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File metadata and controls

221 lines (159 loc) · 4.83 KB


In ooc, unlike Java/Scala/C++/C#, 'new' isn't a keyword, but a static method.

For example:

    dog := Dog new("Pif")

However it's uncommon to directly define a new method. Instead, an init method is defined, like this:

    Dog: class {

        name: String

        init: func (=name) {}


When an 'init' method is defined, a corresponding 'new' static method is defined, in our case, the code above is equivalent to:

    Dog: class {

        name: String

        init: func (name: String) {
            this name = name

        new: static func (name: String) -> This {
            this := This alloc() as This
            this init()


'alloc' is a method of Class, which can be defined like this, for example:

    /// Create a new instance of the object of type defined by this class
    alloc: final func ~_class -> Object {
        object := gc_malloc(instanceSize) as Object
        if(object) {
            object class = this
        return object

In ooc implementations, Object and Class are often classes defined in .ooc source files, so you can easily study their source code. You can typically find their definitions in sdk/lang/ (because everything in the lang/ package is automatically imported)

Reminder: member-arguments and assign-arguments


    DiceRoll: class {
        value: Int

        init: func (=value) {}

is the equivalent of this:

    DiceRoll: class {
        value: Int

        init: func (.value) {
            this value = value

which is the equivalent of this:

    DiceRoll: class {
        value: Int

        init: func (value: Int) {
            this value = value

Ie '.' allows 'value's type to be inferred from the member variable of the same name, and '=' does the same plus assigns it in the constructor.

This works for any method, not only for constructors. However, if you're using it for setters, you probably want to use properties instead.

Multiple constructors

As any method, constructors can be overloaded with suffixes.

Suffixes may seem annoying at first, seen as a sort of 'manual name mangling', but aside from helping to debug, they're also a way to document the purpose of your different constructors. For that reason, it's always a good idea to give meaningful suffixes that lets one hint the reason for existence of a constructor.

From a constructor, you can call another constructor with init(), just like a regular method.

You can also call a super-constructor with super()

    Dog: class {

        name: String

        init: func ~defaultName {
            init("The Man")

        init: func (=name) {}



A common mistake is to think that constructor are inherited, because they are standard methods. However, this behavior would be harmful, as explained in the following example:

    Logger: class {
        prefix: String

        init: func (=prefix) {}

        log: func (msg: String) {
            "%s%s" printfln(prefix, msg)

    FileLogger: class extends Logger {
        output: FileWriter

        init: func ~withPath (path: String) {
            output = FileWriter new(path)

        log: func (msg: String) {
            output write(prefix). write(msg). write('\n')

What would happen if the first constructor defined in Logger was available for FileLogger? Let's find out

    warn := FileLogger new("WARN")
    warn log("Somebody set us up the stacktrace")

The constructor call, if it was valid, would either return a Logger, which is not what we want, or by some miracle trick, return a FileLogger - but one that wouldn't be properly initialized, so that log() would crash.

Super func (and beyond)

However, there are times when one truly wants to relay a constructor in an inherited class, such as:

    Expression: abstract class {
        eval: abstract func -> Int

    BinaryOp: abstract class extends Expression {
        left, right: Expression

        init: func ~lr (=left, =right) {}

    Add: class extends BinaryOp {
        init: func ~lr (=left, =right) {}

Repeating the 'initlr' definition in Add violates the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle. Besides, if functionality is added to the base BinaryOp initlr, it wouldn't be replicated in Add init~lr.

For this precise case, the 'super func' construct exists:

    Add: class extends BinaryOp {
        init: super func ~lr

This behaves exactly as if we had written:

    Add: class extends BinaryOp {
        init: func ~lr (.left, .right) {
            super(left, right)