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Library Utilities


A number of library utilities are included. These may be used by NDS itself, FAS and Preauth. These may in the future, be enhanced, have additional functionality added.

By default, library utilities will be installed in the folder


List of Library Utilities

This utility allows the interface a client is using to be determined from the client mac address.

It can be used in PreAuth and local FAS scripts.

Its output is also sent to FAS in the encrypted query string as the variable "clientif"

Usage: [clientmac]

Returns: [local_interface] [meshnode_mac] [local_mesh_interface]


[local_interface] is the local interface the client is using.

[meshnode_mac] is the mac address of the 802.11s meshnode the client is using (null if mesh not present).

[local_mesh_interface] is the local 802.11s interface the client is using (null if mesh not present).

This utility allows an input string to be unescaped. It currently only supports url-decoding.

It can be used by NDS as the unescape callback for libmicrohttpd.

To enable, set the unescape_callback_enabled option to "1"

To disable, set the unescape_callback_enabled option to "0"

The default is disabled (use internal MHD unescape)

eg In the OpenWrt configuration file

option unescape_callback_enabled '0'

Usage: [-option] [escapedstring]

Returns: [unescapedstring]


[-option] is unescape type, currently -url only

This utility controls many of the functions required for PreAuth/ThemeSpec scripts.

Usage: libopennds arg1 arg2 ... argN


arg1: "clean", removes custom files, images and client data

returns: tmpfsmountpoint (the mountpoint of the tmpfs volatile storage of the router.


arg1: "tmpfs", finds the tmpfs mountpoint

returns: tmpfsmountpoint (the mountpoint of the tmpfs volatile storage of the router.


arg1: "mhdcheck", checks if MHD is running (used by MHD watchdog)

returns: "1" if MHD is running, "2" if MHD is not running


arg1: "gatewaymac", finds the mac address of an interface.

arg2: ifname

returns: mac address of the interface


arg1: "gatewayroute", checks for a valid gateway route for an interface.

returns: the ip gateway address and the ip gateway interface, or "offline" if the router is offline


arg1: "clientaddress", find and return both ip and mac of a client

arg2: contains either client mac or client ip

returns: client ip and mac


arg1: "rmcid", Remove an existing cidfile (client identifcation file)

arg2: contains the cid (client id)

arg3: contains mountpoint of the ndscids database

returns: "done"


arg1: "write", Write client info element to cidfile (client identifcation file)

arg2: contains the cid (client id)

arg3: contains mountpoint of the ndscids database

arg4: contains info element

returns: "done"


arg1: "parse", Parse for sub elements and write to cidfile (client identification file)

arg2: contains the cid (client id)

arg3: contains mountpoint of the ndscids database

arg4: contains info elements to parse

returns: "done"


arg1: "download", Download files required for themespec

arg2: contains the themespec path

arg3: contains the image list

arg4: contains the file list

arg5: contains the refresh flag, set to 0 to download if file missing, 1 to refresh downloads, 3 to skip downloads

arg6: contains the webroot

returns: "done"


arg1: "get_option_from_config", Get the config option value

arg2: contains the option to get

returns: the requested config option, or an empty string if not configured


arg1: "debuglevel", Sets the debuglevel for externals

arg2: contains the debuglevel

returns: the debuglevel


arg1: "get_debuglevel", Gets the debuglevel set for externals

returns: the debuglevel


arg1: "syslog", Write a debug message to syslog

arg2: contains the string to to write to syslog if enabled by debuglevel

arg3: "debugtype" contains debug type: debug, info, warn, notice, err, emerg.

returns: "done"


arg1: "startdaemon", Start a daemon process

arg2: contains the b64 encoded daemon startup command

returns: pid of the daemon and exit code 0 if successful. If unsuccessful or terminated immediately returns "0" or a status information string with code 1


arg1: "stopdaemon", Stop a daemon process

arg2: contains the pid of the daemon to stop

returns: "done" if sucessful or "nack" with exit code 1 if unsuccessful


arg1: "get_interface_by_ip", get the interface name that is the gateway for an IP address

arg2: contains the ip to check

returns: Interface name with exit code 0, or exit code 1 if failed to get interface name


arg1: "write_log", write a string to the openNDS log

arg2: contains the string to log

returns: "done"


arg1: "dhcpcheck", Checks if an ip address was allocated by dhcp

arg2: contains the ip to check

returns: The mac address that was allocated to the ip address or null and exit code 1 if not allocated


arg1: "deauth", deauthenticates a client by ip or mac address

arg2: contains the ip or mac address

Can NOT be called from a binauth script

returns: the status of the deauth request


arg1: "daemon_deauth", initiates a daemon process to deauth a client by ip or mac address

arg2: contains the ip or mac address

Can be called from a binauth script

returns the pid of the daemon_deauth process

The actual client deauth will be reported in the syslog if successful


arg1: "urlencode", urlencode a string

arg2: contains the string to be encoded

returns the encoded string


arg1: "urldecode", urldecode a string

arg2: contains the string to be decoded

returns the decoded string


Note: This library function is used by the default script. The default remote FAS script fas-aes-https.php writes the received deauthentication data to a deauth log.

arg1: send_to_fas_deauthed, Sends deauthed notification to an https fas

arg2: contains the deauthentication log.

The deauthentication log is of the format:

method=[method], clientmac=[clientmac], bytes_incoming=[bytes_incoming], bytes_outgoing=[bytes_outgoing], session_start=[session_start], session_end=$6, token=[token], custom=[custom data as sent to binauth]

Returns exit code 0 if sent, 1 if failed


arg1: send_to_fas_custom, Sends a custom string to an https fas

arg2: contains the string to send

The format of the custom string is not defined, so is fully customisable.

Returns exit code 0 if sent, 1 if failed


arg1: users_to_router, sets allow or passthrough mode for users_to_router rules.

arg2: the mode to set (ie allow, passthrough or cleanup)

Passthrough facilitates chaining to lower priority nftables tables/chains (eg FW4 in OpenWrt)

Returns exit code 0 if set, 1 if failed


arg1: pre_setup, creates/configures openNDS nftables base chains

Returns exit code 0 if successful, 1 if failed


arg1: delete_chains, deletes the openNDS nftables base chains

Returns exit code 0 always


arg1: "?fas=<b64string>", generates ThemeSpec html using b64encoded data sent from openNDS

arg2: urlencoded_useragent_string

arg3: mode (1, 2 or 3) (this is the mode specified in option login_option in the config file.

arg4: themespecpath (if mode = 3)

returns: html for the specified ThemeSpec.