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File metadata and controls

134 lines (111 loc) · 5.74 KB


Operation Method Name

Method Name Api Class Notes
inline_additional_properties FakeApi This api is only for tag=fake
post ApiForPost This api is only for this endpoint
post FakeInlineAdditionalProperties This api is only for path=/fake/inline-additionalProperties

Table of Contents

General Info

Field Value
Summary test inline additionalProperties
Path "/fake/inline-additionalProperties"
HTTP Method post


Name Type Description Notes
body typing.Union[schema.SchemaDictInput, schema.SchemaDict] required
content_type str optional, default is 'application/json' Selects the schema and serialization of the request body. value must be one of ['application/json']
server_index typing.Optional[int] default is None Allows one to select a different server. If not None, must be one of [0, 1, 2]
stream bool default is False if True then the response.content will be streamed and loaded from a file like object. When downloading a file, set this to True to force the code to deserialize the content to a FileSchema file
timeout typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] default is None the timeout used by the rest client
skip_deserialization bool default is False when True, headers and body will be unset and an instance of api_response.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization will be returned



request body

Content Type To Schema

Content-Type Schema
"application/json" content.application_json.Schema

RequestBody content ApplicationJson Schema

type: schemas.Schema
validate method
Input Type Return Type Notes
SchemaDictInput, SchemaDict SchemaDict
RequestBody content ApplicationJson Schema SchemaDictInput
type: typing.Mapping[
Key Type Description Notes
any_string_name str any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type [optional]
RequestBody content ApplicationJson Schema SchemaDict
base class: schemas.immutabledict[str, str]

__new__ method
Keyword Argument Type Description Notes
kwargs str any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type [optional] typed value is accessed with the get_additional_property_ method
Method Input Type Return Type Notes
from_dict_ SchemaDictInput, SchemaDict SchemaDict a constructor
get_additional_property_ str str, schemas.Unset provides type safety for additional properties

Return Types

HTTP Status Code Class Description
n/a api_response.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization When skip_deserialization is True this response is returned
200 SuccessDescriptionOnly.ApiResponse Success


Set the available servers by defining your used servers in ApiConfiguration.server_info Then select your server by setting a server index in ApiConfiguration.server_index_info or by passing server_index in to the endpoint method.

server_index Class Description
0 Server0 petstore server
1 Server1 The local server
2 Server2 staging server with no variables

Code Sample

import petstore_api
from petstore_api.configurations import api_configuration
from petstore_api.apis.tags import fake_api
from pprint import pprint
used_configuration = api_configuration.ApiConfiguration(
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with petstore_api.ApiClient(used_configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = fake_api.FakeApi(api_client)

    # example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
    body = {
        "key": "key_example",
        # test inline additionalProperties
        api_response = api_instance.inline_additional_properties(
    except petstore_api.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling FakeApi->inline_additional_properties: %s\n" % e)

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