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Provides an IGraph-compliant view onto an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint, informed by ont-app/vocabulary


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NaturalLexicon logo ont-app/sparql-client

Provides a view onto an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint using the ont-app/IGraph protocol, allowing you to treat these endpoints as basic containers, accessible through an IFn protocol tailored to graph-shaped data.

This library also incorporate the ont-app/vocabulary facility, to make it easy to deal with URIs and other RDF constructs in Clojure code.

This revolves around two defrecords: sparql-reader for read-only access to a public server, and sparql-updater for updating a mutable graph.



This is deployed to clojars:

Clojars Project

Dependencies can be declared in the usual way using your favorite deps tool.

Basic usage

Require thus:

(ns ...
    [ont-app.igraph.core :refer :as igraph :refer :all]
    [ont-app.vocabulary.core :as voc]
    [ont-app.rdf.core :as rdf]
    [ont-app.sparql-client.core :as client]

Generally speaking, we create an instance of the client by providing endpoints, graph names and perhaps authorization specs, then use IGraph accessor functions as we would with other IGraph implementations. Endpoints may differ in whether or not they provide update capabilities, and the two records SparqlReader and SparqlUpdater cover these cases.

Keywords in any namespaces with the appropriate Linked Open Data (LOD) constructs described in ont-app/vocabulary will be interpreted as URIs.


Create a sparql-reader thus:

> (client/make-sparql-reader
  :query-url <query endpoint> 
  :authentication <authentication> (as required by the endpoint)
  :graph-uri <graph name> (optional, defaulting to nil=DEFAULT)
  :binding-translator <binding translator> (optional)


  • graph name is a keyword representing the URI of the appropriate named graph. Defaults to nil whereby the DEFAULT graph will be assumed.
  • query-endpoint is a string indicating the URL of a SPARQL query endpoint
  • authentication is a map with {auth-key auth-value}, interpreted per clj-http's authentication scheme
  • binding-translator is a function that takes the bindings returned in the standard SPARQL query response format, and returns a simplified key/value map. This uses reasonable defaults for most cases. See below for a discussion of how to override them.

Such graphs will give you a means to view the contents of a read-only SPARQL endpoint using the IGraph protocol to access members of the graph.

You may want to enable bnode round-tripping support as discussed below.


You can create a sparql-updater thus:

  :graph-uri <graph name> (optional, defaulting to DEFAULT)
  :query-url <query endpoint> 
  :update-url <update endpoint> 
  :authentication <authentication> (as required by the endpoint)
  :binding-translator <binding translator> (optional)

This has the same parameters as the the sparql-reader, plus:

  • update-url is a string indicating the URL of a SPARQL update query endpoint

You may want to enable bnode round-tripping support as discussed below.

Member access (both reader and updater)

Using the IGraph protocol

Both the reader and updater allow you to access members of the graph using the IGraph protocol.

Let's say we want to reference data published in Wikidata. We can define the query endpoint thus...

> (require '[ont-app.vocabulary.wikidata :as wd])
;; This brings in metadata to inform `ont-app/vocabulary` of wikidata namespacess

> (def wikidata-endpoint wd/sparql-endpoint)
;; ""

and define a read-only SPARQL client to that endpoint...

> (def wd-client (make-sparql-reader :query-url wikidata-endpoint)) 

This will produce an instance of a SparqlReader

> wd-client
;; -> 
{:graph-uri nil,
 {:uri #function[ont-app.sparql-client.core/uri-translator],
  :lang #function[ont-app.sparql-client.core/form-translator],
  :datatype #function[ont-app.sparql-endpoint.core/parse-xsd-value],
  :bnode #function[clojure.core/partial/fn--5826]},
 :auth nil
 :bnodes nil

Since it implements IGraph and Ifn, we can make calls like the following, describing let's say Barack Obama, whose Q-number in Wikidata happens to be Q76.

>(wd-client :wd/Q76) 
;; -> 
{:p/P4985 #{:wds/Q76-62b91a68-499a-47db-6786-87cdda9ff578},
 #{#voc/lstr "Barack Obama@jv" #voc/lstr "贝拉克·奥巴马@zh-my"
   #voc/lstr "Barack Obama@ga" #voc/lstr "ബറാക്ക് ഒബാമ@ml"
   #voc/lstr "Barack Obama@map-bms" #voc/lstr "ბარაკ ობამა@ka"
 :wdt/P6385 #{"istoriya/OBAMA_BARAK_HUSEN.html"},
 :wdt/P4159 #{"Barack_Obama_(2)"},
 :p/P4515 #{:wds/Q76-b5be51e2-470e-138e-1401-3a66bfb71c53},

This returns a map with large number of wikidata properties indicated by rdfs:label links to many languages, and P-numbers which Wikidata uses to uniquely identify a wide array of relationships. See the Wikidata documentation for details.

Let's say we're just interested in the labels. We we add another argument....

> (wd-client :wd/Q76 :rdfs/label)
;; ->
#{{#voc/lstr "Barack Obama@jv" #voc/lstr "贝拉克·奥巴马@zh-my"
  #voc/lstr "Barack Obama@ga" #voc/lstr "ബറാക്ക് ഒബാമ@ml"
  #voc/lstr "Barack Obama@map-bms" #voc/lstr "ბარაკ ობამა@ka"
  #voc/lstr "Barack Obama@se" #voc/lstr "贝拉克·奥巴马@zh-cn"
  #voc/lstr "Барак Обама@ru" #voc/lstr "巴拉克·歐巴馬@zh-tw"
  #voc/lstr "Barack Obama@mt" #voc/lstr "באראק אבאמא@yi"
  #voc/lstr "বাৰাক অ'বামা@as" #voc/lstr "𐌱𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌰𐌺 𐍉𐌱𐌰𐌼𐌰@got"
  #voc/lstr "Барак Ҳусейн Обама@tg" #voc/lstr "Barack Obama@tet"
  #voc/lstr "Barack Obama@lt" #voc/lstr "Barack Obama@lfn"
  #voc/lstr "বারাক ওবামা@bn" #voc/lstr "Barack Obama@ay"

This returns the set of language-tagged labels associated with the former president. (See documentation of the vocabulary module for discussion of the #voc/lstr reader tag).

> (def barry-labels (wd-client :wd/Q76 :rdfs/label)]
> ;; English...
> (filter #(re-find #"^en$" (lang %)) barry-labels)
(#voc/lstr "Barack Obama@en")
> ;; Chinese ...
> (filter #(re-find #"^zh$" (lang %)) barry-labels)
(#voc/lstr "巴拉克·奧巴馬@zh")

We can use a traversal function as the p argument ...

> (def instance-of (property-path "wdt:P31/wdt:P279*"))
;; this is the WD equivalent of rdf:type/rdfs/subClassOf*
> (wd-client :wd/Q76 instance-of )

Or get a truthy response with 3 arguments...

> ;; Is Barry a human?...
> (wd-client :wd/Q76 instance-of :wd/Q5)
:wd/Q5 ;; yep

See below for a discussion of the property-path function.


The native query format is of course SPARQL. Let's use this as an example:

> (def barry-query
SELECT ?label
  wd:Q76 rdfs:label ?label; 
  Filter (Lang(?label) = \"en\")

The prefixed function, and namespace metadata

If there are proper ont-app/vocabulary namespace declarations, we can automatically assign prefixes to a query using the prefixed function:

> (println (prefixed barry-query))
;; ->
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?label
  wd:Q76 rdfs:label ?label; 
  Filter (Lang(?label) = "en")

This works because metadata has been assigned to the metadata of namespaces associated with wd and rdfs ...

> (require '[ont-app/vocabulary :as voc])
> (voc/prefix-to-ns)
 "wd" #namespace[org.naturallexicon.lod.wikidata.wd],
 "rdfs" #namespace[org.naturallexicon.lod.rdf-schema],
> (meta (find-ns 'org.naturallexicon.lod.wikidata.wd))
{:dc/title "Wikibase/EntityData",
 :foaf/homepage "",
 :vann/preferredNamespaceUri "",
 :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix "wd"}
> (meta (find-ns 'org.naturallexicon.lod.rdf-schema))
{:dc/title "The RDF Schema vocabulary (RDFS)",
 :vann/preferredNamespaceUri "",
 :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix "rdfs",
 :foaf/homepage "",
 :dcat/downloadURL "",

The only annotations required to resolve prefixes appropriately are the :vann/preferredNamespaceUri and :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix annotations. See ont-app/vocabulary for more details about annotating namespaces.

SPARQL binding simplifiers

The call to the SPARQL endpoint is handled through the sparql-endpoint library, which simplifies standard SPARQL bindings using a set of simplifiers keyed to each type of binding.

This library defines a reasonable set of simplifiers for SPARQL results. URIs are translated to keyword identifiers (KWIs), language tags are translated to voc/lstr reader tags, XSD dtatypes are interpreted as the appropriate clojure values, and bnodes are interned into keywords in graph-specific namespaces. These defaults can be overridden as described in the documentation for sparql-endpoint, working off of default-binding-translators.


This function returns a map of the default SPARQL binding translators used by sparql-client. You can merge with a map of overriding translators as needed:

> (default-binding-translators "http://my/endpoint/" "http://my/graph/name")
{:uri #function[ont-app.sparql-client.core/uri-translator],
 :lang #function[ont-app.sparql-endpoint.core/literal->LangStr],
 :datatype #function[ont-app.sparql-client.core/datatype-translator],
 :bnode #function[clojure.core/partial/fn--5910]}

The endoint and graph name are needed to generate unique bnode namespaces.

Blank nodes

Supporting RDF-based representations requires support of blank nodes.

Reading blank nodes from SPARQL results by default is done by (:bnode default-binding-translators) which produces a KWI interned in a namespace bound to the hash of the graph. There is no metadata bound to this namespace.

Each blank node KWI matches the function rdf/bnode-kwi?, and spec ::bnode-kwi.

These blank nodes will be rendered when we translate the graph into normal form, but there are limits to its effectiveness in identifying the original blank node in the SPARQL endpoint, since blank nodes are only really valid within the scope of a single query.

Thus we could use the following expression to define in Clojure an OWL definition for EnglishForm, which is a language form whose dct:language is iso639:eng conforming to the OWL standard requiring that Restrictions must be expressed using blank nodes:

> (add! lexicon
          :rdfs/subClassOf :ontolex/Form
          :rdfs/subClassOf :_/InEnglish]
           :rdf/type :owl/Restriction
           :owl/onProperty :dct/language
           :owl/hasValue :iso639/eng]])

> (lexicon)
     #:rdfs{:subClassOf #{:ontolex/Form :_-1352721862/b0}},
    {:rdf/type #{:owl/Restriction},
     :owl/onProperty #{:dct/language},
     :owl/hasValue #{:iso639/eng}},

But this makes accessor functions against blank nodes problematic:

> (lexicon :en/EnglishForm)
#:rdfs{:subClassOf #{:ontolex/Form :_-1352721862/b0}}
> (lexicon  :_-1352721862/b0)

So in cases where you intend to make use of blank nodes, we provide the property-path traversal function descussed below, or you can use the round-tripping support facility discussed below

property path

One of the nice features of SPARQL is its support for property paths, which inspired many of igraph's traversal utilities such as transitive-closure.

The function property-path takes a string expressing a SPARQL property path, and returns a traversal function that applies it, which can be used in 'p' position in IGraph accessor functions.

For example in the blank nodes example above:

> (lexicon :en/EnglishForm (property-path "rdfs:subClassOf/owl:hasValue"))

(property-path "rdfs:subClassOf/owl:hasValue") is equivalent to (t-comp [:rdfs/subClassOf :owl/hasValue]), but the latter would require hitting the endpoint with two separate queries, while the former executes this logic in one hop on the server side.

Bnode round-tripping support

Let's say we have the following contents in test/resources/jack.ttl, which we've loaded into a client 'jack':

@prefix rdfs: <>.
@base <>.

@prefix : <#>.

    a :Person ;
    :built _:house .

_:house a :House .

        a :Dog ;
        rdfs:label "The dog that chased the cat that ate the mouse that lived in the house that Jack built." ;
        :chased [
            a :Cat ;
            :ate [
                a :Mouse ;
                :livedIn _:house ;
            ] ;
        ] ;

We would initialize and load it thus (see below for discussion of I/O):

(require '[ :as io])
(require '[ont-app.igraph.core :as igraph :refer :all])
(require '[ont-app.rdf.core :as rdf])
(require '[ont-app.sparql-client.core :refer :all])

(def load-context (partial create-load-context "http://path/to/endpoint/query" "http://path/to/endpoint/update"))

(def jack (rdf/load-rdf (load-context ::jack-graph) (io/resource "jack.ttl")))

Then we could access the sparql-updater jack with IGraph access functions

> (subjects jack)

So we have the KWI for Jack, but all the other subjects are blank nodes for the dog, cat, mouse and house. Which is which? We don't know, and can't query to find out.

Some RDF stores like Jena provide for platform specific ways to round-trip bnodes, but there is no way that I know of to do this across SPARQL implementations.

This makes it hard to work with bnodes in a REPL.

So sparql-client provides a way to annotate blank nodes in such a way that bnodes can be round-trippable.

> (def round-trippable-jack (reset-annotation-graph jack))

Now when we look for subjects, each of the bnodes is rendered in such a way that it contains a description of the node, which in the vast majority of cases can be used to retrieve that same node in a follow-up query:

> (subjects round-trippable-jack)


Decoding and reformatting the name of the bnode KWI for the "cat" would look like this:

[rdf:type sparql-client-test:Cat; 
 sparql-client-test:ate [
   rdf:type sparql-client-test:Mouse; 
   sparql-client-test:livedIn [
   rdf:type sparql-client-test:House; 
   ^sparql-client-test:built sparql-client-test:Jack
  ^sparql-client-test:chased [
    rdf:type sparql-client-test:Dog

... which could be inserted directly into a SPARQL query to address the node in question.

And sparql-client can interpret such bnodes:

> (round-trippable-jack :_-615919603/%5Brdf:type%20sparql-client-test:Cat%3B%20sparql-client-test:ate%20%5Brdf:type%20sparql-client-test:Mouse%3B%20sparql-client-test:livedIn%20%5Brdf:type%20sparql-client-test:House%3B%20%5Esparql-client-test:built%20sparql-client-test:Jack%5D%5D%3B%20%5Esparql-client-test:chased%20%5Brdf:type%20sparql-client-test:Dog%5D%5D)

{:rdf/type #{:sparql-client-test/Cat},

So this is another option that may make it easier to work with bnodes, especially in a REPL.

Some caveats:

  • This works by querying the client graph for all triples in that graph involving a bnode, and building an annotation model for each of these. This will work if the bnodes are limited to a tractable number. If you're working with a very large graph where bnodes are used willy-nilly, you will need substantial memory resources for this to work.
  • This should work in the vast majority of cases, but there may be a few gotchas waiting in the wings for cases where these descriptions will retrieve more than one bnode.

The main use case for this I think is working with bnodes in the REPL, or if you're implementing IGraph traversal functions. When you get down to production and have sussed out all your use cases, it may make sense to write tailored queries, but hopefully this feature made it a bit easier to do the development.


This funciton yields the string for the bnode KWIs described above:

> (decode-bnode-kwi-name :_-615919603/%5Brdf:type%20sparql-client-test:Cat%3B%20sparql-client-test:ate%20%5Brdf:type%20sparql-client-test:Mouse%3B%20sparql-client-test:livedIn%20%5Brdf:type%20sparql-client-test:House%3B%20%5Esparql-client-test:built%20sparql-client-test:Jack%5D%5D%3B%20%5Esparql-client-test:chased%20%5Brdf:type%20sparql-client-test:Dog%5D%5D)

"[rdf:type sparql-client-test:Cat; sparql-client-test:ate [rdf:type sparql-client-test:Mouse; sparql-client-test:livedIn [rdf:type sparql-client-test:House; ^sparql-client-test:built sparql-client-test:Jack]]; ^sparql-client-test:chased [rdf:type sparql-client-test:Dog]]"


SPARQL endpoints are mutable databases, and so update operations are destructive.

When you have access to a SPARQL update endpoint, we use make-sparql-updater:

> (def g (make-sparql-updater
        :graph-uri ::test-graph
        :query-url "localhost:3030/my_dataset/query"
        :update-url "localhost:3030/my_dataset/update"))

This has the same parameters as make-sparql-reader, plus an :update-url parameter, which should be a string pointing to a URL for which you have update privileges.

Using the IGraphMutable protocol

This implements the IGraphMutable protocol, with methods add! and subtract!:

> (ns example-ns
  :vann/preferredNamespacePrefix "eg"
  :vann/preferredNamespaceUri ""
  (require ....)

> (def g (make-sparql-updater ...))

> (normal-form (add! g [[::A ::B ::C]]...))
;; ->
{:eg/A {:eg/B #{:eg/C}}}

> (normal-form (subtract! g [[::A]]...))

You can also create an updater with the rdf/load-rdf method as discussed below.


Ordinary SPARQL updates can also be posed:

> (update-endoint! g "DROP ALL") # careful now!
;; ->
"<html>\n<head>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h1>Success</h1>\n<p>\nUpdate succeeded\n</p>\n</body>\n</html>\n"

;; ->


You can drop the named graph associated with a client with drop-client!.

> (drop-client! my-client)


Reading and writing RDF should be done using methods defined in the ont-app/rdf library. The first argument for each of these methods relies on a context argument.


This can be provided as the "context" argument in a call to rdf/write-rdf

> (def write-client (partial rdf/write-rdf standard-write-context))
> (write-client my-client (io/file "/tmp/my-client.ttl") :formats/Turtle)
#object[ 0x15a0727 "/tmp/my-client.ttl"]


This can be provided as the "context" argument in a call to rdf/read-rdf, which will read the specified source into an existing update client.

> (def read-rdf! (partial rdf/read-rdf standard-read-context))
> (read-rdf! my-client (io/file "/tmp/my-data.ttl"))
{:graph-uri ..., ...}


This returns a value that can be provided as the "context" argument in a call to rdf/read-rdf.

> (def load-context (partial-create-load-context "http://path/to/query" "http://path/to/update"))
> (def my-client (rdf/load-rdf (load-context ::my-graph) (io/file "/tmp/my-client-data.ttl")))

Miscellaneous utilities


When the atom warn-on-no-metadata-for-kwi? is reset to true, a warning will be issued if a URI is provided for which there is no namespace declaration.

> (reset! warn-on-no-ns-metadata-for-kwi? true)
> (kwi-for "http://no-namespace/blah")
2023-04-09T15:52:29.996Z eric-Bonobo-Extreme WARN [ont-app.sparql-client.core:?] - No ns metadata found for http://no-namespace/blah


Escapes quotes.

> (quote-str "blah")


(count-subjects <client>) submits a SPARQL query to count the number of subjects for a client. Which may be a good way to gauge the size of the graph at that endpoint.


Functions which update a SPARQL endpoint will naturally need access to an endpoint into which testing data can be loaded.

For all tests to be run, the environment variable ONT_APP_TEST_UPDATE_ENDPOINT should be set, and point to a live SPARQL endpoint with update privileges. If that endpoint requires authentication, sparql-client will expect ONT_APP_TEST_UPDATE_AUTH to be specified to a string of EDN readable as an http-req paremeter, e.g {:basic-auth "myuserName:myPassword"}.

Failure to find live, valid update endpoints will cause a number of tests to be skipped.


Thanks to Abdullah Ibrahim for his feedback and advice.


Copyright © 2019-23 Eric D. Scott

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.

Natural Lexicon logo

Natural Lexicon logo - Copyright © 2020 Eric D. Scott. Artwork by Athena M. Scott.

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Under the terms of this license, if you display this logo or derivates thereof, you must include an attribution to the original source, with a link to, or


Provides an IGraph-compliant view onto an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint, informed by ont-app/vocabulary







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