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File metadata and controls

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ECS Task Observer

Stability beta
Distributions contrib
Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @rmfitzpatrick

The ecs_task_observer is a Receiver Creator-compatible "watch observer" that will detect and report container endpoints for the running ECS task of which your Collector instance is a member. It is designed for and only supports "sidecar" deployments to detect co-located containers. For cluster wide use cases you should use the ECS Observer with a corresponding Prometheus receiver.

The Observer works by querying the available task metadata endpoint and making all detected running containers available as endpoints for Receiver Creator usage. Because container metadata don't include any port mapping information, you must include service-specific port dockerLabels in your task definition container entries. A docker label of ECS_TASK_OBSERVER_PORT with a valid port value will be attempted to be parsed for each reported container by default.

An instance of the Collector must be running in the ECS task from which you want to detect containers.

🚧 This extension is in alpha and configuration fields are subject to change.

Example Config

    # the task metadata endpoint. If not set, detected by first of ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 and ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI
    # environment variables by default.
    endpoint: http://my.task.metadata.endpoint
    # the dockerLabels to use to try to extract target application ports. If not set "ECS_TASK_OBSERVER_PORT" will be used by default.
    refresh_interval: 10s

        rule: type == "container" && name matches "redis"
          password: `container.labels["SECRET"]`
    watch_observers: [ecs_task_observer]

The above config defines a custom task metadata endpoint and provides two port labels that will be used to set the resulting container endpoint's port. A corresponding redis container definition could look like the following:

  "containerDefinitions": [
      "portMappings": [
          "containerPort": 6379,
          "hostPort": 6379
      "image": "redis",
      "dockerLabels": {
        "SECRET": "my-redis-auth"
      "name": "redis"


As a rest client-utilizing extension, most of the ECS Task Observer's configuration is inherited from the Collector core HTTP Client Configuration Settings.

All fields are optional.

Name Type Default Docs
endpoint string The task metadata endpoint, detected from first of ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 and ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI environment variables by default
tls configtls-TLSClientSetting TLSSetting struct exposes TLS client configuration.
read_buffer_size int ReadBufferSize for HTTP client. See http.Transport.ReadBufferSize.
write_buffer_size int WriteBufferSize for HTTP client. See http.Transport.WriteBufferSize.
timeout time-Duration Timeout parameter configures http.Client.Timeout.
headers map[string]string Additional headers attached to each HTTP request sent by the client. Existing header values are overwritten if collision happens.
customroundtripper func(http.RoundTripper) (http.RoundTripper, error) Custom Round Tripper to allow for individual components to intercept HTTP requests
auth Authentication Auth configuration for outgoing HTTP calls.
refresh_interval time-Duration 30s RefreshInterval determines the frequency at which the observer needs to poll for collecting new information about task containers.
port_labels []string [ECS_TASK_OBSERVER_PORT] PortLabels is a list of container Docker labels from which to obtain the observed Endpoint port. The first label with valid port found will be used. If no PortLabels provided, default of ECS_TASK_OBSERVER_PORT will be used.


Name Type Default Docs
ca_file string Path to the CA cert. For a client this verifies the server certificate. For a server this verifies client certificates. If empty uses system root CA. (optional)
cert_file string Path to the TLS cert to use for TLS required connections. (optional)
key_file string Path to the TLS key to use for TLS required connections. (optional)
min_version string MinVersion sets the minimum TLS version that is acceptable. If not set, TLS 1.0 is used. (optional)
max_version string MaxVersion sets the maximum TLS version that is acceptable. If not set, TLS 1.3 is used. (optional)
insecure bool In gRPC when set to true, this is used to disable the client transport security. See In HTTP, this disables verifying the server's certificate chain and host name (InsecureSkipVerify in the tls Config). Please refer to for more information. (optional, default false)
insecure_skip_verify bool InsecureSkipVerify will enable TLS but not verify the certificate.
server_name_override string ServerName requested by client for virtual hosting. This sets the ServerName in the TLSConfig. Please refer to for more information. (optional)


An optionally signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with a unit suffix, such as 300ms, -1.5h, or 2h45m. Valid time units are ns, us, ms, s, m, h.