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Openblocks docker image

Included Dockerfile can be used to build an all-in-one image with all required services installed and running within one container, or separate images for frontend and backend services.

For examples on running the all-in-one image or the multi image deployment see deploy/docker/docker-compose.yaml and deploy/docker/docker-compose-multi.yaml

all-in-one image

This image contains all services needed to run Openblocks platform in one container.

Building the image

This is the default target and can be built by running following command from project root:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f deploy/docker/Dockerfile -t openblocksdev/openblocks-ce .


Image can be configured by setting environment variables.

Environment variable Description Value
REDIS_ENABLED If true redis server is started in the container true
MONGODB_ENABLED If true mongo database is started in the container true
API_SERVICE_ENABLED If true openblocks api-service is started in the container true
NODE_SERVICE_ENABLED If true openblocks node-service is started in the container true
FRONTEND_ENABLED If true openblocks web frontend is started in the container true
PUID ID of user running services. It will own all created logs and data. 9001
PGID ID of group of the user running services. 9001
MONGODB_URI Mongo database connection string mongodb://localhost:27017/openblocks?authSource=admin
REDIS_URL Redis server URL redis://localhost:6379
JS_EXECUTOR_URI Node service URL http://localhost:6060
ENABLE_USER_SIGN_UP Enable registration of new users true
ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD Encryption password
ENCRYPTION_SALT Salt used for encrypting password
OPENBLOCKS_API_SERVICE_URL Openblocks API service URL http://localhost:8080
OPENBLOCKS_NODE_SERVICE_URL Openblocks Node service (js executor) URL http://localhost:6060

Building api-service image

Standalone Openblocks api-service image.

Building the image

From project root run:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f deploy/docker/Dockerfile -t openblocksdev/openblocks-ce-api-service --target openblocks-ce-api-service .


Image can be configured by setting environment variables.

Environment variable Description Value
PUID ID of user running services. It will own all created logs and data. 9001
PGID ID of group of the user running services. 9001
MONGODB_URI Mongo database connection string mongodb://localhost:27017/openblocks?authSource=admin
REDIS_URL Redis server URL redis://localhost:6379
JS_EXECUTOR_URI Node service URL http://localhost:6060
ENABLE_USER_SIGN_UP Enable registration of new users true
ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD Encryption password
ENCRYPTION_SALT Salt used for encrypting password

Building node-service image

Standalone Openblocks node-service (JS executor) image.

Building the image

From project root run:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f deploy/docker/Dockerfile -t openblocksdev/openblocks-ce-node-service --target openblocks-ce-node-service .


Image can be configured by setting environment variables.

Environment variable Description Value
PUID ID of user running services. It will own all created logs and data. 9001
PGID ID of group of the user running services. 9001
OPENBLOCKS_API_SERVICE_URL Openblocks API service URL http://localhost:8080

Building web frontend image

Standalone Openblocks web frontend image.

Building the image

From project root run:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f deploy/docker/Dockerfile -t openblocksdev/openblocks-ce-frontend --target openblocks-ce-frontend .


Image can be configured by setting environment variables.

Environment variable Description Value
PUID ID of user running services. It will own all created logs and data. 9001
PGID ID of group of the user running services. 9001
OPENBLOCKS_API_SERVICE_URL Openblocks API service URL http://localhost:8080
OPENBLOCKS_NODE_SERVICE_URL Openblocks Node service (js executor) URL http://localhost:6060