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Open Notificaties configuration

Before you can work with Open Notificaties after installation, a few settings need to be configured first.

Configure Notificaties API

Open Notificaties uses the Autorisaties API to check if the sender is authorized to send notifications. Open Zaak offers an Autorisaties API and below we assume you use this one.

  1. Configure the Open Zaak Autorisaties API endpoint (so Open Notificaties knows where to check for the proper autorisations):
    1. Navigate to Configuratie > Autorisatiecomponentconfiguratie
    2. Fill out the form:
      • API root: The URL to the Notificaties API. For example: https://open-zaak.gemeente.local/autorisaties/api/v1/.
      • Component: Notificatierouteringcomponent
    3. Click Opslaan.

Adding new component to send notifications

For a complete example of setting up Open Zaak to send notifications to Open Notificaties, see the documentation of Open Zaak.

Below are the general steps to allow an application to send notifications and using Open Zaak as the example.

  1. Configure the credentials for the Open Zaak Autorisaties API (so Open Notificaties can access the Autorisaties API):
    1. Navigate to API Autorisaties > Externe API credentials
    2. Click Externe API credential toevoegen.
    3. Fill out the form:

      • API root: The URL of the Open Zaak Autorisaties API endpoint
      • Label: For example: Open Zaak Autorisaties
      • Client ID: For example: open-notificaties
      • Secret: Some random string
      • User ID: Same as the Client ID
      • User representation: For example: Open Notificaties

      Make sure Open Notificaties is authorized in Open Zaak to access the Autorisaties API by using the same Client ID and Secret as given here.

    4. Click Opslaan.
  2. Finally, we need to allow Open Zaak to access Open Notificaties (for authentication purposes, so we can then check its authorizations):
    1. Navigate to API Autorisaties > Client credentials
    2. Click Client credential toevoegen.
    3. Fill out the form:

      • Client ID: The same Client ID as given in Open Zaak step 2c
      • Secret: The same Secret as given in Open Zaak step 2c

      Make sure Open Zaak is configured to use this Client ID and secret to access Open Notificaties.

    4. Click Opslaan.

All done!