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271 lines (179 loc) · 8.54 KB


File metadata and controls

271 lines (179 loc) · 8.54 KB


The roadmap for Open Zaak includes high-level overview of future and in-progress development efforts. These can be feature-oriented, or aimed at cleaning up technical debt in the project and/or enhancing the meta-stuff around the actual development.


Bugs are considered defects. Bugs must be classified by severity:

  • data loss risk
  • security vulnerability
  • annoying but workaround available

The first two are high-prio and should be fixed as soon as possible, the third item is low prio.


Feature implementation is the connection between the core group and the technical team. The core group may request features or consider the requested (big) features from the Github issues.

Upgrading to latest API standards

  • Upgrade to Zaken API 1.3 (and 1.4 after July 2022)
  • Upgrade to Documenten API 1.1


  • consumers can use the latest and greatest features
  • sizing: large

Improve domain-related robustness

(API) URLs/domains are not as stable as initially expected - especially when experimenting domains where the APIs are hosted tend to change (too) frequently.

Additionally, when using NLX, the consumer URLs are managed on the consumer side and Open Zaak has no awareness of these URLs - implementing stable Open Zaak domain information without needing to rely on configuration/context is desired.


  • Improve infrastructure flexibility / decoupling with infrastructure
  • Improve portability
  • Remove need for programmed data-migrations by providing controls to modify service configuration in the admin
  • sizing: large

Notification robustness

Better tracking of notifications that are sent and received/missed + controls to guarantee at-least-once delivery.


  • Better data integrity guarantees
  • Improve observability of complete solution
  • sizing: large

Post-installation configuration

After installation, some configuration must now be done in the admin interface. However, a user-friendly initial-setup wizard could be provided that simplifies this and collects the fragmented aspects in an intuitive user interface.


  • would drastically simplify post-installation initial configuration
  • affects new installations by service providers installing Open Zaak
  • sizing: medium

i-Navigator (and others) support

There are existing applications/tools containing catalogus data. Supporting these data formats is beneficial to adoption of Open Zaak since the users don't have to type over all the data. However, it's not necessary an Open Zaak thing because it should make use of the API standard.


  • improves adoption
  • affects people maintaining/migrating zaaktype-catalogi to Open Zaak
  • not sure if this is our scope
  • sizing: large

Better Catalogus management interface

Currently the content is managed through the Django admin interface with some customization, which is limited in how far you can beat it into submission.

There should be a separately developed project to interface, based on the API standard which provides a more native (=well integrated with the tree structure) interface to manage catalogi, zaaktypen, informatieobjecttypen, besluittypen and any related data.


  • affects people maintaining catalogi (managing zaaktypes etc.)
  • would probably be it's own, independent project that could be installed along Open Zaak, leaning on OZ's user management
  • sizing: large

Improve archiving parameters integration

Choices you make with an effect on archiving parameters are now validated server side, which is an annoying feedback cycle for administrators. The interface can include the logic to automatically show/hide/filter the available dependent options.


  • affects people maintaining catalogi (managing zaaktypes etc.)
  • once done, reduces frustration and decreases amount of mistakes
  • sizing: small/medium

Implement password reset functionality

This is currently not available, which requires admin-user intervention if a user forgets their password.


  • relieves administrators of Open Zaak to reset passwords
  • prevents administrators knowing Open Zaak users' passwords
  • sizing: small

Provide on NLX

Related to #644 - ensure that firewalls can stay closed by giving the option to use NLX.


  • increases inter-operability
  • affects system/networks administrators
  • sizing: small


User manual: add selectielijst configuration

The user-interface for the configuration of selectielijsten must be included in the manual for day-to-day administrators managing the content of catalogi.


  • affects Open Zaak administrators / people maintaining catalogi
  • sizing: small

Technical debt / clean-up / codebase quality

Check if we can change the API timezone to UTC and interface TZ to Europe/Amsterdam

This would display the correct local times for users browsing in the admin interface, while keeping API times in UTC for simplicity.


  • affects people maintaining catalogi in the admin
  • affects people investigating data in the admin (zaken, documenten...)
  • sizing: small

Setup integration

This is a (free) service to monitor dependencies that are either out-of-date or have security vulnerabilities. Github handles the security vulnerabilities well, but you want to quickly see if you can update other deps without breaking changes, so you don't lag behind making the upgrade harder.


  • affects Open Zaak development
  • improves Open Zaak security
  • sizing: small

Refactor ``FooConfig`` to use ``zgw_consumers.Service``

In various places, we configure API root URLs for which service to use ( notifications API, authorizations API...). Additionally, we also must configure auth/NLX through the services for these endpoints. It would make more sense to centralize the service config and point to a particular service instead of storing the API root again.


  • affects new installation configuration
  • affects complexity of codebase (makes it less complex/confusing)
  • sizing: small

Structurally check security updates

Django publishes patch releases at the beginning of each month. Open Zaak should include those as soon as possible for security and stability reasons. We can also check at the same time if other dependencies can/should be updated to new patch releases.


  • good security record
  • sizing: small

Developer tooling/experience

Tick of FFPC items

The checklist from the Foundation For Public Code includes a number of project-setup improvements that could/should help get potential contributors started.


  • ability to say you're FFPC compliant :-)
  • sizing: small

Document dev/virtualenv setup

There are some best-practices w/r to storing KUBECONFIG in project-specific locations and/or installing the Ansible dependencies inside of the virtualenv instead of the global system directories. This should be documented with an example setup.


  • less confusion for (potential) service providers by having a reference
  • sizing: small

Automate the Ansible collection publishing to Ansible galaxy

Currently, publishing is a manual action by uploading the artifact through the browser.

This can be automated after a succesful CI build on Travis instead, which would also make it easier for committers other than Joeri/Sergei to publish changes.


  • removes manual step from contributors
  • removes need to manage auth/permissions on Ansible Galaxy
  • sizing: small

Docker Hub paid plan

Open Zaak & related Docker images are published on Docker Hub, which is a free and public image registry. Recently Docker Hub announced changes to the image retention policy for free plans, which will have an impact for organizations running on older versions that are not frequently pulled/updated.

To guarantee availability, alternative solutions should be researched or consider signing up the Open Zaak organization to a paid plan.


  • research with likely financial implications
  • not doing it might break deployed (older) Open Zaak versions, in particular patch releases
  • sizing: medium

Add automated OAS-comparison to the standard

We should have a (cron) job on the CI to check that the (semantics of the) API specs are still the same as the upstream standard API specs.

Order/encoding does not matter, so we should compare the resolved python dicts/objects.


  • automation of staying compliant with the upstream standard
  • sizing: medium