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OpenID Connect for organization members


This page documents how to set up Single Sign on (SSO) for organization members, to access and fill in forms. If you are looking to authenticate admins for the management interface, please go :ref:`here <configuration_authentication_oidc>`.

Open Forms supports login on forms by organization members through Single Sign On (SSO) via the OpenID Connect protocol (OIDC).

Members of the organization can login to forms for internal use by the organization using the same OpenID Connect configuration that is used for the management interface. In this flow:

  1. The organization member clicks Inloggen met OpenID Connect on the internal form.
  2. The member gets redirected to the login flow of the OpenID Connect provider where the member logs in.
  3. After completion of the OpenID Connect provider login the member is redirected back to the form in Open Forms.
  4. The member is now logged into Open Forms and can proceed to complete the form.
  5. Open Forms optionally stores the employee ID (from the OIDC claims) on the user record _and_ the form submission.

Configuring OIDC for login of organization members

The OpenID Connect configuration is shared with :ref:`the configuration of the management interface <configuration_authentication_oidc>` and follows the same steps with a few addtional notes:

  • The plugin callback URL needs to be registered at the OpenID Connect provider. Contact the organizations IAM and ask them add to the whitelist (replace with the domain of your Open Forms installation).

  • It is not recommended to use the Default groups configuration option when using OpenID Connect for organization members to authenticate on forms.

  • To store user information from OpenID and track an "Employee ID" it is required to configure the claim mapping. This is JSON object where the claims from the OIDC user-info gets mapped to attributes on the user in Open Forms. For more info and options on configuring the mapping see mozilla-django-oidc-db (Section 4.1, User profile) and the documentation of your OpenID Connect provider for the structure of the returned user-info.


        "email": "email",
        "last_name": "family_name",
        "first_name": "given_name",
        "employee_id": "name_of_claim_with_employee_id"

    Note we set the employee_id to track the member on both the submission and the created user.

  • We recommend configuring the roles on the OIDC provider side together with the Groups glob pattern to automatically assign the correct groups when an employee authenticates via OIDC. More information about permissions and groups is available in the :ref:`manual <manual_accounts>` (in Dutch).

After completing these steps a form can be created with the authentication backend Organization via OpenID Connect, see :ref:`manual_forms_basics`.