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We invited 16 distinct subjects for our data collection. Here is metadata about subjects.

Subject Sex Age Dominant Hand Experience Note
U0101 F - Right -
U0102 F - Right -
U0103 F 50s Right 6 Month
U0104 F 50s Right 1 Month
U0105 F 30s Right 4 Year
U0106 F 40s Right 1 Month
U0107 F 40s Right 3 Years
U0108 F 30s Right 3 Years
U0109 M 30s Left 6 Month
U0110 F 40s Right 10 Month
U0111 F 50s Right 2 Years
U0201 M 20s Right None
U0202 F 30s Right 4 Years Same person as U0105
U0203 F 30s Right 3 Years Same person as U0108
U0204 F 40s Right 1 Year Same person as U0110
U0205 F 40s Right 3 Years Same person as U0107
U0206 M 20s Right None
U0207 F 40s Right 20 Month
U0208 M 20s Right None
U0209 M 20s Right None
U0210 F 50s Right 3 Month Same person as U0103

Subjects with IDs starting with U01 have data for only Scenario 1, while subjects with IDs starting with U02 have data for Scenarios 2-4. Data for Secenario 2-4 was collected more than 2 month after the data collection for Scenario 1. Five subjects participated in both data collections, but were assigned different IDs because there was a long time interval to forgot or improve their skills. Therefore, there are 21 subjects but the number of distinct subject is 16. See table above for the information on the overlapping subjects.