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Deploying EdgeLake

Transform your edge nodes into members of a permissioned decentralized network, optimized to manage and monitor data and resources at the edge.

Deploy EdgeLake instances on your nodes at the edge.

  • Enable services on each node.
  • Stream data from your PLCs, Sensors, and applications to the edge nodes.
  • Query the distributed data from a single point (as if the data is hosted in a centralized database).
  • Manage your edge resources from a single point (the network of nodes reflects a Single System Image).

Prepare Node

Option 1: Install OpenHorizon Service

  1. Install make
sudo apt-get -y install make
  1. Follow directions in OpenHorizon Installation to install docker and connect to OpenHorizon

  2. Clone service-edgelake

git clone
cd service-edgelake

Option 2: Manually install requirements (without OpenHorizon)

  1. Install make
sudo apt-get -y install make
  1. Install docker and set permissions for non-sudo user
sudo snap install docker
sudo groupadd docker 
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} 
newgrp docker 
  1. Install docker-compose
sudo apt-get -y install docker-compose
  1. Clone service-edgelake
git clone
cd service-edgelake

Deploy via Open-Horizon Patterns

  1. Update input section for userInput section for deployment policy pattern - Edit LEDGER_CONN in Query and Operator using IP address of Master node
    "serviceOrgid": "$HZN_ORG_ID",
    "serviceUrl": "$SERVICE_NAME",
    "serviceVersionRange": "[0.0.0,INFINITY)",
    "inputs": [
        {"name":"COMPANY_NAME","value":"New Company"},
        {"name":  "DB_TYPE", "value":  "sqlite"},
        {"name":  "DB_USER", "value":  ""},
        {"name":  "DB_PASSWD", "value":  ""},
        {"name":  "DB_IP", "value":  ""},
        {"name":  "DB_PORT", "value":  "5432"},
        {"name":  "AUTOCOMMIT", "value":  "false"},
  1. Publish Service
make publish-service EDGELAKE_TYPE=[node_type]
  1. Publish Policy for Service
make publish-service-policy EDGELAKE_TYPE=[node_type]
  1. Publish Deployment policy
make publish-deployment-policy EDGELAKE_TYPE=[node_type]
  1. Start EdgeLake service
make agent-run EDGELAKE_TYPE=[node_type]

Once Service and Service Policy are defined, then users just need to execute steps 4 and 5 for each unique node being deployed

Makefile Commands for OpenHorizon deployment

  • help
Usage: make [target] EDGELAKE_TYPE=[edgelake-type]
  all                                 Get help for both OpenHorizon and docker deployments
  build                               Pull the docker image
  publish-service                     Publish service to OpenHorizon
  remove-service                      Remove service from OpenHorizon
  publish-service-policy              Publish service policy to OpenHorizon
  remove-service-policy               Remove service policy from OpenHorizon
  publish-deployment-policy           Publish deployment policy to OpenHorizon
  remove-deployment-policy            Remove deployment policy from OpenHorizon
  agent-run                           Start service via OpenHorizon
  agent-stop                          Stop service via OpenHorizon
  deploy-check                        Check status of machine against OpenHorizon
  help-open-horizon                   Show this help message
  supported EdgeLake types: generic, master, operator, and query
  • Master Node
# Publish Service 
make publish-service EDGELAKE_TYPE=master

# Publish Service Policy 
make service-policy EDGELAKE_TYPE=master

# Publish Deployment Policy 
make publish-deployment-policy EDGELAKE_TYPE=master

# Start container (deploy agent) 
make agent-run EDGELAKE_TYPE=master

# Unregister Node / takedown container 
make agent-stop EDGELAKE_TYPE=master
  • Query Node
# Publish Deployment Policy 
make publish-deployment-policy EDGELAKE_TYPE=query

# Start container (deploy agent) 
make agent-run EDGELAKE_TYPE=query

# Unregister Node / takedown container 
make agent-stop EDGELAKE_TYPE=query
  • Operator Node
# Publish Deployment Policy 
make publish-deployment-policy EDGELAKE_TYPE=query

# Start container (deploy agent) 
make agent-run EDGELAKE_TYPE=query

# Unregister Node / takedown container 
make agent-stop EDGELAKE_TYPE=query
  • Validate Connectivity commands - configured with default port values
# validate node is accessible via REST
make test-node EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator 

# validate node is able to communicate and has a valid blockchain file 
make test-node EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator 

# validate node is able to communicate with other nodes witin its network
make test-network EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator 

Note: Once a Service and Service-Policy have been published, there is no need to republish them

Deploy via make and docker-compose

  1. Update .env configurations for the node(s) being deployed - Edit LEDGER_CONN in Query and Operator using IP address of Master node
#--- General ---
# Information regarding which AnyLog node configurations to enable. By default, even if everything is disabled, AnyLog starts TCP and REST connection protocols
# Name of the AnyLog instance
# Owner of the AnyLog instance

#--- Networking ---
# Port address used by AnyLog's TCP protocol to communicate with other nodes in the network
# Port address used by AnyLog's REST protocol
# A bool value that determines if to bind to a specific IP and Port (a false value binds to all IPs)
# A bool value that determines if to bind to a specific IP and Port (a false value binds to all IPs)

#--- Database ---
# Physical database type (sqlite or psql)
# Username for SQL database connection
# Password correlated to database user
# Database IP address
# Database port number
# Whether to set autocommit data

#--- Blockchain ---
# TCP connection information for Master Node

#--- Advanced Settings ---
# Whether to automatically run a local (or personalized) script at the end of the process
  1. Start Node using makefile

Makefile Commands for docker deployment

  • help
Usage: make [target] EDGELAKE_TYPE=[anylog-type]
  all           Get help for both docker and OpenHorizon deployments
  build         Pull the docker image
  up            Start the containers
  attach        Attach to EdgeLake instance
  test          Using cURL validate node is running
  exec          Attach to shell interface for container
  down          Stop and remove the containers
  logs          View logs of the containers
  clean         Clean up volumes and network
  help-docker   Show this help message
  supported EdgeLake types: master, operator and query
Sample calls: make up EDGELAKE_TYPE=[node_type] | make attach EDGELAKE_TYPE=[node_type] | make clean EDGELAKE_TYPE=[node_type]
  • Master Node
# deploy container 
make up EDGELAKE_TYPE=master 

# attach to container (ctrl-d to detach) 
make up attach EDGELAKE_TYPE=master 

# bring down container 
make down EDGELAKE_TYPE=master

# Clean container from system
make clean EDGELAKE_TYPE=master
  • Query Node
# deploy container 
make up EDGELAKE_TYPE=query 

# attach to container (ctrl-d to detach)   
make up attach EDGELAKE_TYPE=query 

# bring down container
make down EDGELAKE_TYPE=query

# clean container from system
make clean EDGELAKE_TYPE=query
  • Operator Node
# deploy container 
make up EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator 

# attach to container (ctrl-d to detach)   
make up attach EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator 

# bring down container
make down EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator

# Clean container from system
make clean EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator
  • Validate Connectivity commands - configured with default port values
# validate node is accessible via REST
make test-node EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator 

# validate node is able to communicate and has a valid blockchain file 
make test-node EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator 

# validate node is able to communicate with other nodes witin its network
make test-network EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator