_pytorch/ --script-args="--batch_size 8 --max_seq_length 128"

would set batch_size=8 and max_seq_length=128 for that benchmarking run.

You can also use these arguments outside of turnkey, for example the command:

python models/transformers_pytorch/ --batch_size 8

would simply run BERT with a batch size of 8 in PyTorch.

The standardized set of arguments is:

  • General args
    • "batch_size": Arg("batch_size", default=1, type=int),
      • Batch size for the input to the model that will be used for benchmarking
    • "max_seq_length": Arg("max_seq_length", default=128, type=int),
      • Maximum sequence length for the model's input; also the input sequence length that will be used for benchmarking
    • "max_audio_seq_length": Arg("max_audio_seq_length", default=25600, type=int),
      • Maximum sequence length for the model's audio input; also the input sequence length that will be used for benchmarking
    • "height": Arg("height", default=224, type=int),
      • Height of the input image that will be used for benchmarking
    • "num_channels": Arg("num_channels", default=3, type=int),
      • Number of channels in the input image that will be used for benchmarking
    • "width": Arg("width", default=224, type=int),
      • Width of the input image that will be used for benchmarking
    • "pretrained": Arg("pretrained", default=False, type=bool),
      • Indicates whether pretrained weights should be used on the model
  • Args for Graph Neural Networks
    • "k": Arg("k", default=8, type=int),
    • "alpha": Arg("alpha", default=2.2, type=float),
    • "out_channels": Arg("out_channels", default=16, type=int),
    • "num_layers": Arg("num_layers", default=8, type=int),
    • "in_channels": Arg("in_channels", default=1433, type=int),-

Example Script

The following example, copied from models/transformers/ is a good example of a well-formed input script. You can see that it has the following properties:

  1. Labels in the top line of the file.
  2. Docstring indicating where the model was sourced from.
  3. turnkey.parser.parse() is used to parameterize the model.
  4. The model is instantiated and invoked against a set of inputs.
# labels: test_group::turnkey name::bert author::huggingface_pytorch
from turnkeyml.parser import parse
import transformers
import torch


# Parsing command-line arguments
batch_size, max_seq_length = parse(["batch_size", "max_seq_length"])

# Model and input configurations
config = transformers.BertConfig()
model = transformers.BertModel(config)
inputs = {
    "input_ids": torch.ones(batch_size, max_seq_length, dtype=torch.long),
    "attention_mask": torch.ones(batch_size, max_seq_length, dtype=torch.float),

# Call model