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A JSON validator for checking ARLEM (IEEE-SA p1589-2020) compliance

Erik Isaksson (UCD, KTH), Fridolin Wild (OU), Abbas Jafari (OU)

This project implements a set of test routines and a web user interface for evaluating whether submitted activity and workplace models are in compliance with P1589-2020, the IEEE standard for Augented Reality Learning Experience Models. The test routines consist of JSON syntax validation, validation using JSON schemas for activity and workplace models, and cross-reference checks. The web user interface also offers editing functionality for both activity and workplace models, including live validation and form-based editing according to the schemas.

The web app is also hosted on GitHub pages and can be tested here.

The app is also directly integrated into the Moodle ARLEM repository plugin, there providing editing facilities for stored ARLEM content archives.


Run npm install followed by npm run compile to build arlem.js (as well as extra assets that will be needed alongside the main arlem.js asset, e.g., arlem.1.js). A webpack dev server with hot module replacement enabled can be run using npm run serve -- --port 8081, which is then accessible at http://localhost:8081/app.html (run npm run serve -- --help for options). Run npm run clean to delete built files.