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Provides an IGraph-compliant view onto an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint, informed by ont-app/vocabulary


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Provides a view onto an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint using the ont-app/IGraph protocol, and incoporating the ont-app/vocabulary facility.

This revolves around two defrecords: sparql-reader for read-only access to a public server, and sparql-updater for updating a mutable graph.



Clojars Project

Additional documentation is available at .

(defproject ...
   [ont-app/sparql-client "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"]


Require thus:

(ns ...
    [ont-app.sparql-client.core :as client]
    [ont-app.igraph.core :refer :as igraph :refer :all]
    [ont-app.vocabulary.core :as voc]

Then create sparql-reader thus:

  :graph-uri <graph name> (optional, defaulting to DEFAULT)
  :query-url <query endpoint> 
  :binding-translator <binding translator> (optional)
  :authentication <authentication> (as required by the endpoint)


  • graph name is a keyword representing the URI of the appropriate named graph. if unspecified, the DEFAULT graph will be assumed.
  • query-endpoint is a string indicating the URL of a SPARQL query endpoint
  • binding-translator is a function that takes the bindings returned in the standard SPARQL query response format, and returns a simplified key/value map. (defaults are discussed below)
  • authentication is map with {auth-key auth-value}, interpreted per clj-http's authentication scheme

Such graphs will give you a means to view the contents of a read-only SPARQL endpoint using the IGraph protocol to access members of the graph.

You can create a sparql-updater thus:

  :graph-uri <graph name> (optional, defaulting to DEFAULT)
  :query-url <query endpoint> 
  :update-url <update endpoint> 
  :binding-translator <binding translator> (optional)
  :authentication <authentication> (as required by the endpoint)

This has the same parameters as the the sparql-reader, plus:

  • update-endpoint is a string indicating the URL of a SPARQL update query endpoint (sparql-updater only)

Each of these will produce a record that implements ont-app/IGraph.

Keywords in any namespaces with the appropriate Linked Open Data (LOD) constructs described in ont-app/vocabulary will be interpreted as URIs.

Member access (both reader and updater)

Access functions are all part of the IGraph protocol.

Let's say we want to reference subjects in Wikidata. We can define the query endpoint...

(def wikidata-endpoint

We can define a read-only SPARQL client to that endpoint...

(def client (make-sparql-reader :query-url wikidata-endpoint)) 

This will produce an instance of a SparqlReader

;; -> 
{:graph-uri nil,
 {:uri #function[ont-app.sparql-client.core/uri-translator],
  :lang #function[ont-app.sparql-client.core/form-translator],
  :datatype #function[ont-app.sparql-endpoint.core/parse-xsd-value],
  :bnode #function[clojure.core/partial/fn--5826]},
 :auth nil}

Since it implements IGraph and Ifn, we can make calls like the following, describing let's say Barack Obama, whose Q-number in Wikidata happens to be Q76.

(client :wd/Q76) 
;; -> 
{:p/P4985 #{:wds/Q76-62b91a68-499a-47db-6786-87cdda9ff578},
 #{#langStr "Barack Obama@jv" #langStr "贝拉克·奥巴马@zh-my"
   #langStr "Barack Obama@ga" #langStr "ബറാക്ക് ഒബാമ@ml"
   #langStr "Barack Obama@map-bms" #langStr "ბარაკ ობამა@ka"
 :wdt/P6385 #{"istoriya/OBAMA_BARAK_HUSEN.html"},
 :wdt/P4159 #{"Barack_Obama_(2)"},
 :p/P4515 #{:wds/Q76-b5be51e2-470e-138e-1401-3a66bfb71c53},

This returns map with large number of wikidata properties indicated by rdfs:label links to a wide array of languages, and P-numbers which Wikidata uses to uniquely identify a wide array of relationships. See the Wikidata documentation for details.

Let's say we're just interested in the labels...

(client :wd/Q76 :rdfs/label)
;; ->
#{{#langStr "Barack Obama@jv" #langStr "贝拉克·奥巴马@zh-my"
  #langStr "Barack Obama@ga" #langStr "ബറാക്ക് ഒബാമ@ml"
  #langStr "Barack Obama@map-bms" #langStr "ბარაკ ობამა@ka"
  #langStr "Barack Obama@se" #langStr "贝拉克·奥巴马@zh-cn"
  #langStr "Барак Обама@ru" #langStr "巴拉克·歐巴馬@zh-tw"
  #langStr "Barack Obama@mt" #langStr "באראק אבאמא@yi"
  #langStr "বাৰাক অ'বামা@as" #langStr "𐌱𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌰𐌺 𐍉𐌱𐌰𐌼𐌰@got"
  #langStr "Барак Ҳусейн Обама@tg" #langStr "Barack Obama@tet"
  #langStr "Barack Obama@lt" #langStr "Barack Obama@lfn"
  #langStr "বারাক ওবামা@bn" #langStr "Barack Obama@ay"

This returns the set of language-tagged labels associated with the former president. (See documentation of the sparql-endpoint module for discussion of the #langStr reader macro).

> (def barry-labels (client :wd/Q76 :rdfs/label)]
> ;; English...
> (filter #(re-find #"^en$" (endpoint/lang %)) barry-labels)
(#langStr "Barack Obama@en")
> ;; Chinese ...
> (filter #(re-find #"^zh$" (endpoint/lang %)) barry-labels)
(#langStr "巴拉克·奧巴馬@zh")

We can use a traversal function as the p argument (see IGraph docs for a discussion of traversal functions) ...

> (def instance-of (t-comp [:wdt/P31 (transitive-closure :wdt/P279)]))
> ;; Is Barry a human?...
> (client :wd/Q76 instance-of :wd/Q5)
:wd/Q5 ;; yep


The native query format is of course SPARQL. Let's use this as an example:

(def barry-query
SELECT ?label
  wd:Q76 rdfs:label ?label; 
  Filter (Lang(?label) = \"en\")

The prefixed function, and namespace metadata

If there are proper ont-app/vocabulary namespace declarations, we can automatically assign prefixes to a query using the prefixed function:

(println (prefixed barry-query))
;; ->
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?label
  wd:Q76 rdfs:label ?label; 
  Filter (Lang(?label) = "en")

This works because metadata has been assigned to the metadata of namespaces associated with wd and rdfs ...

> (voc/prefix-to-ns)
 "wd" #namespace[org.naturallexicon.lod.wikidata.wd],
 "rdfs" #namespace[org.naturallexicon.lod.rdf-schema],
> (meta (find-ns 'org.naturallexicon.lod.wikidata.wd))
{:dc/title "Wikibase/EntityData",
 :foaf/homepage "",
 :vann/preferredNamespaceUri "",
 :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix "wd"}
> (meta (find-ns 'org.naturallexicon.lod.rdf-schema))
{:dc/title "The RDF Schema vocabulary (RDFS)",
 :vann/preferredNamespaceUri "",
 :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix "rdfs",
 :foaf/homepage "",
 :dcat/downloadURL "",

The only annotations required to resolve prefixes appropriately are the :vann/preferredNamespaceUri and :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix annotations. See ont-app/vocabulary for more details about annotating namespaces.

Binding translation

The call to the SPARQL endpoint is handled through the sparql-endpoint library, which simplifies standard SPARQL bindings using a set of simplifiers keyed to each type of binding. By default, bindings in the result set are simplified as follows:

key description default
:uri Value is a URI interned as namespaced keywords using ont-app/vocabulary
:lang Value is literal with language tag like @en encoded as LangStr instances, e.g. #langStr "Barack Obama@en".
:datatype Value is a datatype Interpret with datatype-translator function
:bnode Value is a blank node Encode as described below.

See ont-app/sparql-endpoint for documentation on SPARQL binding simplification.

See ont-app/vocabulary for documentation on how namespaces may be annotated with metadata to inform URI translations.

Given the above, we can query the client thus:

(query client (prefixed barry-query))

;; ->
({:label #langStr "Barack Obama@en"})

The datatype-translator binding translator

This is the default :datatype binding translator, with the following behavior:

  • xsd types will be interpreted as the usual scalar values
  • literal objects with ^^transit:json tags will be supported as described below.
  • otherwise a meta-tagged-literal will be returned.

See also the discussion below about the #h5-the-render-literal-multimethod method.

The ^^transit:json datatype tag

Literals may be tagged with the URI whose qname is transit:json (corresponding to, indicating that the value is to be encoded/decoded via the text-based JSON transit format.

Vectors, Maps and Seqs are encoded as literals bearing that tag, allowing them to be stored and retrieved transparently:

> (add! g 
     :eg/vector [1 2 3]
     :eg/map {:a "eh"}
     :eg/seq '(fn [] "hello")
> (unique (g :eg/TransitExample :eg/vector))
[1 2 3]
> (unique (g :eg/TransitExample :eg/map))
{:a "eh"}
> (unique (g :eg/TransitExample :eg/seq))
(fn [] "hello")

Here's what's going on behind the scenes.

The RDF tagging is done with render-literal-as-transit-json:

> (render-literal-as-transit-json [1 2 3])

Values encoded in this way will automatically be decoded when reading the query response. When it does so, it calls read-transit-json:

> (client/read-transit-json "[1,2,3]")
[1 2 3]

Quotation marks are escaped with &quot;:

> (client/render-literal-as-transit-json #{1 2 3})
> (client/read-transit-json 
    (clojure.string/replace "[&quot;~#set&quot;,[1,3,2]]" #"&quot;" "\"" ))
#{1 3 2}

The standard clojure data structures should already be handled by transit. Custom datatypes need to have handlers defined in the atoms client/transit-read-handlers and client/transit-write-handlers.

Here's the transit-write-handler for LangStr:

(ns ...
  [ont_app.sparql_endpoint.core LangStr]))
     (fn [ls]
       {:tag (.tag ls)
        :s (.s ls)

... and the corresponding transit-read-handler:

     (fn [from-rep]
       (endpoint/->LangStr (:s from-rep) (:tag from-rep))))

These are both atoms, so you should be able to add your own handlers:

(swap! client/transit-write-handlers (assoc <MyClass> <my-handler>))

Several render-literal methods (described in the next section) use this transit-based approach.

The render-literal multimethod

Any graph element represented as a keyword is assumed to be a KWI, and all non-keyword graph elements are assumed to be literals. When generating queries or UPDATE directives, literals are translated using the render-literal multimethod, dispatched on the output of render-literal-dispatch, which breaks out #inst's and _xsd-type_s as special cases, and otherwise returns (type-of literal).

The method for LangStr renders #langStr "cat@en" as "\"cat\"@en".

Otherwise default behavior is to render the value in quotes, using the quote-str function := ["str"] -> "\"str\"".

It should be straightforward to write homo-iconic custom records as RDF:

> (defmethod render-literal (type (make-my-record))
   (str (quote-str (str record)) "^^" (voc/qname-for :myNs/MyRecord)))

You would then need to write a custom :datatype simplifier (described above and in ont-app/sparql-endpoint) to re-interpret them as compiled objects.

And of course, the transit regime described above may prove useful here.

The default render-literal method for vectors is :

(defmethod render-literal (type [])
  (render-literal-as-transit-json v))

As described above, the original value of the vector will be decoded and read in when retrieved in a query. This approach stands in contrast to the more canonical RDF-based approach of representing vectors as blank nodes whose members are marked off with rdf:_1, rdf:_2, .... If you prefer that approach, you may wish to re-define the render-literal method for vectors accordingly.

Contents of vectors may still be searchable with regular expressions against the transit representations, but most of the use cases I have in mind expect these vectors as the payload for searches keyed on metadata located elsewhere in the graph.

Transit-based encoding is specified also for literal maps and seqs.

Blank nodes

Supporting RDF-based representations requires support of blank nodes.

Reading blank nodes from SPARQL results by default is done by ???, which produces a KWI interned in a namespace bound to the hash of the graph. There is no metadata bound to this namespace.

Each blank node KWI matches the function bnode-kwi?, and spec ::bnode-kwi.

These blank nodes will be rendered when we translate the graph into normal form, but there are limits to its effectiveness in identifying the original blank node in the SPARQL endpoint, since blank nodes are only really valid within the scope of a single query or update directive.

Thus we could use the following expression to define an OWL definition for EnglishForm, which is a language form guaranteed to be in English, conforming to the OWL standard requiring that Restrictions must be expressed using blank nodes:

> (add! lexicon
          :rdfs/subClassof :ontolex/Form
          :rdfs/subClassof :_/InEnglish]
           :rdf/type :owl/Restriction
           :owl/onProperty :dct/language
           :owl/hasValue :iso639/eng]])

> (lexicon)
     #:rdfs{:subClassOf #{:ontolex/Form :_-1352721862/b0}},
    {:rdf/type #{:owl/Restriction},
     :owl/onProperty #{:dct/language},
     :owl/hasValue #{:iso639/eng}},

But this makes accessor functions against blank nodes problematic:

> (lexicon :en/EnglishForm)
#:rdfs{:subClassOf #{:ontolex/Form :_-1352721862/b0}}
> (lexicon  :_-1352721862/b0)

So in cases where you intend to make use of blank nodes, you may want to make use of the property-path traversal function descussed below, or simply use the query-endpoint function with a fully specified SPARQL query.

> (query-endpoint lexicon 
   "SELECT ?p ?o
      Graph uptest:owl-demo
        en:EnglishForm rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction.
        ?restriction ?p ?o.
({:p :rdf/type, :o :owl/Restriction}
 {:p :owl/onProperty, :o :dct/language}
 {:p :owl/hasValue, :o :iso639/eng}) 

If you're among those who try to minimize or eliminate any use of blank nodes, be advised that the mint-kwi method is offered as an alternative.

SPARQL property paths

One of the nice features of SPARQL is its support for property paths, which inspired many of igraph's traversal utilities such as transitive-closure.

The function property-path takes a string expressing a SPARQL property path, and returns a traversal function that applies it.

For example in the blank nodes example above:

> (lexicon :en/EnglishForm (property-path "rdfs:subClassOf/owl:hasValue"))


SPARQL endpoints are mutable databases, and so update operations are destructive.

When you have access to a SPARQL update endpoint, we use make-sparql-updater:

(def g (make-sparql-updater
        :graph-uri ::test-graph
        :query-url "localhost:3030/my_dataset/query"
        :update-url "localhost:3030/my_dataset/update"))

This has the same parameters as make-sparql-reader, plus an :update-url parameter.

This implements the IGraphMutable protocol, with methods add! and subtract!:

(ns example-ns
  :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix "eg"
  :vann/preferredNamespaceUri ""
  (require ....)

(def g (make-sparql-updater ...))

(normal-form (add! g [[::A ::B ::C]]...))
;; ->
{:eg/A {:eg/B #{:eg/C}}}

(normal-form (subtract! g [[::A]]...))

Ordinary SPARQL updates can also be posed:

(update-endoint g "DROP ALL") # careful now!
;; ->
"<html>\n<head>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h1>Success</h1>\n<p>\nUpdate succeeded\n</p>\n</body>\n</html>\n"

;; ->


The multimethod load-rdf-file takes an updater and a path, and loads that path into the graph associated with the graph. The path can be a string, a java File, or a java URI object. Returned on success is the URI for the path.

> (load-rdf-file g "test/resources/dummy.ttl")
INFO - Loading <yadda/yadda/test/resources/dummy.ttl> into uptest:dummy-test
#object[ 0x15ff92e4 "file://yadda/yadda/test/resources/dummy.ttl"]


Thanks to Abdullah Ibrahim for his feedback and advice.


Copyright © 2019-20 Eric D. Scott

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.


Provides an IGraph-compliant view onto an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint, informed by ont-app/vocabulary







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